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Monday, July 23, 2001
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… zara yaad karo qurbani

MUSHARRAF attends Agra summit in July to talk peace. That is the year 2001 for you. However, the scene was different this month in 1999. The focus was on Kargil, Dras and Batalik then. The majestic snow-covered mountains— a symbol of peace and love got transformed. The echoing of the guns, the air-raid sirens and the cry of the wounded reverberated through the air and pierced stillness. The young soldiers, hardly out of their teens, appeared tough in their uniforms. It was due to their valiant efforts that the enemy turned their tails. The enemy beat a hasty retreat and the withdrawal was complete from Kargil by July 26 that year. Since then, this day is celebrated throughout India by lighting candles and ‘divas’ in memory of those who laid down their lives defending India’s border. The following sites let you have a peep into what was the situation two years ago.


The site provides a visual journey through the realms where our brave soldiers fought and tasted the flavour of jam-e-shahadat. You will see the planes, which were involved in the war. Pictures of troops in action and achieving the peaks can be viewed. The site provides exclusive wallpapers and screensavers of the war. Names and information about various awardees of Kargil war is available. Time wise happening of the incidents is provided. A heart touching item on the site is the listing tributes paid by public to the martyrs. You too can paste a bouquet of homage for their sacrifice. Feature section contains articles written by various writers about the war. Tribute paid to these real heroes by the film stars is also mentioned.


— Sarabjeet S. Kanwal
