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Monday, October 16, 2000
Bits & Bytes

1) Memory allocation: Memory allocation is an important term used in connection with the random access memory and the swap files. Normally Windows uses the RAM and a virtual memory address (swap file) to place the temporary memory data. Thus, windows places information into RAM and then moves it to the swap file, when it needs to create space in RAM. Thus, address of data placed in the memory is referred to the memory allocation.

2) Client-based filter: Client-based filter is actually software program, which can be installed on a computer. It blocks the access of the user to inappropriate material, present either on the Internet or Intranet. It also prevents kids from accessing the forbidden sites on the Internet, or to prevent them from revealing personal information.


3) Cyberspace:
Cyberspace is a synonym for the Internet, which can also be defined in a number of ways. Cyberspace also refers to the virtual world or an electronic areas and communities on the Internet and other computer networks; the culture developing on (or across) the global network of phone wires that make up the Internet. It also means a new publishing or communications medium separate from conventional media; and a "place" separate from or in addition to physical space.

4) Webmaster: Webmaster is an administrator that is responsible for the management and often designs of a Web site.

5) Java: Java is a computer programming language that transforms the normal data to the language of World Wide Web. It also makes possible to put animation, pictures, video and other fancy tricks on the World Wide Web.

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