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Monday, September 17, 2001
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A mother lode for Linux software

LINUX has become popular because of various factors including its being and stable as has been discussed in the main article on Page 1. A few sites dealing on some aspects of Linux are:


The site is divided into various sections containing information about Linux software. The applications section is further divided into sub-sections in which you will find not only a list of applications, tools, and utilities, but links to various Web sites that provide support, reviews, and other useful information. Distribution section provides the distribution information about Linux. The general information section gives the information about what is Linux. Beside this, there are several other sections also that include documentation, hardware, courses and projects. Linux online bookstore option provides information about best books available about Linux. Links to top five Linux books are also provided. The news section provides various news articles.


The main aim of the site is to put in one place the largest user-friendly collection of Linux Information. There are various options available in the site. The Linux links option contains links to lot of Linux-related pages. The application option provides links to various areas where the Linux is used. The development option provides links to the various development tools like C/C++, CGI/Perl, PHP, JAVA etc. Beside this, there are some other options also available like networking, distribution, documentation, system, games. The information section provides links to magazines and journals. Latest stories section provides links to various latest stories available related to Linux.


LinuxForKids was created in the summer of 1999 to promote the use of Linux as an educational and entertainment platform for children. The site provides different languages to surf the site, these are English, Francais, Espanol, Portuguese, German. Linux for kids categories section contains various options. The educational spelling contains all spelling related educational software. There is a link called educational maths, which contains all math related educational software. The educational languages link contains all language related educational software. The other options available contain various software related to the names like games strategy, games arts, parents and teachers, science. The Articles section contain reference to all articles provided in the site, submitted by the users, that have a reference to education, children or teaching. The other sections available are general Linux links and projects.


The site provides online help on various Linux topics, links, books, tutorials and manuals, editorials, special interest areas such as Linux security and networking. There are different sections available for all these topics. There is also a distribution section, which provides information about various Linux distributions. The links section includes various options like general information, file system, hardware, networking, security, news and magazines. The Newbie section includes options like books, tutorials, security, networking, software and applications.

—Laxmi Kant Verma
