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Monday, January 28, 2002
Bits & Bytes

Slotket: Also called slocket or a riser, a slotket is an adapter that accepts socket 370 CPUs into Slot 1 motherboards. Computer owners can upgrade their systems with the newest CPUs, such as current and future Celerons and Pentiums, without having to replace their Slot 1 motherboards for the new 370s.

Link farming: The process of exchanging reciprocal links with Websites in order to increase search engine optimisation. The idea behind link farming is to increase the number of sites that link to yours because search engines such as Google rank sites according to, among other things, the quality and quantity of sites that link to yours. In theory, the more sites that link to yours, the higher your ranking in the search engine results will be because the more links indicate a higher level of popularity among users of the Internet.

SSADM: Short for Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method, a set of standards developed in the early 1s80s for systems analysis and application design widely used for government computing projects in the United Kingdom. SSADM uses a combination of text and diagrams throughout the whole life cycle of a system design, from the initial design idea to the actual physical design of the application.
