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Monday, December 25, 2000
Bits & Bytes

B2C: B2C or Business-to-consumer is referred to e-commerce related activities targeted at consumers over the Internet.

B2B: Business-to-business is referred to the e-commerce activities with a variety of applications and networking technologies designed to automate and optimise interaction between business partners over the Internet.

Broadband: Broadband refers to the computer access via channels such as coaxial cable, which allows for greater bandwidth and faster connections to the Internet

Server: Server is basically a host computer that stores information and software programs used by other computers in a network (it "serves" the programs and information to other computers)


Shareware is the free computer software supplied for trial; when the trial is over, you pay a fee if you wish to continue using the software.

Gopher: Gopher is a structured menu system that, like the World Wide Web and FTP, has its own communication protocol for searching and retrieving files on the Internet.

Cursor: Cursor is a computer position indicator; either (1) a symbol on the screen, or (2) a handheld device for entering coordinates.

Compression: Compression is the shrinking of digital image and video information to achieve smaller file size and so make possible, for instance, the computerised transmission of a two-hour feature film that would require 158 gigabytes of storage without compression.

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