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Monday, May 13, 2002
Kids chat

Aeromodelling as a hobby

WELCOME Kids! It's yet another Monday and we are back with our bags full of ideas and activities for you. These days the summer vacations are on and all of us are busy these days in something. Some of our friends are busy sleeping and resting, while others are enjoying themselves on an exotic holiday location. But some forward-looking friends are making the best of their time on computers. Computer world is vast and there are lots of opportunities for everyone. Lets explore the opportunities, our chat host Windy, Cliparti and Fluppy have found for you.

Windy: Hey Friends! So, having a gala time this summer.

Cliparti: Yeah I guess so! But for the rising mercury everyday. This makes us sit in our home for most of the day and has reduced our activities quite substantially.

Fluppy: Ha!Ha!Ha!

Cliparti: Why are you laughing so sarcastically, Fluppy?

Fluppy: No I am not laughing at you. I am just wondering that you probably forgot that the virtual world is too cool and while spending your time in the virtual world, where would you find time for spending in the real world?

Windy: Fluppy is right Cliparti, though for a change, as we can have a lot of activity in the real world.


Cool Guys! So that means you have worked out quite properly this week. I am sorry folks I was busy this week in the real world, so could not really concentrate on the virtual world or the Internet.

Fluppy: Where were you so busy Cliparti in such hot weather.

Cliparti: I joined a hobby courses and was busy in that. But now I am free.

Fluppy: Wow that’s a great idea. Wonder why it did not strike me?

Windy: Don't be so amazed Fluppy, our friends know everything.

Fluppy: What do you mean?

Cliparti: Hey come on lets move ahead and see what you guys have found this week.

Windy: The information I collected this week is similar to what you did last week. This is about learning some crafts idea on the Internet. You can log on to the Website www.pitara.com /activities/craft.asp for some really creative craft ideas for kids. Some of the listed crafts ideas on this site include making flowers, sand flower vase, weave the thread, Make a toy periscope, Make your own trophy, decorate bindis, earrings, instant bunny, pencil stand of bangles, plasticine candle stand, sock doll, tin can lantern, jumbo mask etc. The lists of crafts listed on this site are numerous and I found them all to be very interesting.

Cliparti: Wow Windy! That’s really great information. This site is really cool and I do not need to go out anywhere now. Even if I pick up one craft a day, I will have a galaxy of my created crafts by the time the schools would reopen.

Fluppy: Right said Cliparti, This is really a cool site and guess what, it has something great for Windy.

Windy: For me?

Fluppy: Yeah Windy! You pose yourself to be so smart and intelligent, but I never saw you getting any trophies for it. Now you can make one trophy and give it to yourself to acknowledge your intelligence.

Windy: Grrr…Good idea Fluppy. Thanks for your advice.

Fluppy: Anyways! I have also worked hard to find out good information for our friends. This information is very different. If you see an engineer in you, then you would find this site very interesting. This site is all about aeromodelling. You can log on to http://entertainment.vsnl.com/aeromodelling and learn all about the hobby of aeromodelling.

Cliparti: Oh well! That’s really great and indeed different. So for pursuing this hobby does one need some professional degrees?

Fluppy: No, you do not need any professional degree for this hobby and it is also very simple.

Windy: That’s really cool. So friends let's explore these cool sites and we are signing off for now to come again next week with lots of other interesting stuff.

— Ira Verma

Hey, kids! Let’s be friends. You can send your suggestions and queries to us at Kids Chat. Our e-mail address is login@tribuneindia.com. Cliparti Sweet, Fluppy Little, along with me, of course, are all here to answer them. — Windy
