Vineet Arora Dr Tribune: You can certainly configure Outlook Express to send and receive Yahoo! mails. However, for configuring rediffmail in your e-mail client you will require its SMTP and POP address, which is basically a Web-based mail. So, unless you know the POP and SMTP address of rediffmail, you can configure it in Outlook Express. I have an assembled PC with the following configuration: P III 667, 128 MB RAM, 20 GB HDD (Seagate), Creative CD ROM, Intel 810E Chipset, UPS. My first problem is that I have uninstalled some installed games from a CHIP CD. But by doing so computer gives a message "Device file missing, Window registry refer to system.ini file and this file is no longer exists, Press any key to continue". This happens whenever I boot up After this message when I press any key then system goes off. The other problem is that my CD ROM is not responding. Atul Sharma, Kalka Dr Tribune: It is for your benefit and for the benefit of other reader to give clear details about the hardware, operating system and also the exact error message if any. In your case you have forgotten to mention your operating system, which is required for the solution of your problem. Now regarding your problem, it appears that during the uninstallation process, a windows system.ini file either got deleted or corrupted. As the best solution for your problem, reinstall Windows 98 on your system. This will take care of your existing problems as well as your problem related to CD ROM. I am working in an organisation where we are facing a problem regarding keeping a check on the mails being sent on the Internet. We use Outlook Express mainly to receive and send mails using Glide and Satyam connections with the Internet access available to all users on stand-alone machines. We are in the process of upgrading our network (that is going to be Win 98 networking). Please advise us on how can we keep a tab on outgoing mail. Ashish Dr Tribune: Normally blocking Internet on a network is simple than blocking it on each and every individual PC. However, if the size of the organisation is small then it is not so difficult. The best solution to your problem is using the software, which restricts the outgoing e-mails to the entries present in your address book. So, you can make an address book containing all your e-mail address, whom you may send e-mail addresses and protect it by password so that it cannot be updated by any other person except the administrator. This address can be installed on each and every stand-alone machine that has Internet access available. However, in case of network, you can install firewall to control the flow of your e-mails.