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Monday, March 4, 2002
Bits & Bytes

ROKSO: Acronym for Register of Known Spam Operations, a free-access public register of spam operations that have been thrown off of at least three ISPs for their spamming activities. ISPs do not throw off suspected spammers without warning and giving the outfits a chance to stop their activities.

U-NII: Short for Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure. Designated to provide short-range, high-speed wireless networking communication at low cost, U-NII consists of three frequency bands of 100 MHz each in the 5 GHz band: 5.15-5.25GHz (for indoor use only), 5.25-5.35 GHz and 5.725-5.825GHz. The three frequency bands were set aside by the FCC in 1997 initially to help schools connect to the Internet without the need for hard wiring.
