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Monday, September 4, 2000

Analysing system for organisational needs

The rapid spread of computers and information technology in all walks of life has generated an immense need for highly trained workers to design and develop new hardware & software system. These workers could be system analysts, engineers or scientists. We are going to discuss the system analysts here.

Any organisation's prime aim is to realize maximum benefit from its investment in equipment, personnel and business processes. This includes planning and developing new computers systems or devising ways to apply existing systems resources to additional operations. The system analyst is the one who runs the tests, diagnoses problems, recommends solutions and determines if the programme requirements have been meet.

These system analysts may design new systems, including hardware and software, or add a new software application to harness more of the computer's power. In other words, they solve computer-related problems and enable computer technology to meet the individual needs of an organisation. Generally speaking, these analysts work with a specific type of system that varies with the need and type of organisation.


The foremost step for the analysts is to understand the nature of problems and the requirements of the managers and users. The goals are defined and the solutions are divided into individual steps and separate procedures. Techniques, like structured analysis, data modelling, information engineering, mathematical model building, sampling and cost accounting, are used. Inputs accessed by the system are specified, processing steps are designed and the output is formatted to meet the requirement of the user. Cost-benefit and return-on-investment analysis is done to help the management decide whether implementing the proposed system will prove financially feasible. Once the system is accepted, the computer hardware and software needs are determined.

Tests are co-ordinated and initial use of the system is observed to ensure that it performs as it was planned. Specifications, work diagrams and structured charts are prepared for the computer programmers to follow and then they work with them to "debug" or eliminate errors from the system. With the expanding use of computer, the need for different computer systems to communicate with each other arises. For maintaining up-to-date information - accounting records, sales figures or budget projections - networking is done in order to make the computer systems communicate and share information with each other.


System analysts are increasingly employed in every sector of the economy, yet they are concentrated more in the computer and data processing service industry. The firms in this industry provide services related to commercial computer use on a contract basis. With the advent of computers in government agencies, insurance companies, financial institutions and universities, the horizon for these analysts has widened. These analysts can also opt to work on a temporary or contractual basis. They can also work as self-employed consultants. For example, a company might need the services of several system analysts just to get the system running. Once the system gets functioning not all of them might be needed. So the company may contract with the system analysis or temporary help agency or consulting firm. Such jobs may last for several months up to 2 years or more. This facility enables the company to get expert services without spending time and money on training the existing workers, although, sometimes these consultants may train the company's in-house staff to tackle minor contingencies.

Working conditions

The system analysts normally work in offices or laboratories in comfortable surroundings. Their working days are same as many other professional or office workers i.e., five days a week but sometimes weekends may be used in order to meet the deadlines or solve specific problems. Telecommuting is common for computer professionals. With the given technology, as the networks expands, more work, including technical support, can be easily done from remote locations using modems, laptops and the Internet.

By working for long hours in front of a computer terminal or excessive typing on the keyboard, these analysts are susceptible to eye strain, back discomfort and hand and wrist problems.

Qualification, training and advancement

For a system analyst, the prerequisites sought by the employers may be a bachelor's degree in computer science, information science or management information systems (MIS). Relevant work experience is also important. These analysts should have a logical thinking accompanied by good communication skills. The ability to concentrate and pay close attention to minute details is also very essential, as they may have to deal with a number of tasks simultaneously. Generally they work independently but on larger projects they may be required to work in teams. Further, they are also required to communicate effectively not only with computer personnel, such as programmers and managers, but also with the staff and the users who may not have any technical computer background. Thus, the employer usually looks for those persons, who have broad knowledge and experience with the computer systems, analysis skills and good interpersonal skills.

Each minute, the technology is advancing. To keep pace with this advancement, the analyst has to continue his study to keep his skills up to date. Additional training may be attained from professional development seminars offered by computing societies. Often hardware and software vendors, colleges and universities, private training institutes or even employers offer continuing education.

System analysts may be promoted as a senior or lead system analyst. Some having leadership ability can also become project managers or even advance to management positions such as manager of information systems or chief information officer.

Technical or professional certification is a way to demonstrate the level of competency and quality in a particular field. In India, Microsoft offers this certification. Many of these are widely sought after and are considered industry standards. Such professional certification may provide a job seeker with a competitive advantage over others.

Job outlook

Computer and data processing services are projected to be the fastest growing industry in the US economy. India not for behind, is also expecting the employment of computing professionals to increase at a much faster rate than average. As technology becomes more sophisticated, the organisations continue to adopt and integrate these changes. From a petty shopkeeper to space research organisations, all require computerisation. Thousands of job openings will arise annually. The demand for networking, in order to facilitate the sharing of information, the expansion of client/server environments and the need for specialists to use their knowledge and skills in a problem solving capacity will be the major factors in the rising demand for system analysts. Further, with the falling prices of computer hardware and software more business houses are expanding their computerised operations and integrating new technologies. In order to maintain a competitive edge and operate cost effectively, firms will continue to demand computer professionals who are knowledgeable about the latest technologies and able to apply them to meet the needs of business.

New growth areas usually arise from the development of new technologies. Integration of the Internet technologies with business, for example, has resulted in a rising demand for a variety of skilled professionals who can develop and support the Internet, Intranet and Web applications. The growth of e-commerce or electronic commerce means more establishments will use the Internet to conduct their business online. Thus a need for information technology professionals develops, who can help the organisations use technology to communicate with employees, clients and consumers.

As technology becomes more complex, employers in all areas demand a higher level of skill and expertise. Individuals with an advanced degree in computer science, computer engineering, or an MBA with a concentration in information systems should enjoy favourable employment prospects. College graduates with a bachelor's degree in computer science, computer engineering, information science, or management information systems would also have good prospects for employment, particularly if they have supplemented their formal education with practical experience. Because employers continue to seek computer professionals who can combine strong technical skills with good interpersonal and business skills, graduates with non-computer programming, systems analysis, and other information technology areas, should also continue to find jobs as computer professionals. In fact, individuals with the right experience and training can work in a computer-related occupation regardless of their major or level of formal education.


Being the most sought after field, this job offers an excellent package. The average earning could be anywhere between 30,000 and 50,000 per month. In a rat race to earn more by maximising the computerisation, the firms are even willing to offer more for better expertise. For beginners, salary begins in five figures whereas people with 2-5 years of experience could earn between 20,000 to 40, 000 per month and for more experienced persons, the salary can be based on personal merits and expertise, which could even go up to 6 figures, for the deserving candidates.
