Saturday,  November 18, 2000

An angular dream!

In my dream,

I saw an angle,

Who told me about a triangle,

He told me it was of three kinds,

Which went straight into my mind.

He suddenly appeared from nowhere,

And he told me about a square.

It was the month fo May,

When the angle went his way,

But before that, he showed me a ray.

That is all about my dream,

of the great geometry stream.

— Aditya Bhatia, Class VII, DAV Public School, Amritsar


My mother

My mother prepares food very yummy,

Which always fills my tummy.

She is very friendly,

And scolds us like the boss of the family.

She fulfils all my wishes,

And makes very nice dishes.

She gives us inspirations,

To be good citizens of the nation.

— Anupama, Class VIII, Shemrock International, Panchkula

My teacher

A teacher burns like a candle,

Students’ problems she can handle.

With knowledge and love our minds she fills

She is like beautiful dawn on snowy hills.

She treats us like a mother.

She is like none other.

She is the most beautiful flower in the garden of education.

With love and kindness, she removes our frustration.

She is our teacher, she is our friend.

— Amrit Kaur, Class XI, P.K.R. Jain Senior Secondary Public School,
 Ambala City