Saturday, January 12, 2002
W O R D  P O W E R

(sanni-tise): Make hygienic by cleaning

Synonyms: disinfect, decontaminate

Antonyms: pollute, soil

— The room has to be sanitised before moving the patient in.

Revere (ri-veer): Feel great respect or admiration for someone or something

Synonyms: idolise, venerate

Antonyms: blaspheme, scoff, reject

— Little children tend to revere their teachers.

Reprehensible (reppri-hen-si-b’l): Deserving blame or criticism

Synonyms: culpable, blameworthy

Antonyms: admirable, praiseworthy

— The reprehensible criminal who has robbed so many banks must not go unpunished.


(pri-kair-i-us): Unsafe

Synonyms: unstable, unsteady, insecure

Antonyms: firm, safe, steady

— The ladder was propped at a precarious angle against the wall.

Extol (ik-stol, ek-stol): Praise somebody or something

Synonyms: acclaim, laud

Antonyms: belittle, condemn, discredit

— The professor was extolled by the head of the department.

Sever (si-veer): Breaking or cutting apart by force

Synonyms: cleave, split

Antonym: connect, fuse

— His leg was severed in the accident.


Match the words in column A with their antonyms in column B.

A                          B

1 Apprehend           a Melan- choly

2 Gaiety                 b Populated

3 Sparse                c Sterile

4 Convict               d Release

5 Prolific                e Pessimist

6 Optimist              f Acquit

Looking back

The apple of discord is a cause of strife, contention, or quarrel. Eris, the Goddess of Discord, had not been invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, the parents of Achilles. To avenge this insult, Eris threw among the guests a golden apple on which was written "For the most beautiful." Juno, Minerva and Venus quarrelled for this prize and this dispute finally led to the Trojan War.


Think all you speak, but speak not all you think. — thoughts are your own; your words are so no more. —Delany.

Score card

1d, 2a, 3b, 4f, 5c, 6e.

— Illa Vij
