Saturday, March 23, 2002
W O R D  P O W E R

Gallant (gal’ ant):
brave noble

Synonyms — fearless courageous, daring.

Antonyms — Cowardly, fearful, ignoble.

— The gallant soldiers did not give up till their last breath.

Scintillating (Sin-til’ ating): brilliant, lively and interesting.

Synonyms — Stimulating, animated.

Antonyms — dull, boring.

— The scintillating music enlivened the party.

Provoke (pro-vok): anger or irritate.

Synonyms — vex, agitate, incense.

Antonyms — gratify, calm, ease.

— His constant nagging provoked the workers.


Pseudo (sewdo, soodo):
false, make-believe.

Synonyms — pretended, mock, fraudulent.

Antonyms — genuine, real, authentic.

— The seminar was dominated by pseudo-intellectual discussions.

Tumult (tew-mult): uproar, a lot of noise due to confusion or excitement.

Synonyms — commotion, turmoil.

Antonyms — peace, stillness, serenity.

— The tumult in the neighbourhood kept us awake the whole night.

Galore (ga’lor): in great quantity.

Synonyms — in abundance, aplenty.

Antonyms — scanty.

— This season the farmers have had rainfall galore.


Match the gods and goddesses with their respective fields:


1. Fire a. Apollo

2. Music b. Cupid

3. Revelry and feasting c. Vulcan

4. Love d. Morpheus

5. Sleep and dreams e. Neptune

6. The sea f. Comus

Looking back

Griffin is a mythical with the head and wings of an eagle and the body and hind quarters of a lion. It was believed that the Griffins guarded the gold and treasure in the ground. The Griffin is frequently found in ancient Persian carvings.


Blessings ever wait on virtuous deeds, and though a late, a sure reward succeeds. — Congreve

Score card
1c, 2a, 3f, 4b, 5d, 6e.

— Illa Vij
