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Monday, June 17, 2002
Kids chat

Play games and learn science

WHAT do you think -Is Monday better than Sunday? Our chat hosts, Windy, Cliparti and Fluppy feel that Monday is the best day of the week, as on this day we get together at the kids chat point in the Login Tribune and start off the week with lots of cool information with knowledge and fun. Let's check out with our hosts, what they have with us for this week.

Fluppy: Hi Friends! You must be having great time as schools are closed for summer vacations and there is a lot of activity going on. But do you remember, you are supposed to do some homework also, which was being given for the summer vacations.

Windy: It's a pleasant surprise that among all, Fluppy is talking about studies. I am really impressed.

Cliparti: No Windy, We can't take Fluppy lightly as his result has shown that he is also a serious guy. Go ahead, Fluppy, you are moving on the right track. In fact, I had almost forgotten about the homework. Thanks for reminding me.


Fluppy: Same with me, Cliparti! This time my class teacher, who is supposed to be strict, made me remember all.

Windy: O! Oh! This is what I was wondering. So this seriousness is practically due to the fear of being spanked from the strict class teacher, which Fluppy has been used to in school. Gosh! I thought Fluppy has changed.

Cliparti: Oh no! Not again Windy, Let's not have the fight right since the beginning. Let's share the information with our friends.

Fluppy: Well! My information may not help Windy as it may not have the answers to the questions given in the homework, but it would definitely help us in understanding the subjects like science better and strengthen the fundamentals. My find for this week is www.sciencemadesimple.com/science.html. This is a cool site and can give answers to some common science questions like - Why do leaves change colour in the fall? Why is the sky blue? What is static electricity? How do animals spend the winter? etc.

Cliparti: That's interesting Fluppy! What else is there on this site?

Fluppy: There are lots and lots of curious questions like this and also there are projects based on these questions. For example I mentioned the question - Why do leaves change colour in the fall? You can do a project based on this question by separating the colours in a leaf using chromatography. This the most practical way of understanding science. Similarly, for the question, why is the sky blue, you can do a project, where you can split light into a spectrum.

Windy: That's really great, Fluppy. I have known a site, which is related to science and would interest our friends. You can reach this site through www.surfnetkids.com/experi.htm. This is a comprehensive site with lots of information, experiments and games.

Fluppy: Games! This sounds interesting. Do you mean science games, Windy?

Windy: Of course, Fluppy! Playing games is the best way of learning science. For example you can play science games like Science 101 Crossword Puzzle and Scientifically Speaking Crossword on this site. Not just Fluppy, there is a treat of games at this site as you can find various categories like Word Games, Picture Games, Math Games, Arcade Games, Science Games, Trivia Games, History Games, Art Games, Print-n-Play Games etc.

There is lot more in the forms of links and some of the interesting links mentioned include Bizarre Stuff You Can Make in Your Kitchen, Do It Yourself, Edible/ Inedible Experiments, Elementary Science Resources, Experiments: Science & Nature for Kids, Helping Your Child Learn Science, Questacon Hands On, Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab, Santa Barbara Science: Experiments You Can do etc.

Cliparti: Hey hang on! That's too much for me to digest at this point of time. You guys have given us so much of information. I think me and my friends would now take at least one full week to enjoy all this. Why not log off here and log on to the Internet to explore these sites. Bye and see you next week.

— Ira Verma

Hey, kids! Let’s be friends. You can send your suggestions and queries to us at Kids Chat. Our e-mail address is login@tribuneindia.com. Cliparti Sweet, Fluppy Little, along with me, of course, are all here to answer them. — Windy
