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Monday, January 21, 2002
Bits & Bytes

SAN fabric: The hardware that connects workstations and servers to storage devices in a SAN is referred to as a "fabric." The SAN fabric enables any-server-to-any-storage device connectivity through the use of Fibre Channel switching technology.

Text messaging: Sending short text messages to a device such as a cellular phone, PDA or pager. Text messaging is used for messages that are no longer than a few hundred characters. The term is usually applied to messaging that takes place between two or more mobile devices.

HomeRF: Short for home radio frequency. Designed specifically for wireless networks in homes - in contrast to 802.11, which was created for use in businesses - HomeRF networks are designed to be more affordable to home users than other wireless technologies. Based on frequency hopping and using radio frequency waves for the transmission of voice and data, HomeRF has a range of up to 150 feet.
