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Monday, February 4, 2002

Doesn't gravity affect clouds?

WE are onboard our exciting and interesting journey to the world of Internet, with lots of fun, education and entertainment. This week, we have tons of information in store and you may find these quite interesting.

Hey! have you ever wondered, why does a cloud float when there is gravity? Well! you could start pondering over this fact. But if you want to know why, then don't ask me. Simply log on to the www.nationalgeographic.com/world/amfacts. This is truly a wonderful site with amazing information in store. You can browse through this site, for getting an answer to not just this question, but several other amazing facts like, "Why snow stays on mountain tops," "Why do I feel hotter, when I wear dark clothes," "Why does the wind blow," "Why is the center of the earth hot." This is an excellent site, where you can get answers to many of your intellectual quibbling. That's not all about this site as there is a lot more to tell. On this site you can find some other sections like Far out facts, which include some interesting facts like Banana Vaccine, Reindeer Antifreeze, Sticky Stuff, Water Bear, Weird Plant etc. In the other section called Animal Trivia, you can find information like Bear facts, Frogs, Kangaroos, Porpoises and Dolphins, Zebras etc. It's a very good site with lots of interesting information.

Another interesting site on amazing facts is www.jbutler.com/kids_facts_page.asp. This site is equally interesting and you can find some nice kids stuff, which include amazing facts, tooth or false, links to Garfield site, games, tips and tricks etc. In the amazing facts section, you can find some cool information, which you might not have known before. In the games section, you can find some fun activities like plaque invaders, word search, coloring pages etc., whereas in the tips and tricks you can know some real cool information on proper dental care, which includes proper brushing, proper flossing, braces care etc. — IV
