Saturday, April 14, 2001
W O R D  P O W E R

Confusing words

Endemic and Epidemic

Endemic: (A disease or condition) prevalent or often recurring in a particular area or context.

—Acute labour problems are endemic in this industrial city.

Epidemic: Widespread occurrence of an infectious disease or an undesirable phenomenon.

— There is an epidemic of violence in Mumbai.

Lightning and Lightening

Lightning: Electric flashes in the sky.

— All night, it was lightning and thundering.

Lightening: To make lighter.

— He lightened the ship by throwing the unnecessary equipment into the sea.


Mantle and Mantel

Mantle: A cloak or any kind of covering.

— The snow mantled the trees.

Mantel: Shelf over the fireplace.

— A flower vase is lying on the mantel.

Plaintiff and Plaintive

Plaintiff: A person or organisation that brings legal action against someone to the court.

— The plaintiff could not prove the defendant guilty.

Plaintive: Sounding sad or mournful.

— The girl sang in a plaintive voice.

Prodigy and protege

Prodigy : A marvel, an act, object, event or person so extraordinary that it makes people wonder. Generally used for young people.

— Natasha is a tennis prodigy.

Protege: One who is protected. The word is used in reference to a person, (usually young), who is under the protection or sponsorship of another person. If we refer to a girl or woman whose welfare is promoted in this way, we spell the word with an extra e — protegee.

— Sara is the protegee of the Birla family.

Insidious and Invidious

Insidious: Doing harm secretly or unseen

—AIDS is an insidious disease.

Invidious: Unacceptable or unfair and likely to cause offence.

—It would be invidious to select only one teacher for the trip to Paris.


Use the clues to discover words related to short. Each answer begins with short.

1 A fault

2 A system of writing using signs or symbols representing words and sounds.

3 A person having a high waist.

4 Impatient.

5 Scarcity

6 Butter or lard.

7 Breed of cattle having horns shorter than normal.

8 Lasting only a brief period.

Looking back

A blue ribbon worn in a button hole was at one time a badge of temperance, i.e total abstinence from alcoholic drink. Those who wore such ribbons were collectively called the Blue Ribbon Army.


Insincerity in a man’s own heart must make all his enjoyments — all that concerns him — unreal; so that his whole life must seem like a merely dramatic representation. —Hawthorne.

Score card

1 Shortcoming 2 Shorthand 3 Short-waisted 4 Short-tempered 5 Shortage 6 Shortening 7 Short-horned 8 Short-lived.

— Illa Vij
