When the trump is weak I recently gave a hand where, although contrary to my nor mal methods, a weak no-trump would have scored heavily. To redress the balance, here is a hand from match play where it led to a complete catastrophe. North dealt at love all and after two passes South opened One No-trump. (Even if playing a weak No-trump, I think I would have preferred One Diamond). West doubled, North decided not to stage any rescue attempt, and all passed. West led the four of Spades and dummy apologised as he spread his hand. ("Sorry partner — the ten of hearts spoils it!") Declarer won with the ten but it was to be his first and last trick. He led the Jack of Diamonds but West rose with the Ace and ran off four Spade winners. Then he switched to the Queen and another Heart. East, who had carefully kept all his Hearts, took three more tricks in the suit. When the last one was played, declarer had to find a discard from DK, C Q J 9. It did not matter what he chose for West, playing after declarer, still had D 10, C A 10 2 and could wait and see what South threw. Declarer found himself
squeezed and ended up six down, doubled. At the other table? South
opened One Diamond, East-West ended in a peaceful Three No-trumps and
made nine tricks after a Diamond lead.