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Monday, July 30, 2001
Bits & Bytes

cHTML: Short for compact HTML, a subset of HTML for small information devices, such as smart phones and PDAs. cHTML is essentially a pared down version of regular HTML over the Internet. Because small devices such as cellular phones have hardware restrictions such as small memory, low power CPUs, limited or no storage capabilities, small mono-colour display screens, single-character font and restricted input methods (the absence of a keyboard or a mouse), there is a need for a simpler form of HTML.

Fabless: Refers to a company that does not manufacture its own silicon wafers and concentrates on the design and development of semiconductor chips. Manufacturers of semiconductors can either build and run their own manufacturing plants or design chips that are manufactured by someone else. A fab is a facility that produces its own silicon wafers. A fabless facility is one that out sources the production of silicon wafers. Fabless companies focus on the design and development of their products.
