Saturday, May 11, 2002
W O R D  P O W E R

Recline (re-klain): to lean or lie back in a flat or almost flat position

Synonym — lean, sprawl, rest

Antonym — rise, stand upright

He had to recline on the back seat of the car or else the police would have spotted him.

Prolific (pro-liffik): producing in plenty (plants, animals etc.)

Synonym — plentiful, profuse

Antonym — unfruitful, unproductive

The farmers have had a prolific harvest this year.

Fallible (fal-ib’l): capable of making mistakes

Synonym — erring, imperfect,

Antonym — faultless, infallible, unerring

All humans are fallible.


(ennig-mattik): difficult to understand, mysterious

Synonym — inscrutable, obscure, unfathomable

Antonym — straightforward, uncomplicated, clear

Mr Clare’s enigmatic character makes him a difficult boss to work with.

Calamitous (ka’lammituss): involving or causing great damage

Synonym — devastating, disastrous, ruinous

Antonym — advantageous, beneficial, fortunate

An eruption of a volcano can be extremely calamitous.

Befuddled (be-fudd’ld): confused, baffled

Synonym — puzzled, stupefied, disoriented

Antonym — enlightened, clear-headed

His befuddled state did not allow him to make a quick decision.


From the jumbled words discover terms for people with supernatural powers.

1. T S O E X R I C

2. E R C N O J U R

3. Y A N T C A L I R V O

4. D R W Z I A

5. R S R O C E R E

6 E S E R

Looking back

English sweat: A violent and a rapid epidemic called sweating sickness broke out in England in 1485. It consisted of an intense sensation of heat followed by profuse sweating and then intolerable thirst. It broke out again in intervals till 1551, both in England and the Continent, where it was called the "English sweat".


Simplicity of all things, is the hardest to be copied — Steele

Score card

Exorcist, Conjurer, Clairvoyant, Wizard, Sorcerer, Seer

— Illa Vij
