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Monday, May 14, 2001
Bits & Bytes

Remote access server: A server that is dedicated to handling users those are not on a LAN but need remote access to it. The remote access server allows users to gain access to files and print services on the LAN from a remote location. For example, a user who dials into a network from home using an analog modem or an ISDN connection will dial into a remote access server. Once the user is authenticated he can access shared drives and printers as if he were physically connected to the office LAN.

Appserver: A program that handles all application operations between users and an organisation’s backend business applications or databases. Application servers are typically used for complex transaction-based applications.

Backdoor: Also called a trapdoor, it is an undocumented way of gaining access to a program, online service or an entire computer system. It is written by the programmer who creates the code for the program. Often, only the programmer knows it. A backdoor is a potential security risk.

Cloud: Also referred to as a network cloud. In telecomm-unications, a cloud refers to a public or semi-public space on transmission lines that exists between the end points of a transmission. Data that is transmitted across a WAN enters the network from one end point using a standard protocol suite and then enters the network cloud where it shares space with other data transmissions.
