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Monday, October 2, 2000
Letter to the Editor

Congratulations on being the first….
The latest, the hottest and the best.
Now a Monday is not just another Monday…
It is a power-packed Login day.

What I can say about the language you use…
It is like graphic user interface..
Lovely, easy, powerful and makes you at ease.


The features, items and articles are like…
Zipped files that are unzipped in our minds.

What to talk about the configuration of you…
It is like a dream come true.

Learning computers, Bits and bytes…
Unlocks the jigsaw hunting our minds,

How do I wish you all the best…
Use of cyber lingo is the best.

May your ‘system’ be…
Error, bug and virus-free.

I can visualise your circulation grow..
As a stand-along has grown
From PC to LAN…
From LAN to WAN…
And WAN to the NET…
May a billion you connect.

Once again all the best…
I know you would put nothing to chance…
And will do your best.

Pushpesh Kumar,
House No. 5617 A,
Mohalla Pujan Wala,

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