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Monday, January 7, 2002
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Do not run into rough weather

Weather since the past 15 days has remained unpredictable. Showers out of nowhere, snow, fog interspersed with sunny days kept everyone guessing - the common man and the weather man alike. To know more about how winter chill would be in days to come, surf the following sites:


To find the weather information for any city or country you just need to enter the name of the place in the fast forecast text box. From the maps available you can select the region and from there you can select the country and city. Different types of maps for the city or country selected are also there categorised according to temperature, visibility, wind, humidity etc. The International section contains links to various countries and continents like Canada, southern Asia, Africa, Europe etc. The information section provides links to weather, newspaper, help. Games section contains links to various games like checkers, chess, crossword and more.



You can get the information about various weather resources, which includes weather basics, weather phenomenon, weather forecasting, frequently asked questions. The major cities section includes the list of various cities. On selecting a particular city, you can get the current day's forecast, which shows temperature, humidity, wind, sky condition, sunrise, sunset and 4 day forecast of that city. You can also select a state to locate city. Maps and satellite images are also provided. The time zone option helps to look up time in any city, for that you just need to enter city name.


The site provides the latest weather information on the Net. The main section includes various options like US weather, international weather, weather planners, weather services and education. To get the weather information of US city just click on map provided in the 'The current US Weather map' section. The option International weather shows the map of the world. You can select region like Africa, Asia and Europe. From that region you can select the country and city to know the weather information like weather forecasts and satellite images.


The 'browse to locate a city' section includes the names of the various regions. To get the weather information of a particular city or country you just need to click on the links provided. In Get weather text box you can quickly search the weather information of a particular city or country by just entering the name of the city or country. Beside weather forecast, the site also provides various maps like outlook, satellite, precipitation, highs, lows for the city or country selected. To get more weather information, options like storm centre and weather maps are also available.

 — Laxmi Kant Verma
