Saturday, November 25, 2000 |
Across 1. Erratic; moody 6. Obsession; fashion of the day 9. Challenge; show courage 11. Great lake in North America 13. A taxi, in other words 14. Impressive performance, achievement 16. Would smell the same, even if called by another name, said the Bard 19. Famous international airport on the east coast of the USA. 21. The Bible, in other words
Down 1. An ill one that blows, brings no one any good 2. Cultural agency working for India, here and abroad (inits.) 3. Health resort with healing waters 4. Well-known entertainer and actress of Hollywood 5. Traditional accounts, stories 7. The right side page in a book 8. Striped quadruped 10. Lighted, spirituous drink 12. All Americans dread this taxing agency (inits.) 14. You can do this unto death 15. Expression of sorrow 17. At one time 18. Give out; produce 20. India’s tourist paradise solved