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Monday, March 26, 2001
Kids chat

April Fool, go to school…

Hello kids and welcome to our weekly chat.

Windy: Hey guys, most of our friends have finished with their examinations.

Fluppy: So we shouldn’t be doing study talk today.

Cliparti: But some of them are still having them.

Fluppy: We’ve already told them of so many helpful sites that I don’t think they need our help any more.

Windy: Then what should we be doing today?

Fluppy: Having some fun.

Cliparti: How? Any suggestions?

Fluppy: That’s for you to decide.

Cliparti: Hmm. Okay, let me think. To start with, it should be something different.


: Hey, don’t be fools. How can you find something that is different?

Fluppy: We are not fools.

Cliparti: Hey, that’s it!

Fluppy: What’s what?

Cliparti: Fools. That’s it, fools!

Windy: Hey Cliparti, are you off your mind?

Cliparti: No. You know what coming Sunday is?

Windy: Nothing special that I can think of.

Cliparti: It is the first of April, the April Fools Day!

Fluppy: Oh yeah! That’s lovely.

Cliparti: How many fools have you made so far?

Fluppy: Not many. They just seem to guess what I am trying to get at.

Cliparti: That must be because you try the same tricks every time.

Fluppy: Could be. Tell me some new tricks.

Cliparti: Get new ideas to fool people around you from www.2meta.com/april-fools.

Windy: Cliparti, do you know why we celebrate April Fools Day!

Cliparti: The first of April, some do say,

Is set apart for All Fools’ Day.

But why the people call it so,

Nor I, nor they themselves do know.

But on this day are people sent

On purpose for pure merriment.

Fluppy: Wow! Hey, you composed it?

Cliparti: No, it’s from Poor Robins Almanac.

Fluppy: Where did you meet him?

Cliparti: On the Net. Learn more about April Fool’s Day from www.web-holidays.com/fools. You know there are various recipes for this day and various other crafts and foolish activities that you can do. For example, you can bake a cake that is all spaghetti inside or serve some marbled eggs or an apple in an orange. What’s more you can even Foolproof yourself. Further, know about the 20 top fools and see what fools buy or read. And last but not the least know the April Fool’s history.

Fluppy: This is one such day when you can fool the world without getting a scolding.

Windy: Yes, provided your pranks do not harm others. These jokes should be played only to induce humor and laughter.

Fluppy: It’s really such fun when you see people around you, especially your family and friends, laughing away to God’s glory.

Cliparti: That gives me a wonderful idea. Why not capture these lovely moments? And then share with all your family and friends?

Fluppy: Capture them? How? And then share with everybody? How is that possible?

Cliparti: Millions of people are using www.myfamily.com to create their own family Web site. Here you can share photos, post news, build a family tree, e-mail or chat. You can share your aunt’s recipe or visit family or ancestors on line.

Windy: So you mean to say we can capture these lovely photos and put them on our family Web site for every member to see.

Cliparti: Yes. Imagine how happy everybody will be when they see each other laughing away and being merry. On top of it if we include a footnote on how each of us was fooled, it sure will send fits of laughter to them.

Windy: Ha, Ha! That sure is a nice way to make people happy.

Cliparti: In fact I think this can be a wonderful site for people who have their relatives living far away from them.

Windy: And in today’s world, I think it is very difficult for the whole clan to stay together at the same place.

Fluppy: But this site can bring all of them close to each other. And then we can have big families living on the Net.

Cliparti: Living on the Net? Ha. Ha!!

Windy: Talking of families, there is another wonderful family site called family.go.com. It is a pure fun for the family. Starting from activities and craft ideas to family entertainment and pets to parties or raising kids to finding time for yourself or recipes, all is here. Even a small heading like activities and crafts has so much to it. From drawing & painting to sewing & fabric to building & modeling or cutting & pasting, everything is here. Then of course, it also has some April Fool’s fun to it.

Fluppy: These types of sites are a sure hit from mothers.

Windy: That is because they have something for the whole family. For you, your little brother, your genius sister and also for your mother.

Fluppy: But I like sites that are just for me.

Cliparti: And what can that be?

Windy: Games site. Isn’t it?

Fluppy: You’ve guessed it right! It should have only games. No activities, no recipes, just games and more games.

Cliparti: Here is a site just for you. Find games, games and more games at www.gameskidsplay.net. Be it sensing game, strength game, circle game, chasing game, ball game, mental game or any other game, all are here. Not only national but also there are various international games too. You are sure to find hundreds of games here. Play till you tire.

Fluppy: Do you think I will ever tire of games?

Cliparti: Anybody will!

Fluppy: Anybody, but not me.

Windy: I am sure. At least there is one thing, you’re good at!

—Ira Verma

Hey, kids! Let’s be friends. You can send your suggestions and queries to us at Kids Chat. Our e-mail address is login@tribuneindia.com. Cliparti Sweet, Fluppy Little, along with me, of course, are all here to answer them. — Windy
