Saturday, March 10, 2001
W O R D  P O W E R

Pots and pans

A flash in the pan: A sudden, brilliant success which is short-lived and not repeated.

— His first film was a flash in the pan, but the others that followed have been quite disappointing.

Pan out: How events or circumstances develop.

— Our next move depends on how things pan out.

Keep the pot boiling: To keep alive the interest in something.

— Frequent articles on match-fixing kept the pot boiling.

Go to pot: To be spoiled or ruined.

— If the sales keep dropping this way, the company is bound to go to pot.

A pot of gold: A very large prize or reward almost impossible to get.

— I wonder who will finally get the pot of gold.


Put a quart into a pint pot:
To do something that is impossible, especially put something into a space that is too small for it.

— Why don’t you give up! Filling this box with all these books will be like putting a quart into a pint pot.

The pot calling the kettle black: The person who accuses somebody of having a fault that he himself has.

— She has the audacity to accuse us of telling lies — talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

Pot-luck: The chance that whatever is available is good enough.

— While on a holiday, we rarely book rooms in a hotel — we just take pot-luck.


Match the phrases in column A with their correct meanings in column B:

A                                                       B

1. Marriage of mixed races                     a. Misogamy

2. Hatred of marriage                            b. Monogamous

3. A man with one wife:                        c. Polygamous

4. A man with two wives:                      d. Miscegenation

5. A man with several wives:                  e. Bigamous

Looking back

Blackmail was a rent or tribute formerly paid by farmers and others living in the neighbourhood of the Scottish Highlands, in the border counties and other district prone to incursions by bands of cattle thieves. It was sometimes paid to a neighbouring chief for protection against the depredators, and at other times to the robbers themselves to buy them off.


Be cautious with whom you associate, and never give your company or your confidence to those whose good principles you are not sure of.

Score card

1d, 2a, 3b, 4e, 5c.

— Illa Vij
