Do not dread middle
age MIDDLE age is the age just before old age. One might be tempted to categorise those between 30 and 55 as middle aged; or those between 35 and 60. One might ask whether middle age implies chronological middle age; or biological middle age; or physical middle age. Each of these might be different in any one individual, much less between one person and another. There are some general causes of stress in this age group that can be recognised. Women at about the ago of 45 begin to experience decline in the production of the hormone estrogen. This phase is called menopause. The result is cessation of menstruation that may be accompanied by such symptoms as hot flushes, headache, depression, weight gain, dizziness. These, then sometimes
lead to arguments with family members, diminished self-esteem, reduced
energy and tolerance for life’s others stresses. Confusion regarding
whether to engage in estrogen replacement therapy may further
complicate the situation. |
And yet, much of their life has passed with little chance that their remaining years will bring anything different in terms of earlier dreams and aspirations. Coincidentally, men experience a decrease in production of the hormone testosterone at about this time, and some medical experts attribute their feeling to a "male climacteric". Others argue that the decrease in testosterone is minimal with little chance of accounting for these feelings. In any case, as with women, these accoutrements of middle age have consequences for family relationships, personal satisfaction and quality of life. This discussion would be incomplete that middle age can be, and often is, a most pleasant phase of life for many people. It need not be dreaded. It may be the time of life when financial security is assured, when meaningful accomplishments occur and are recognised by others, and when children become independent, thereby relieving one of the burden associated with managing their safety on a daily basis. Being selectively aware of these
advantages of middle age will help in successfully coping with this
stage of life. |