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Monday, June 18, 2001
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Here IT means Income Tax

"THE King should collect his taxes without hurting his subjects,
even as a bee collects honey without harming the flowers"

— Extract from Vidur Niti

So proclaims one of the sites on income tax. The time for filing IT (income-tax) returns is fast approaching. Here are some sites that discuss this important matter


It is the official Web site of the Income Tax Department, Chandigarh, India. From the Index page we can download form 49A to file for PAN, obtain and quote PAN and AO code. As introduction of the site, on the index page it is written "This site aims to present an overview of the Income Tax department setup in the NWR and provide an interface with the tax payer". In the PAN section, one can get the idea whether he or she requires to apply for PAN or not. It also tells where PAN is essentially required these days. One can submit PAN application i.e. form no 49A online download it. General instruction is also provided which helps to fill the form. Under the schemes section we can download form 2C, which is required to file the income tax return, this section also guide and provide general instruction to fill the form. Apart from above mentioned form we can also download form Saral, form no.61, form no.31. Guideline for filling up challans are also available.


This site has been made by Turbo Infotech. The CNBC News Channel has awarded the Web site as "The Best Indian Tax Site". It is a portal where individuals, corporate, NRIs and foreign investors can get comprehensive information on taxation and tax rules in India. It enables users to maintain daily accounts, assess taxable income, tax plan and prepare income tax returns online. One has to pay Rs 300 as one year subscription charges for getting the services of the site, which includes expert advice for a query. One can fill Income Tax returns and take the printouts online, fill TDS returns online and get print outs, Quick Tax Calculator, Capital Gain Tax Calculator, Salary Calculator, Advance Tax Calculator and Gratuity Calculator. The site also provides tips on how and where to invest so that one can save money paid as tax.

— Amit Puri
