Saturday, December 2, 2000

The three singing birds

The king walked in his garden green,

Where grew a marvellous tree;

And out of its leaves came singing birds,

By one, and two, and three.

The first bird had wings of white,

The second had wings of gold,

The third had wings of deepest blue.

Most beauteous to behold.

The white bird flew to the northern land,

The gold bird flew to the west,

The blue flew to the cold, cold south,

Where never bird might nest.

The king waited a twelve month long,

Till back the birds flew,

And lighted down upon the tree,

The white, the gold, and the blue.

The white bird brought a pearly seed,

And gave it to the king,

The gold bird from out the west,

He brought a golden ring.

The third bird with feathers blue,

Who came from the far cold south,

A twisted sea-shell smooth and grey,

He carried in his mouth.

The king planted the pearly seed,

Down in his garden green,

And up there sprang a pearl white maid,

The fairest ever seen.

She looked at the king and king knelt her down.

All under the magic tree,

She smiled at him with her red lips

But not a word she said.

Instead she took the grey sea shell

And held it to his ear,

She pressed it close and soon the

King a strange, sweet song did hear.

He raised the fair maid by the hand,

Until she stood by his side;

Then he gave her the golden ring,

And took her for his bride.

And at their windows sang the birds,

They sang the whole right through,

Then off they went at break of day,

The white, the gold and the blue.

— Advitiya Sabharwal, Class VIII, St. Stephen’s School,Chandigarh



The sun does arise,

Making happy the skies.

The birds sing on every tree,

Sweet songs of peace and harmony.

Flowers rise from their rest,

Ready to welcome their guest.

Soon, on the flowers butterflies came,

and started playing a wonderful game.

Nature is a beautiful creation of God,

We must protect this gift of Lord.

— Bhuvee Rishi, Class VIII, DAV Public School, Patiala