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Monday, September 11, 2000
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A travel guide to the USA


This is a site for all those who travel abroad frequently, especially to the USA. On this site, you can find detailed information on major cities of the USA, like Chicago, Washington DC, Houston, New Jersey, Los Angeles, New York and SF Bay area. The information on all these cities is composed in the form of city pages, which are informative and useful. It also features major events in a particular city, along with other necessary information like date, venue and contact person. Other prominent information on these cities includes restaurants, theatres, grocery stores and travel agents. On these sites you can also find information on visa and other information related to immigration to the USA. If you are visiting the USA for the first time, then it is a must-visit site as it hosts a lot of valuable information, which can prove to be a good guide during your visit.


Are you stuck up with a problem related to your computer? If you need help on it, then it is just a mouse click-away. For hardware-related problem, you can log on to www.webhelp.com and get your PC fixed. You can even refer to "web wizards" available on this site and discuss your problem using the chat mode.



The computer world is the most happening place. To be abreast with the latest in the world of computers, though not necessarily related to technology, visit this site. This site hosts a wide range of information on various subjects, like virus alerts, bug alerts and tips and tricks. The site also has a huge resource for help on matters related to Windows, virus, plug-in, hardware, scanners, Internet, e-mail and memory passwords. It is a good site, which can also come handy, in case of any help required for computer-related matters.


This is a wonderful site for food lovers. It hosts links to a number of sites related to the food and offers information and recipes on the food of major countries. So if you wish to cook a Salzburger Nockerl, then all you need to do is to visit this site and click on Austria. This will open a page related to Austrian recipes for you. You can select any recipe or dish and seek more information on it. On this site hundreds of links to other sites are available, where you can learn about the food of other countries like Afghanistan, Brazil, Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Caribbean and Chinese. You can enjoy the food of any country including our own in a most special way.


This is a site on heart-related problems. It is basically an educational Web site, which features a lot of information, news and features on heart. It has channels on physicians, news, information on heart, resources, nutrition guide, risks, frequently-asked questions and glossary. On this site you can also find special features on heart attack, hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmia and stroke. There are several other articles available on this site, which are very informative. You can also consult a physician about your problem on this site.
