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Monday, December 25, 2000
Kids chat

Visit Santa this Christmas

Merry Christmas and welcome to our weekly chat!

Windy: Christmas sure is a fun time for all kids, with Santa, his gifts, the tree and the cakes. And the air is filled with melodious carols and ringing bells.

Cliparti: I am so proud to be born and living in India where because of its diversity, I can celebrate festivals throughout the year. Be it Divali, Christmas or Id, which also happens to fall this week. This way festivity remains in air throughout the year.

Fluppy: Do you celebrate all of them? How do you get to know so much about these festivals? For me, Christmas was just Christmas Tree and, of course, the birthday of Lord Jesus.


: High time you knew about your country’s festivals, Honey! I guess to begin with the best thing for you would be to log on to a few Christmas sites.

Fluppy: I didn’t know there were "Christmas sites" too!

Windy: There are lot many things that you don’t know! Anyhow, www.kiddyhouse.com/christmas/christmas.html is one such site that would tell you all that you ever wanted to know about Christmas. For example, how it works, how it is celebrated throughout the world, its symbols like the star, the tree, mistletoe. You know this is the one big festival for Christians all over the world.

Cliparti: In India, a majority of Christians stay in Goa, I believe. And you should see how Christmas is celebrated there. A perfect time to visit Goa is this time of the year. With such fun and frolic and festivity all around, one really can’t help being a part of it. Of course, with the elaborately ornate churches, convents and chapels along the palm-fringed pearly white beaches you’ll surely go back to era where Apostle of the Francis Xavier preached the Gospel of Christ.

Windy: You know we also have this big church in Shimla. This is the second oldest Church of Northern India. This overlooks the ridge and is one of the landmarks of Shimla. It also looks beautiful with stained glasses fitted on the Windows. Anybody visiting Shimla is sure to have seen this Church.

Fluppy: Hey, you were telling me about Christmas and not Churches. I thought it wise to remind you before you went further.

Cliparti: Ha! Ha! Okay! So we were talking about some Christmas sites. You know, there is this wonderful site that has so many Christmas links. If you wish to select gifts or send Christmas greetings or even listen to some Christmas music, all is here. What’ more, for your convenience some of the best songs, recipes for puddings and cakes and crafts for the tree etc. have been selected. You are sure to find all this and a lot more at http://www.christmas.com/

Windy: I guess what interests most about Christmas to most of the kids is the dear old Santa.

Fluppy: Yes, Yes. Santa with a long white beard and red attire sitting on his sleigh or ringing the bell with a bundle of gifts at his back. He sure is a darling.

Cliparti: Hey, then why don’t you go and visit Santa?

Fluppy: Will he meet me?

Cliparti: Of course he will meet you. He simply loves kids. Log on at www.claus.com/index.shtml and see what all he has in store for you. You can even e-mail Santa Claus. Go ahead and laugh all your way with Santa Claus.

Windy: Hey, did you know there exists something called Christmas jokes.

Cliparti: I haven’t heard of it before. What is it?

Windy: Oh, there are Christmas party jokes, Christmas knock knock jokes, reindeer jokes, snowmen, snowballs, snow jokes, Pantomime jokes, jokes about Father Christmas and lots and lots more. For all these jokes, go to www.kidsjokes.couk/jokes/other/christmas.html. In fact apart from all these Christmas jokes, you will find a host of animal jokes, school jokes, silly jokes, sports jokes, scary jokes, doctor jokes and more.

Fluppy: Wow! What a variety of jokes. No wonder with all these jokes, Santa Claus comes "laughing all the way".

Cliparti: True. Why not?

Fluppy: Cliparti, what if I write to Santa Claus. Will he write back to me?

Cliparti: Yeah, sure.

Windy: Hey, Cliparti don’t fool him. You know Santa would never do that. And basically he does not even exist.

Cliparti: For all practical purposes, he does exist.

Fluppy: Hey guys you are confusing me.

Cliparti: Okay Fluppy, I guarantee you that you will definitely get your letter from Santa. What you do is, send your wishes and letter at http://members.aol.com/alvieandsanta/list.html. Of course you will also need to type your e-mail address, as Santa would require it to mail you a letter. Wait and see and you are sure to hear from him.

Fluppy: Hey, that’s great. Can I ask for gifts too?

Cliparti: Now you are being greedy. And how in the world can you receive a gift through e-mail? So, N. O...no.. You must not ask for gift.

Fluppy: Na, Na, I am not greedy. I was just asking it, you know, just like that.

— Ira Verma


Hey, kids! Let’s be friends. You can send your suggestions and queries to us at Kids Chat. Our e-mail address is login@tribuneindia.com. Cliparti Sweet, Fluppy Little, along with me, of course, are all here to answer them. — Windy
