The Tribune - Spectrum

Sunday, October 22, 2000
Dream theme

Flowery tales
By Vinaya Katoch Manhas

A dream of flowers usually leaves us with a feeling of freshness, beauty and pleasure. To be awarded with a bouquet means that we are being rewarded for an action. Of course the colour and type of flowers is important. Flowers with bright hues denote pleasures and gain whereas white denotes sadness. Withered flowers signify disappointments and gloomy situations.

A very unusual dream is that of a 27-year-old woman who, in her dream, saw that there were colourful flowers growing in a dry and barren land.

The barren aspect of the dream foretells grievous experiences in the near future. The colourful flowers symbolise the positive aspect of the dream. If portrays that even in such depressing circumstances cheerfulness and energy shall help the woman to overcome and bring happiness.

As per Indian mythology flowers with a pleasant aroma predict good fortune. To receive a bouquet or wear a garland predicts acquiring an affluent position. To see a lotus shall drive all your troubles away. When a person sees himself eat a flower, it shall bring forth fortune even in times of trouble.


To see flowers of beautiful colours bloom in a green garden predicts a good spouse and prosperity in life.

As per Charak, the great Hindu philosopher, to see yourself adorned with a garland of white flowers brings forth wealth and good health.

As per the Parashar Samhita, a book on medicine and good health, the dream of white flower portrays the excess of phlegm in the person.

Psychoanalytically, the feminine aspect is represented by flowers in dreams. For a person to dream of blooming flower indicates development.

The bud is a representation of a child. It also stands for inner potentialities. Quite a few young girls often dream of plucking buds which begin to open and bloom. Such dreams are representations of the development of feelings of motherhood which develop early in our society which tends to foster such feelings in children at an early stage.

To see a healthy flower wither in front of you would mean that your expectations have failed. It is a representation of your disappointments.

Flowers also carry a great spiritual significance, especially religiously. They signify our offerings to God and represent love and compassion that we give as well as receive.

Let us conclude with an example of a dream seen by a 21-year-old girl. I dreamt of seeing a garden full of colourful flowers. But when I go to break them, I find all of them have thorns.

The flowers in the dream represent pleasures and financial gain, but the thorns represent obstacles in achieving those pleasures. Her withdrawl portrays her defeat and failure.

"Held in slumber’s soft embrace, She enters realms of flowery grace, where tender love and fond caress, bids her wake to happiness."

Such a dream holds promises of a world of happiness and prosperity for the dreamer.

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