Saturday, August 25, 2001
W O R D  P O W E R

1. Affluent — (affloo-ent) wealthy

Synonyms — moneyed, prosperous, rich.

Antonyms — destitute, impoverished, penurious, poor.

She belongs to an affluent family.

2. Vindicate — (vindi-kayt) to clear somebody of blame or suspicion

Synonyms — absolve, acquit, defend, clear.

Antonyms accuse, blame, condemn.

After undergoing so many trials he was finally vindicated.


3. Flagrant (flay’grant- fla’grant) shocking and obvious.

Synonyms atrocious, blatant, arrant.

Antonyms faint, subtle, slight.

She flagrantly refused to obey any of the instructions given by her mother.

4. Indelible (in-del’ibl) that which cannot be erased.

Synonyms enduring, ineffaceable, permanent, lasting.

Antonyms eradicable, erasable, impermanent, temporary.

Some childhood experiences can leave indelible impressions on one’s mind.

5. Pertinent (perti-nent) relevant to something.

Synonyms applicable, appropriate, apt.

Antonyms discordant, unsuitable, inappropriate.

— Some suggestions made at the meeting were not pertinent to the matter under discussion.

6. Spurious (spewr-i-uss) not genuine

Synonyms artificial, false, contrived, fake.

Antonyms authentic, genuine, valid, sound.

— The judge felt that the evidence produced by the convict was spurious.


From the jumbled words find the synonyms of ‘flagrant’:

1. Nebarz

2. Uderadfl

3. Itfaunngl

4. Soimmdet

5. Faimousn

6. Otaotsentius

7. Ooturageus

Looking back

Puck was a lively, mischief-loving, little fairy whose existence was taken for granted in superstitious times. The name, which means ‘a little devil’, was introduced into English folklore by the Danes.


To make pleasures pleasant shorten them.

Score card

Brazen, dreadful, flaunting, immodest, infamous, ostentatious, outrageous.

— Illa Vij
