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Monday, October 30, 2000
Bits & Bytes

Banner: Banner is an online advertising graphic, which is usually located at the top of Web page.

Directory: A directory is basically a folder, which contains sub-directories and files.

IRQ: IRQ is the short form of Interrupt Request. There are 15 IRQs available. No two pieces of hardware can share the same IRQ, with the exception of IDE controllers. These are usually 14 and 15. A special card can be installed in a machine to make more IRQs available.

Menu Bar Item: Menu bar items refer to the items that are written at the top of each program. In other words, the word that is printed across the top of the window about the Tool bar (if any) like Files, Edit, View, Help. Menu Items are the items in the menu that opens a drop down window when you click on a Menu Bar Item


Zip is a type of file compression used most often on the Internet. The file extension for a zipped file is .ZIP.

Bookmark: Bookmark is a placeholder for interesting or frequently-used Web sites, so that these sites can be revisited easily without having to remember or retype the Internet address.

Cache: A cache is a place on your hard drive where the Web browser stores information (text, graphics, sounds, etc.) from pages or sites that you have visited recently so that returning to those pages or sites is faster and easier.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol): A way to transfer ("download" or "upload") files from one computer to another, for example from your hard drive to a Web server,in order to update a Web site.

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