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Monday, May 14, 2001

FoxPro for Windows, a time-tested package
By Laxmi Kant Verma

To make a database really work for your organisation you need a reliable and easy-to-use database management system, and one such time-tested system is FoxPro 2.6.

A database management system is a collection of programs that helps the user to enter, organise and select data from a database. While there are various commercially available database management systems, FoxPro for Windows, version 2.6, is the most commonly used multi-user database package, which is compatible with dBase and provides the users with quick and easy access to data. FoxPro is a file-based system developed by Fox Software, a Microsoft Corporation company.

The original FoxPro 1.x was released in 1989, replacing FOXBASE+ that was designed by Fox Software for compatibility with Ashton-Tate’s dBase III+. FoxPro version 2.6 is available for different platforms: DOS, Windows, SCO UNIX, and Macintosh. Microsoft released a revised version FoxPro 2.5 for DOS and Windows after acquiring Fox Software.

FoxPro is a complete database management system that makes use of all benefits provided by Windows, making it easier to learn and use. It allows the users to create, modify, delete and retrieve records from files. It also helps in creating reports and applications and designing custom input/output screens and menus using Windows with the help of fonts, pictures, and colours, options for which are provided. Users can also place queries on the database by using ‘relational query by example.’ FoxPro provides certain commands and functions that help in creating application programs according to user specifications. There are different applications for this database package—payroll management, inventory control, management information system, etc.


FoxPro 2.6 is available in two editions—standard and professional. The professional edition includes all features of the standard edition plus client/server query wizard, connectivity, and library construction utility. These features allow the users to connect to remote data, and build libraries of functions that can be shared.

The backward compatibility between FoxPro 2.0 and FoxPro 2.6 helps us to use most of the FoxPro 2.0 files without change. However, there are certain file types which do require conversion.

Microsoft FoxPro 2.6 comes for both, Windows as well as DOS. Essentially, the features are the same in both. However, there are a few advantages in the Windows version over the DOS version.

Interface: FoxPro for Windows provides a graphical interface while the one for DOS provides only a character-based interface.

Dynamic data exchange: The dynamic data exchange functions provide support for data exchange between FoxPro for Windows and other Microsoft Windows applications. FoxPro for Windows acts as both a server and a client to send and receive data to and from other Windows applications.

Object linking and embedding: Object linking and embedding (OLE) allows the users to bring information such as pictures, sound and spreadsheets created in other applications into FoxPro for Windows. To support OLE, FoxPro for Windows includes a new data type called ‘general.’

For every software there has to be an interface that makes it possible for a user to interact with it. An interface is, thus, the connection between the computer and the person using it. Microsoft FoxPro for Windows provides various interfaces; among them are: keyboard interface, menus and windows. While the keyboard interface simply uses the keys of a keyboard for executing actions, the menu interface consists of different menus like file, browse, data, screen, report, or RQBE menu for various groups of commands. The Windows interface consists of separate windows for various actions, so we have options like command window, browse window, debug window, project window, or view window. A catalogue manager interface provides convenient access to database files and functions, which is a collection of wizards that are used to simplify common database tasks.

Wizards provide step-by-step instructions to the users in performing their tasks easily.

The Relational Query By Example facility is used to query a database without programming. It makes use of SQL SELECT statement to place a query on a database.

FoxPro uses a data access technique called Rushmore Technology that allows sets of records to be accessed very efficiently.

While there are other database management systems being introduced in the market today, FoxPro continues to be the largest used package as it has been around the longest and also it costs the least without compromising on the efficacy.

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