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Monday, April 30, 2001
Dr Tribune

I have 3 problems and shall be grateful if you kindly solve them. One is if I download a file (with extension .pdf) it fails to open in offline mode. Why so?

Secondly if there are certain files that I wish to open in offline mode and add them to favourites so that I can view them offline. How can I do it? I fail to open them in offline mode even though I enable the option of view in offline mode.

Thirdly, I sent e-mail to someone but he never replied back. When I asked him about this he said that he hasn’t got the mail, whereas I never got the bounced mail. Is it possible?

— Ankur Khurana

Dr Tribune: For viewing *.pdf files you need a software called Acrobat Reader. This is free software and can be downloaded from www.adobe.com. Since these files are mostly in the form of downloads, thus these files are normally viewed offline only. Regarding your second problem, I do not understand clearly, which files you wish to open in offline mode. Please elaborate you question correctly with all necessary details. As far as your third query goes, the mail sent by you cannot be lost in transit. However, there could be several reasons, why the person whom you sent the file might not have been able to get it. For example, you might have mistyped the address or the date in your computer is not set correctly or is set to a prior day/month/year etc. In this case, the mail would reach the destination, but would not be reflected in the current window, as it would be present in the inbox much earlier. This is a common problem in Web-based mails. Thus for example if you have sent a mail to someone with either a hotmail address or Yahoo! address and the date in your computer is set for the year 2000. Then it will not be reflected in the current window of the inbox, and would get stored according the date written on your mail. Since, normally everyone checks only the current mails or the mails present in the current window, thus he would obviously say that he has not received the mail and you would always wonder, that if the mail has not come back to you, then where it has gone.

I have a Celeron 10.2 GB HDD 64 MB RAM with Windows ’98 as OS. Whenever I perform scandisk and defrag, the computer hangs and I have to restart it. Please guide me as it also hangs for 10 to 15 seconds when I log on to the Net.

— Neeraj

Dr Tribune: In order to solve this problem, you must run scandisk from the DOS mode first and then run Defrag. If there is any problem in your hard disk, then running scan disk from the DOS mode will take care of all such problems. However, if there is any major problem like bad sectors etc, then it will not be solved by scandisk but would be reflected in the result. In case of any bad sectors, you may have to consult your hardware vendor. However, if everything is fine with your hard disk, then you can try loading your Windows again. If this also does not solve your problem, then you should get your motherboard checked.


I want to attach my CD player speakers only (not player) with my computer. Sir, tell me the procedure. Does it require amplifier?

— Ritesh Modi

Dr Tribune: The computer speakers are pre-amplified speakers and thus are plugged in directly to produce sound. However, the normal stereo speakers are not amplified and thus need an amplifier to give sound. So, if you wish to connect them to your computer, then you would need amplifier.

I have P III 600 Mhz, 64 RAM, Azza 810. I have Win ’98 as OS and want to load Unix or Red Hat Linux keeping Win ’98 on my system. Is it possible? Please tell me the procedure?

— Jaminder Kaushal, Chandigarh

Dr Tribune: It is very much possible to load Red Hat Linux on your current computer as Linux has a quality to co-exist with all operating systems. However, it would be better that you install it on a different partition. For loading Linux on your system, I would advice you to keep some reference material on Linux installation, because if you are not proficient in using and installing Linux, then you may come across some problems during installation.

I have a P III, 500 MHz, Intel-810 motherboard, Internal modem (Motorola MS 56 PCI speakerphone) and Win ’98 installed. I used to have voice chat through Yahoo! Messenger and AIM before formatting C:\ but now when I try it a message appears: "Your computer does not support the required uncompressed audio format." I have successfully reinstalled all essential drivers on my system i.e. modem, sound and resolution after formatting C:\ but still a message appears at the starting of Windows "Wave device for voice modem" not found. Is due to this reason I can’t have a voice chat? Please solve my problem and tell me from where to get this "Wave device for voice modem."

— Aseem Mathur, Ropar

Dr Tribune: The error "Your computer does not support the required uncompressed audio format" mentioned by you could probably be because either your microphone is not set properly or your sound settings are not correct. However, if you have checked these settings and are alright then this error could be because Yahoo! Chat is unable to locate the DSP Group TrueSpeech audio compression (codec) software on your computer. Usually the DSP Group TrueSpeech audio compression (codec) software is installed as a part of Microsoft Windows. However in this case please follow these instructions to install and enable the TrueSpeech codec. Press the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the screen. Now select Settings, then Control Panel. double-click the Multimedia icon. This will open the Multimedia properties window. Now, click on the Advanced tab and then click on the plus-symbol (+) next to the Audio Compression Codecs to expand the list of installed codecs. If DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM) Audio Codec is displayed, then select DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM) Audio Codec from the list of Multimedia Devices and press Properties button. This shall open the Properties window. Now verify that use this audio codec is selected and press OK. Now, press the OK button in the Multimedia Properties window and try using voice chat. However, if the DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM) Audio Codec is not displayed it needs to be installed. You will need your Windows CD-ROM. In the Control Panel window, double-click the Add New Hardware icon. In the Add New Hardware Wizard window, press the Next button. Now you would be asked whether to search for your new hardware. Select No, then press the Next button. Now select sound, video, and game controllers from the Hardware types and press the Next button. Select DSP Group from the Manufacturers list and TrueSpeech(TM) software CODEC from the Models list, then press the Next button. Now press the Finish button. Restart Windows to make the Codec available for voice chat. However even after restarting your computer you still receive the same error message then open the Multimedia Devices window and select DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM) Audio Codec from the list of multimedia devices and press the Properties button. In the Properties Window, verify that Use this audio Codec is selected and press the OK button. Now press the OK button in the Multimedia Properties window and try using voice chat.

I have prepared a software project in HTML (30 MB size). I would like to
publish this project on the Internet.

1. Since I have no idea of intellectual copyright rules and procedure, would
you please offer me some guidance in this regard?

2. From whom can I get a domain name, 30MB space through which I can publish and what are the rentals for that? — Kallicharan, Shimla

Dr Tribune: These days it is very easy to get your domain name registered and also get your Web site hosted on the Internet. There are many companies in India that offer economically priced domain name registration service. Some of them include www.net4domains.com, www.biznet.com etc. The normal charges for domain name registration are between Rs.400 and Rs.500 for a year. Some foreign domain name registration companies, with whom these Indian companies are associates with are www.networksolutions.com, www.bulkregister.com, www.123domains.com, www.register.com etc. As far as Web hosting goes, there are hundreds of companies offering these services. Normally all domain name registration companies also offer Web-hosting packages. However, all these companies have their charges for Web hosting, which may vary with the package. But there are some good sites also where you can host your site for free. One such is www.freeserver.com. For more information on domain name registration and Web hosting, you can search more options on the Internet through the search engines.


For all your computer-related problems contact Dr Tribune at drtribune@tribuneindia.com
