Saturday, August 12, 2000
W O R D  P O W E R

— (Pronounced par’a-gon) a supremely excellent person, a perfect example of a specific quality.

Synonyms — ideal, model

Antonyms — flawed, imperfect.

— Mother Teresa was looked upon as a paragon of virtue.

Stoic — (Pronounced sto’ik) ability to bear pain, trouble without complaining, (even unaffected by pleasure.)

Synonyms — impassive, uncomplaining, self controlled

Antonyms — volatile, demonstrative.

— her stoic acceptance of her son’s death was amazing.

Extravagant — (Pronounced eks-trav’a gant) using more than required, especially money, exceeding ordinary limits.

Synonyms — immoderate, unrestrained

Antonyms — reasonable, moderate.

—Leena’s extravagant ways led to her husband’s bankruptcy.

Transitory — (Pronounced trans’-sit-ory) transient, temporary, passing.

Synonyms —short, brief, fleeting, momentary.

Antonyms — permanent, abiding, everlasting,

— Their happiness was only transitory, and once again they had to face numerous hardships.

Contravene — (Pronounced kon-tra-veen) to conflict, or act against law, principle etc.

Synonyms — oppose, violate, transgress, infringe, defy.

Antonyms — adhere, aid, follow, support.

Young boys do not hesitate to contravene the traffic rules.

Synthesis — (Pronounced sin’the-sis) a combination of separate parts, things or ideas.

Synonyms — fusion, blend

Antonyms — division, separation, dispersal

— Her designs are a synthesis of eastern and western dresses.



Palindrome is a word, sentence or a paragraph that reads the same backwards as forwards. e.g eye.

— Mothers understand children, few children understand mothers.

Rearrange the jumbled letters of the words below, to find palindromic words.


Looking back

Stoics was a school of Greek philosophers, founded by Zeno of Citium in about 310 B.C. The school derives its name from the fact that Zeno taught under the Stoa Poikile or Painted Portico of Athens. Though the Stoic doctrine embraced a complete philosophical system, it mainly addressed moral issues. It held that happiness lay in liberation from the bondage of passions and appetites and in approximation to God, obeying His will; that virtue is thus the highest good, and suffering a matter of indifference.


The conscience of children is formed by the influences that surround them; their notions of good and evil are the result of the moral atmosphere they breathe Rchter

Score card

Civic, pop, radar, deed, peep, dad, madam, pup, tot, refer.

—Illa vij