An insult to a player YOU can accuse a bridge player of many things — infidelity of many things — but the ultimate insult is when you tell him that he was lucky to make a contract that he had played rather well. South was the aggrieved party on this week’s deal. South dealt at game all and opened. Two Spades. With trump suport and an outside Ace North raised to Three Spades; South cue-bid Four Clubs and North showed his Ace of Heads but South’s next bid of Four Spades ended the auction. West led the King of Hearts and this proved annoying for South, driving out dummy’s certain entry before a trick could be established in Diamonds. Even so, it looked a straightforward affair for, provided that the missing, trumps broke 2-1, there were still at least 10 tricks. Nevertheless, declarer started by winning the Heart lead on the table and immediately finessing the Jack of Spades. When it won South was home and dry. East felt aggrieved and asked why South had taken this ‘lucky view in the trump suit instead of playing in the Ace and hoping for the drop of the Queen. I hope that you can see why. If the
Jack of Spades loses unnecessarily to the Queen in West’s hand, the
five of Spades will be an entry to the Diamond winner and, once East has
followed to the first round of trumps, 10 tricks will be guaranteed.