Saturday, April 13, 2002 |
Across 1 Narrow valley 3. Pit for the reception of water 5. Native mineral 6. Past 8. What comes in the post 10. British Peer responsible for taking away important artefacts from India during the colonial period 12. Tree with serrated leaves 13. Resting place 14. Muslim sufi saint 17. Indian people’s theatre association (abbrev.) 18. Place where one eats 19. Holiday paradise on India’s west coast 20. Prefix signifying ‘within’ 21. Spirits that tempted
the Buddha |
Down 1. Colourless substance, liquid used in drugs/ explosive 2. Feast of Joy in Christmas carols 3. Half 4. Pacific Ocean islands east of Australia 7. Send, transmit 9. Plant with aromatic seed 11. Area famous for its lions 15. Term of contempt for Spaniard 16. Muslim religious functionary Solved