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day, September 11, 2000
Bits & Bytes

1.BPS: A short form for bits per second and is the measurement of digital information transmission rates.

2.Cache: It's a common term used in the computer and refers to the temporary storage bin in memory and on hard drive.

3.CMOS: It is the standard short form for Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor and refers to the physical makeup of the memory chips used to contain the CMOS memory settings.

4.FAT: It is the standard short form for File Allocation Table. This table information is stored in the data section of a bootable disk, i.e. floppy or hard disk. It normally consists of the first 63 sectors. Information about each file, size, location, and number of sectors used to store the file are kept here.

5.Zip: A type of file compression often used on the Internet. The file extension for a zipped file is .ZIP.

6.Intranet: A private network that works like the Internet, except that it can be shared by a selected group of persons, such as the employees of a company.

7.Modem: For exploring the Internet you need a modem. Modem is a hardware device, which connects computers to communicate with each other over telephone lines. Modems come in different speeds. One should opt for high speed, as on high speed the transmission of data is fast. It also enables "dial-up access". Nowadays, the fastest available modems are 56 kbps (or 56 kilobits per second).

8.Trojan Horse : A computer program that is like a virus and carries within itself a means to allow the program's creator access to the system using it. A Trojan normally will not do any damage by itself.
