Saturday, September 15, 2001 |
Across 1. Portent, sign indicating future 3. Happy 6. School of Oriental Asiatic Studies in London 8. Burden, duty 9. — Ullmann, star heroine of Ingemar Bergman films 10. Muslim saint 11. A specific type of long-handled axe 13. One of the ivy-league universities on the east coast of America 15. Dormant volcano in Italy 16. Famous ancient Greek
city, the home of Helen |
Down 1. Stubborn 2. Period 4. — Deighten, author of espionage novels 5. Sensational new find 7. Tilt of ground in one direction 8. This produces the egg in the human reproductive system. 12. Japanese form of Buddhism 14. We cannot live without this element. Solved