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Monday, September 18, 2000
Kids Chat

Physical challenge no problem

HELLOW kids! I mean all kids.

Fluppy: Of course you mean all kids. But why this sudden reference?

Windy: I mean all our friends, including the physically challenged children. I welcome them to the cyber world.

Cliparti: Yes, computer is user-friendly. No body should evade it. It can be a wonderful friend

Windy: Did you know that even the visually challenged children have become Netizens.

Cliparti: Wow! That’s great.

Windy: The Delhi branch of the National Association for the Blind has developed unique software that enables more that 300 blind children at the centre to work on papers, browse the Net, read mails and take printouts.


That is something very nice. How do they do it?

Windy: A speaking computer was devised with an ability to read out commands and each word that had been punched in.

Fluppy: So, a PC and a Net connection offers career for anyone, no matter how differently able you are.

Windy: Yes, organisations like the Indian Oil and the Punjab National Bank have already offered secured places in their organisation for visually challenged persons.

Cliparti: Do you know that Robert Thompson has invented a computer mouse that can be operated by foot instead of hand?

Fluppy: Wow!

Cliparti: And aren’t you aware of Jasmina Khanna who was diagnosed suffering from cerebral palsy. She couldn’t sit or stand and her limbs shook constantly. Owing to a damaged nervous system her speech is slow and she moves around the house or outside in a wheelchair.

Fluppy: Does she work on a computer?

Cliparti: Apart from that she has learnt Oracle, FoxPro programming, MS-Windows, MS-Office, Lotus, Word Star. She has also mastered Page Maker, Corel Draw and PhotoShop through self-training.

Windy: That’s really remarkable!

Cliparti: Its not just that. Wait till you hear more. She did some data entry jobs for various private organisations and then typed out the entire project for an architect. She has also made brochures for an advertisement agency for a holiday resort campaign. She has also prepared an Indian hotel guide for Rediff Communications for their Web site in HTML.

Fluppy: Can we see it?

Cliparti: Sure, at www.rediff.com in the hotel guide in the Travel section.

Fluppy: I am already inspired by her. But I still can’t write essays or do homework on my own.

Windy: Yeah, writing essays has also been a difficult task for me. I feel girls can write better essays.

Cliparti: That’s rather silly of you to think so. Anyhow, there is an essay bank at www.essaybank.co.uk, which provides database of essays on a wide range of topics. It can be helpful for students who want detailed information for higher studies.

Windy: It would be heavy for Fluppy, but I think I will definitely benefit from it.

Cliparti: Yeah, for Fluppy, even increasing his vocabulary would be enough at this stage.

Windy: I know of various such sites, which help in increasing vocabulary. The first one is http://a.die.supsi.ch/~gull/vocitrainer/index_e.htm, which makes you learn vocabulary quickly and efficiently. You can print vocabulary lists, sort them in various ways and write comments to a word. The other one is http://home.t-online.de/home/robert_maier. Here your vocabulary database is maintained where you can add any number of additional information, which you regard, reasonable. You can learn new words and specialised vocabulary time and again Your errors are also...

Fluppy: Hey! Why are you after my life? You are going on and on with one software or the other to increase my learning. Enough of this educational sites.

Cliparti: Okay, we won’t tell you more at present. But Fluppy, examination season is on and everywhere children are having their first terminals. Don’t you think we should talk more of studies?

Fluppy: Agreed, examination season is on. But even Olympics have started. So we should be discussing games too.

Windy: Here you are right, for a change. I’ll tell you of such wonderful games...

Cliparti: Not now, Windy. We are short of time. We can discuss it next week.

Windy: As you wish! So see you next week guys. Bye for now.

— Ira Verma

  The answers to the last week’s quiz are:
Crossword Unjumble Jumble
1. Syntax 1. Byte
2. Netiquette 2. Homepage
3. Cache 3. Gateway
4. Zip 4. Cyberspace
5. Shareware 5. Cookie

 And the winners are :

 1. Arvind from Jallandhar

2. Sukhvinder Saini from Moga

3. Aparna from Chandigarh

Its fun time, so try these mind teasers. There are no prizes but first 3 entries will get their names published in our next issue. Are you among those three lucky ones?


1. It contains the basic circuit and its components.2. 

The base two number system used in computers to represent data. It consists of only two number—O and I

3. A program that converts basic computer instructions into a pattern that the computer’s processor can use.

4. It is a measure of computer processor a hard disk storage. It is approx. 1024 bytes.

5. A set of conditions against which a product or system is measured.

 Unjumble Jumble 






Hey, kids! Let’s be friends. You can send your suggestions and queries to us at Kids Chat. Our e-mail address is login@tribuneindia.com. Cliparti Sweet, Fluppy Little, along with me, of course, are all here to answer them. — Windy
