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Monday, April 15, 2002
Kids chat

Gearing up for summer vacations, already

HELLO friends and welcome back to our weekly meeting at the kids chat point. The summer vacation is approaching and there is fun all around these days. But summer vacations are not just about fun. Since you go out for a holiday only for a couple of days and for rest of the holidays you stay at your house only, so it makes sense to make your vacations more productive and useful. All you need to do is plan your summer vacations so that you can enjoy your holidays to the maximum. Lets see how our hosts Windy, Fluppy and Cliparti can help in planning your holiday.

Windy: Friends! I have planned my holidays differently and my list includes, trips, education and social service.

Cliparti: Social Service! Wow that's very impressive. What have you planned in social service Windy?

Windy: Well! I have planned along with my group of friends that we will plant trees in our colony and will adopt our planted trees till they grow up. This will not only be a great fun but it is for the cause of society.

Cliparti: That's really great and a very noble thought.

Windy: Since this is not a very demanding task, and would take only a little time in a day. So I have several others plans also this summers.


Fluppy: Like what?

Windy: I have also taken the membership of the city library and am planning to devote some hours there regularly. Since, now the times are competitive so I think this is the best time to gear up your self for something beyond your course books. Friends, books are our best friends and a library is a treasure of information. So, I think it is good to spend some time for your own development during the summer vacations.

Fluppy: Wow! That's also a wonderful idea for planning the summer vacations. But I think it may not be very practical for the guys who do not have a library nearby their house, as going to far off places is a tough job in summers.

Cliparti: Hey Fluppy! Do not lose heart. You can have the library right at your doorsteps and you would not need to go any where.

Fluppy: How come Cliparti?

Cliparti: You can get on to the Internet and log on to the Website www.npac.syr.edu/textbook/kidsweb/indexold.html. This is a digital library for kids and has a lot of interesting matter.

Fluppy: Wow that's great, as it will help our many friends who do not have a library around their house to spend their time creatively.

Windy: There are many more sites for library on the Internet. One such interesting library site on the Internet is www.multcolib.org/kids. This is an interesting site and on this site you can find books, magazines, fun like games, jokes, crafts, story time, museums, sports, homework centre etc. You can also browse through the library through the catalogue and can find books and magazines of your interest.

Cliparti: This is indeed a good library site. Well! For the holidays, other good idea could be crafts and I know a site where you can find good crafts idea for your summer vacations. This Website is www.makingfriends.com. Well! On this site you can make a project with your other friends online or you can also choose a theme and can make the projects. Some of the listed crafts on this site are sports crafts, patriotic fun glasses, pompom projects, yarn crafts, earth day crafts, scout crafts, crafts to make from empty jars, new life for old paper, crafts from used containers, new life for old stuff, new uses for old computer stuff, use your Valentine's day gifts again etc. Hey I guess Fluppy is also eager to tell us something about his plans.

Fluppy: Well! I have got some great ideas today I will work out my plans and will discuss with you next week. Bye till then and see you next week with lot more fun.

— Ira Verma

Hey, kids! Let’s be friends. You can send your suggestions and queries to us at Kids Chat. Our e-mail address is login@tribuneindia.com. Cliparti Sweet, Fluppy Little, along with me, of course, are all here to answer them. — Windy
