Thursday, July 27, 2000,
Chandigarh, India
C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


Hi-tech hospitals luring PGI doctors?
By Poonam Batth
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — Hi-tech private hospitals and nursing homes, which are mushrooming in the city and the neighbouring areas, are apparently luring a few good doctors of the PGI, some of whom have already quit.

Senior doctors of the PGI give many reasons for the apparent shift in the preference of these doctors, even as they hold prestigious positions in one of the premier institutes in the country. A case in point is that of Dr Jagmohan S. Verma, Head of the Department of Cardiology, who resigned from his post two days ago. He had put in 17 years of service and would have earned his pension in another three years. But he, too, has preferred to quit and start private consultancy. Six months ago, an Additional Professor from the Department of Ophthalmology, Dr Kanwar Mohan, had also left the PGI to start his own practice. They do so for they feel that the future is not bright for them in the PGI.

“If the government continues to play around with the interests of doctors in the government sector, they will be left with no other alternative.” This was former PGI Director B.N.S. Walia’s instant reaction as to why good doctors are contemplating leaving institutions like the PGI to work in private set-ups. The differences in the private and government sectors are colossal. And unless the government is realistic about these differences and provides those in the government set-ups the same kind of salaries and work environment, it will become difficult to run these institutions, he adds. He further maintains that the next 10 years spell doom for these institutes for competent doctors will either quit or will not be willing to join them.

Though at the moment there is no such trend, with the coming up of multi-speciality hospitals in the region, it could be a possibility. For instance in Delhi nearly 50 per cent of the AIIMS faculty has during the past three or four years moved on to join corporate hospitals like Apollo, Escorts and Batra. The situation is such that some of the departments like Cardiology, Neurosurgery, Cardio-thoracic Surgery and Neurology are getting depleted.

Another former PGI Director, Dr I.C. Pathak, says the large amount of money doctors make in the private sector is one of the major factors that lures them. “A specialist who is known in the area of his work and has a good number of years of experience in the PGI draws many more patients if he goes into private practice,” says Dr Pathak. The lure of the private sector is immense for youngsters, who wish to maintain a good standard of living and are not being paid as well as they should be. A few others who leave the PGI perhaps do so because they are looking for greater professional satisfaction. They wish to be recognised as experts in their chosen field at the national level. He further says that a few doctors leaving the PGI will not make much of a difference to the institute, but if senior faculty members who have been there for a long time start moving out, then it is a matter of concern.

According to Dr V.K. Kak, Director Principal, GMCH, Sector 32, “working in an institute of the PGI’s repute is a strong attraction for many doctors who would in the past move out only to come back.” When the institute was set up, the pay scales of the doctors were the best in the country. They were being paid salaries equivalent to those of Punjab and Haryana High Court judges. But over a period of time this parity has not been maintained. Dr Kak further points out that the delay in the implementation of the Fifth Pay Commission recommendations and the recent roll-back in the pay hike given to the PGI staff following the Bakshi Committee recommendations have also affected the morale of the faculty. Doctors are also leaving since job satisfaction in the PGI is also gradually coming down. Adequate funds are not being made available for both clinical work and research. Skilled specialists are also feeling helpless as they are not able to use the latest equipment which comes to the private sector much before the PGI. He is of the view that doctors who feel frustrated with the increasing rush of patients and the lack of proper functional equipment in their respective departments are bound to leave. Doctors will stick there only if they are assured both financial and job satisfaction.

Even Dr R.C. Mahajan, one of the former Professors of the PGI maintains that the returns in the government sector are not commensurate with the effort one puts in. In contrast, the remuneration in the private sector gives one monetary benefit as well as personal satisfaction. For instance, in the PGI there is tough competition at every level and even a promotion has to be earned. Those who stay on do so out of sheer commitment to service of the community, but among materialistic-minded doctors of today the concept of nobility of profession no longer exists. They are interested in being paid a salary commensurate with the effort they put in. “The government should try to maintain the identity of these institutes of excellence and ensure that they are adequately funded and that their salary structure is different than the other central government set-ups.”

Dr Amod Gupta, Head, Department of Ophthalmology, points out that specialists in the private sector have the potential of making money equivalent to a professor’s monthly salary in a day. Moreover, certain doctors feel suffocated when the kind of equipment they wish to work on is not made available to them in time. However, the doctors who are dedicated to the cause of patient care, research and training and feel good about the recognition they get in the positions they occupy will continue to serve these institutes, he says.Back

Existing law ‘not deficient’
Legislation needed to ‘check funding of terrorism’
By Prabhjot Singh
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — “The existing law is not deficient. The deficiency is in the manner of its enforcement,” says Justice J.S. Verma, a former Chief Justice of India and Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), while referring to the views given by the commission on the draft Prevention of Terrorism Bill, 2000.

“We, in the NHRC, are unanimously of the considered view that there is no need to enact a new law as the needed solution can be found under the existing laws, if properly enforced, implemented, and amended, if necessary.

“The proposed bill, if enacted, would have the ill-effect of providing unintentionally a strong weapon capable of gross misuse and violation of human rights which must be avoided particularly in view of the experience of the misuse in the recent past of TADA and earlier MISA of the Emergency days.

“Such a course is consistent with our country’s determination to combat and triumph over terrorism in a manner also consistent with the promotion and protection of human rights,” Justice Verma said.

He was here to inaugurate a three-day workshop on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Laws for police and prison officers at the Sector 26 Institute of Correctional Administration.

Justice Verma said that the NHRC, in discharge of its obligatory functions, had opposed the continuance of TADA and a letter dated February 20, 1995, was sent by the then Chairperson to all MPs. The earlier opinion of the commission was relevant at this juncture not merely as historical background, but also because of its relevance in the formation of the opinion of the NHRC in the present context.

Talking about TADA, he said that this Act could not even bring about 1 per cent conviction.

Justice Verma said that the commission felt that in the area relating to the check on financing of terrorism, there appeared to be a lack of appropriate legislation. “Unfortunately, the present Bill is silent on this aspect. The government needs to frame appropriate legislation in the light of the international convention.”

While talking about the powers of the NHRC, Justice Verma said that critics had been describing the commission as a paper tiger with no teeth.

“The NHRC is no substitute for courts. We must understand the philosophy behind commissions. We have to work to complement, and not act in conflict with the judicial system or the courts,” he added quoting several instances from the recent past, including the case of mass cremations in Punjab, in which the apex court wanted the NHRC to monitor the whole issue.

The commission, he said, had recommended to the Union Government certain amendments to the HRC Act. At present, the major handicap had been of the limited investigative machinery available with the NHRC and the state human rights commissions.

“I agree that complaints against the police are to be investigated by the same police. But since the commissions are headed by jurists with vast experience, they make sure that proper investigations are carried out. In case any flaw is noticed, reinvestigation is ordered. At some places, we are keen to associate some retired police officers and civil servants with a spotless record with the investigation cells.”

Justice Verma agreed that the problem of “children born out of conflict” was a major and significant one. “It is why we encouraged the idea of Mamta Ghar where such children could be brought up in a peaceful and conducive atmosphere.

“I can recall an order I passed in which compensation of Rs 1 lakh each had been ordered for next of kin of 11 persons killed in a police encounter. The encounter was subsequently justified and an appeal was filed against the award of compensation to which I ordered that since it was the duty of the state to look after citizens, including women and children, the children and other family members cannot be denied the compensation for they were innocent people and had nothing to do with the criminal records of those killed,” he added.

An “attitudinal change” could ensure a better human rights culture. The role of the NHRC, he said, was to act as a catalyst which could accelerate the process of this attitudinal change.

Defining human rights, he said that it had to be a balance between the dignity of an individual and the sense of national security so that there were no conflicting interests between the dignity of an individual and national progress and prosperity.

Justice Verma also stressed the need for humane governance.


Kargil martyrs' sacrifices recalled
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — There was pin drop silence as hundreds of candles were lit by people assembled at the Parade grounds to pay homage to the martyrs of Kargil at a joint function organised by the governments of Punjab, Haryana, UT and the Western Command here this evening.

Addressing the gathering, Mr Parkash Singh Badal, Punjab Chief Minister, said it had been brought to his notice that the Paraplegic Home at Mohali was in need of finances and he announced a grant of Rs 10 lakh. "We are committed to stand by the jawans who laid down their lives and would do anything in this context", he said.

Haryana Chief Minister Om Praksah Chautala also reiterated his commitment towards helping those who laid down their lives for the love for the country. We would be ungrateful if we did nothing for kin. He said it is just the belief that the country would look after their families that keeps them going in adverse conditions, he pointed out.

The gathering was also addressed by the Punjab Governor, Lt-Gen J. F. R. Jacob and Haryana Governor Babu Parmanand.

After this, the lights in the huge pandal were put off as the announcer asked the gathering to light the candles, observe two minutes' of silence and remember the jawans who have their today for out tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the local unit of the Nationalist Congress Party also held a function to celebrate the day. Besides this, Blue Bird Model School, Sector 16 and the Rotaract Club of Panchkula also organised functions to mark the occasion.Back


War with Pak not ruled out: Oberoi
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — There is little difference between the attitude of Pakistan’s civilian and military regimes towards India and in view of the confrontationist policies being pursued, the chances of war cannot be ruled out, says Lieut Gen Vijay Oberoi, GOC-in-C, Western Command. He was interacting with mediapersons at a function held to mark the first anniversary of the Kargil victory at the Western Command headquarters here this morning.

The General said the proxy war had been intensified after the crushing defeat at Kargil and the enemy would leave no opportunity to avenge it. Hence, war cannot be ruled out. We were fully prepared for any eventuality and would not be caught off guard, he stressed.

Commenting on the use of nuclear weapons, he said nuclear weapons were a deterrence since the ramifications and implications would be grave. It had been seen the world over and both the countries in question were no exception. In fact, Pakistan had said that it would be used as a last resort if things came to a pass, he added.

General Oberoi expressed his satisfaction at the rehabilitation of the next of kith and kin of the martyrs and the ex-gratia and measures initiated by various state governments for the welfare of the disabled jawans and officers. In fact, the overwhelming support of the people was a great motivating factor in winning the conflict, he stressed. The lessons of Kargil had been learnt and changes suggested by the Subramaniam Committee were being implemented at all levels in the Army.

Earlier, a short video film of the inhospitable terrain and the footage of actual operations was shown to the mediapersons. The strategy adopted by the Army to evict the intruders was also explained in brief.

Later, a solemn ceremony was held at Veer Smriti, where homage was paid to the martyrs who laid down their lives for the sake of the motherland. The Governor of Haryana, Babu Parmanand, accompanied by General Oberoi, laid wreaths at the memorial. Wreaths were also laid by Lieut-Gen B.S. Malik, Chief of Staff, Western Command, Air Vice-Marshal Nirmal Thusu, Air Officer Commanding, Advance Headquarters, and Commander R P S Josen from 3 BRD on behalf of the Army, Air Force and the Navy. Floral tributes were also paid by retired and serving gallantry award winners.

The Governor also honoured war widows and kin of martyrs. Those honoured include Prof Harbans Singh, father of Major Sandeep Sagar, Ms Veena Katoch, wife of Subedar P Katoch, Ms Paramjit Kaur, wife of Havaldar Vikram Singh, Ms Anita Rani, wife of L\Nk Ranjodh Singh, Mr Taraspal Singh, father of Sepoy Sukhpreet Singh, Ms Paramjit Singh, wife of Wing Commander Tarlochan Singh, Ms Jaikanta Sandhu, mother of Lieut Sanjeev Sandhu, and Lieut Col K S Kanwar, father of Maj Sandeep Sankhla.

The Governor also went around a photo exhibition on the operations which had been put up on the occasion. He and his wife later interacted with the widows and relatives of the martyrs.

In the evening, Punjab Governor Lieut-Gen J F R Jacob, was At Home with the family members of the martyrs. Families and dependants of the gallantry award winners from various parts of the state were also present at a select gathering on the spacious lawns of Raj Bhavan.

Interacting with those assembled, he said the gathering was selective so that the families of the martyrs could get a forum to redress their grievances. Present on the occasion was the Punjab Chief Minster, Parkash Singh Badal, and the Chief Secretary, Mr R.S. Mann.

The CM said Punjab was proud to have the largest number of martyrs who had laid down their lives for the country, He said the state would stand by its brave sons and the state was duty bound to take care of their families. He assured the Governor that all the grievances would be redressed at the earliest. Also present on the occasion were General Oberoi, General Malik and other senior officers of Western Command. 


Tangori lives in fear of retaliation by SI’s men
By Rajmeet Singh
Tribune News Service

TANGORI (SAS NAGAR), July 26 — Fear is writ large on the faces of residents of Tangori and neighbouring villages in the area as they apprehend that the Sub-Inspector of Punjab Police, Surjit Chand, arrested for subjecting a Constable to third-degree torture, may retaliate for their refusal to tow his line of action.

They allege that the henchmen of the SI, who are holed up at the roadside hotel on the Kharar-Banur road, may strike. “The staff at the Tangori Police Post, including the Constable, Gurpreet, had objected to illegal trade of selling poppy husk and opium by the henchmen of the SI. If the constable can be ,tortured we are no exception,” said a villager.

Fears of the villagers is not unfounded if one goes to the genesis of the problem. It all started in February when armed men of the SI descended on a piece of land adjoining the village and started raising construction on it. “ Of the total 50 kilas of Jumla Malkan — shamlat land of the village — at least three acres of prime land was fraudulently sold to Mr Lakhbir Singh in connivance with certain residents. The power of attorney of the land was got prepared from Patiala on the basis of forged documents,” said Mr Balbir Singh, Lambardar of the village.

Then the entire 50 kilas of land was allegedly occupied by the henchmen of the SI and a hotel started functioning from the raised structure. A case of cheating and forgery against the suspects had already been registered at Patiala.

Mr Lakhbir Singh, who was present at the hotel, denied his relation with the SI, Surjit Chand. He said money had been paid against the land before raising the structure on the land. He said he had been wrongly implicated in the case of cheating. Mr Baldev Singh, Panch of Tangori Gram Panchayat, said the clients of poppy husk and opium were usually truck drivers halting at the dhaba. Youths of Manakpur, Kurda, Kurdi, Daidri, Sneta, Manuali and Tangori also used to come to the dhaba for the drugs.

The Superintendent of Police, SAS Nagar, Mr BS Randhawa, had earlier said the constable had been tortured as the police post was proving to be an irritant in the smooth conduct of their business. Head Constable Rajinder Singh, posted at the Tangori Police Post, said, “We usually put up nakas on the road due to fear of Kala Kachha gang striking in the area and this irritated the men at the dhaba.

The villagers had been writing to the Station House Officer of Sohana Police Station against the alleged clandestine activity at the hotel, but of no use. “The police swung into action only after an employee of their department was tortured. Had it been a civilian, justice could have never seen the light of day,” they lamented.


Ik Dana album clipped: Mehndi
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — Expressing regrets over the inclusion of clips in his latest video album Ik Dana which hurt sentiments of Sikh community in India, Daler Mehndi today, in a statement issued from Vancouver, Canada, stated that “he was sorry for those video clips that have hurt feelings of Sikhs in India.”

He stated that the video clips in question had been edited to respect the sentiments of Sikhs. He also stated that while the clips ended up emotionally hurting some people, the objective of showing the young persons wearing turbans and sporting beards was to spread awareness about the Sikh culture among them. He added that the clips had not been included with the intention of hurting anyone.



Homage paid to Kargil martyrs
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — A function to commemorate the Kargil Vijay Divas was organised at Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 35-D, here today.

Lieut-Gen SS Brar (Retd), who was the special guest on the occasion, urged the students to join the armed forces. He also elaborated on the sacrifices made by soldiers and steps taken by the government in the wake of Pakistani aggression in the Kargil and Dras sectors.

The school Principal, Ms Kushwinder Sharma, encouraged the students to lead a virtuous life — the first virtue being love for the motherland.

The students of Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 33, also organised a function to observe the Kargil Vijay Divas to profess their solidarity towards the country and to pay homage to valiant Kargil soldiers.

A rally was also organised, in which 200 students, took part. The students holding placards walked in streets, raising slogans recalling the martyrs’ brave efforts.

Mr Karan Singh, Principal of the school, spoke in a special assembly organised by the school. 



City didn’t gain much from Mamata’s visit
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — During the recent visit of the Union Railway Minister, Ms Mamata Banerjee, city residents may have been the losers as the Chief Ministers of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh virtually besieged her with demands while one of the long pending demands of Chandigarh got a mention from the minister but no assurance or date was set.

One of most important announcements that she was expected to make was the starting of a direct Chandigarh — Mumbai rail link. Another demand was the shifting of the timing of the afternoon Shatabdi to the evening. Even this proposal is pending for very long but a paucity of rakes is delaying it.

In case of the Mumbai link, sources said railway officials of the Ambala railway division had been sounded by the Railway Board officials to make preparations for the already approved Kalka-Chandigarh -Ambala link train to join the Amritsar-Mumbai Central Pashchim express at Ambala.

A proposal is to start a special six coach train as the link train with a dedicated locomotive was cleared almost eight months ago.

Just a day before the function, senior railway officials were sure that the minister would announce the new train. However, the minister said that it will be done very soon but a shortage of coaches was delaying things. Sources meanwhile added that problems of coaches is not all that big. On an average around 10 coaches are manufactured everyday in the coach factories located in Northern Railway itself.

On the other hand , a large number of ageing coaches are being replaced by new ones, an official said while explaining why the minister could have referred to the shortage of rakes in case of the Shatabdi the coaches’ problem is genuine as a new coaches have to be ordered for the Shatabdis. The present coaches, that come here in the morning go back to Delhi in the afternoon and restart from there under a new name as the Delhi- Amritsar Shatabdi. If the timing of the afternoon Shatabdi is shifted then the Delhi-Amritsar route will suffer so the status quo is being maintained.

The link express to connect Chandigarh and Mumbai will take the existing configuration of the Pashchim Express up to 24 coaches. The six coaches that will start from Kalka and be attached with the train at Ambala will be delinked from the train at Dadar and not carry on till Mumbai Central, the original destination of the Pashchim Express.

On the return journey the bogies will be attached from Dadar and be delinked at Ambala for onward journey till Kalka.

The carrying on of the 24 coaches train to Mumbai Central was the problem due to which the train connection could not be provided earlier, sources said. The Mumbai Central station does not have platform that can berth 24 coaches. A similar facility is, however, available at Dadar, located a few kilometers before Mumbai Central.

Railway sources said the linking will take about 10 minutes to do. Already the Pashchim Express has a 10 minute stop at Ambala and is considered as one of the better trains towards Mumbai.Back


This roundabout is in full bloom
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — The north-south divide notwithstanding, roundabouts in southern sectors have started looking up. One of these roundabouts of Sectors 34, 35, 43 and 44 has become a major attraction for evening strollers.

The roundabout is in full bloom. The designer of this roundabout, Mr Kalwant Singh Dhillon, one of the oldest Executive Engineer of the Horticulture Wing of the Engineering Department of the Chandigarh Administration, has used ground covers and head plants balancing the whole concept with flowering annuals. The new concept of use of white stone and brick red masonary, too, is visible at the roundabout.

Mr Dhillon, who took premature retirement from the Engineering Department of the Chandigarh Administration in 1992 and went abroad to take up an assignment as Senior Landscape Engineer to look after the landscaping of the personal palaces of the Sultan of Oman. Mr Kalwant Singh is also credited with the design of Sector 33 Terrace Garden, Topiary Park in Sector 35 and Purv Marg Mango Garden.

After returning from his foreign assignment, Mr Dhillon has been associated with various landscaping projects as a consultant.

Besides the roundabout of Sectors 34, 35, 43 and 44, he has also designed the roundabout of Sectors 11, 12, 14 and 15 or the PGI roundabout. It does not have flowering annuals.

WWICS, a city-based immigration company, which has sponsored both these roundabouts designed by Mr Dhillon, has also undertaken similar projects for beautifying roundabouts and open spaces at SAS Nagar.

Mr Dhillon wants the Chandigarh Administration to take immediate steps to restore the glory of neat, clean and green Chandigarh. He wants all sectors and road berms to be levelled, dressed after being cleared of all encroachments.

“Each and every roundabout may be allotted for landscaping, beautification to the interested parties or commercial houses. The left out roundabouts and open spaces should be developed by both the Chandigarh Administration and the Chandigarh Municipal Corporation,” he says maintaining that development of round-abouts needs only low cost soft landscaping.Back


A colony of filth and squalor
From Kiran Deep

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — Bapu Dham colony remains a neglected area as far as sanitation is concerned. Hygiene is low on the list of the Administration’s priorities and many diseases have erupted in the area. The cleanliness drive started by the UT Administrator, Lt Gen JFR Jacob, from Sector 47 has failed to reach Bapu Dham.

Ms Sunita, Councillor from Bapu Dham, says: “We do not really know if Bapu Dham is treated as part of Chandigarh. We are still waiting for the Administrator who has started a cleanliness campaign. We have even sent representations requesting him to visit the colony so as to have an overview of the conditions here, but so far there has been no reply or action.”

Describing the pathetic condition of the area meant for parking of transport vehicles, she said that the entire area had become a huge garbage bin. Those who have shops and houses near the transport parking area are living in virtual hell.

Although they had sent representations to the Assistant Commissioner of the Municipal Corporation and also written to the Health Supervisor and the Sanitary Inspector, nothing substantial had been done so far.

Mr Lalan Kumar, a member, of the All-India Crime Prevention Society, says: “In the rainy days all the dirty water from the transport parking area which has heaps of garbage enters our shops and it becomes difficult for us to run our normal business.”

Ms Surinder Kaur, another resident of Bapu Dham, said that the area kept stinking all the time.

Mr Ranjit Singh, owner of a transport company, said that the area was without suitable roads or parking areas; even the traffic was not regulated. “Every now and then dead animals are found lying in the transport parking area and the stench is unbearable”, he said.

Mr Dev Raj, president of Sheetla Devi Mandir, said that it had become difficult to offer prayers in the temple because of the foul smell emanating from the garbage. Mr Ravinder Goel, president, Bapu Dham, Phase-II Market, said: “We have written many letters to the Administration but nobody has bothered to reply. It seems the authorities do not consider Bapu Dham a part of Chandigarh.

Another resident talked about malaria and other diseases that were spreading in the area. Mr Ahmed Ashal, president of the fish market, said that he did not have a proper place to run this business. “We only have the transport parking area and even that is full of garbage and does not serve our purpose.”

Children rue the fact that they have no park to play in. Formerly they used to play in the parking area which now lies filled with garbage.


Worm found in tap water
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — Monsoon is known as a season when the worms are more prominently visible in surroundings.

However, family members of the Principal of Government College for Girls, Sector 11 were in for a surprise today when a water tap brought along a snake-like wriggling creature.

When kept in a bottle, the creature died leaving around a thick collection of green fluid. Technically it could be difficult for a creature to emerge full from the water pipes. However, due to leakages of water pipes it can be possibleBack.

‘Rights panels catalyst of change’
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — The National Human Rights Commission and the State Human Rights Commissions have to act as a catalyst to bring about attitudinal change in the functioning of the police and other security forces.

This was stated by Justice J.S. Verma, a former Chief Justice of India, and Chairman of the National Human Rights Commission. Inaugurating a three-day workshop on “Human Rights and International Humanitarian Laws” organised by the Institute of Correctional Administration and the Association for Advancement of Police and Security Sciences, Justice Verma said that humane behaviour was required while dealing with prisoners of war in military action also, and if in normal circumstances, one was required to be humane in behaviour also.

Justice Verma said that human rights are directly connected with national progress and prosperity. Humane governance is key to development.

The Human Rights Commissions, he said, were acting as catalysts in bringing about a balance between individual dignity and the national security.

Earlier, Justice V.K. Khanna, Chairman, Punjab Human Rights Commission, in his presidential address decried political interference in police investigations. He said that as many as 80 cases are pending with the State Human Rights Commission which have witnessed political interference. He also wanted more teeth for the commissions.

Prisons in Punjab, he said, were overcrowded leading to insanitary conditions. The overcrowding was mainly because of undertrials. He said that the Punjab Commission has involved many NGOs and was determined to end drug menace in the state.

Dr S. Subramanian of the association for Advancement of Police and Security Sciences, said that it was the third workshop being organised by the association. Another such workshop was being planned for the North-East.

He said that for the present workshop, there have been 42 nominations, including 22 from prisons and 20 from police. The first two workshops were held at Vellor and Jammu. He also talked about paradigm shift in the law and enforcement.

Earlier, Mr M.P. Singh, Director, Institute of Correctional Administration, in his address of welcome, talked about the history and growth of the institute.

Dr Upneet Lalli, Deputy Director of the institute, while proposing a vote of thanks, said that there were sufficient laws. All that was needed was their enforcement. Back



Liquor vend creates problems
Tribune News Service

SAS NAGAR, July 26 — A liquor shop close to an upcoming school, in the middle of a large residential complex with an adjoining public park and a bi-weekly vegetable market has created problems for residents of Sector 71 here.

St. Xavier School, has a liquor shop, located barely 200 m from its boundary wall, which is illegal. The school is opening in October and the liquor vend can have bad impact on school children. The liquor shop has also prompted the operation of an ahata opposite it, right in front of the area where a vegetable mandi comes up each Tuesday and Saturday. Moreover, this shop is part of residential market, which again is illegal.

This shop came up over a month ago and it has opened a Pandoras box of miseries for residents of Sector 71. Women of the sector have stopped visiting the market as the liquor shop has people standing there and drinking the whole day. Villagers coming to the mandi twice a week are easy customers for the liquor shop and by the time the mandi starts in the evening many of them are drunk and reportedly misbehave with women. People also face problems in visiting a nearby public park.

These problems were brought to the notice of the SDM SAS Nagar, on behalf of residents on a request given by Mr D.S. Rathore, a resident, which was marked to the Excise and Taxation Office by the SDM. The Excise and Taxation Department is the sole licensing and approving authority for granting permission to open liquor shops. Is it going to do anything about this problem?Back



More villages favour inclusion in civic body
From Our Correspondent

ZIRAKPUR, July 26 — Representatives Bhabhat and Nabha Sahib villages today urged the Department of Local Bodies, Punjab Government, to include their villages in the proposed nagar panchayat.

The demand was raised before Mr N.K. Arora, Principal Secretary, at the Mini Secretariat, Chandigarh, when he listened to the objection of various parties for inclusion or exclusion of their villages in the panchayat. However, the residents of Bartana village wanted that the persons living in the area inside the “phirni” should not be included in the panchayat. They, however, had no objection if the persons living outside the “phirni” were included in the panchayat.

In an objection filed by the Bhabhat panchayat through sarpanch, Dharam Singh, it was stated that the village shared a majority of the facilities with Zirakpur which had been merged with other six villages to form the civic body.

It may be recalled that the Punjab and Haryana High Court has earlier quashed the erstwhile Zirakpur Nagar Panchayat on case filed by the Bhabhat gram panchayat seeking merging of the village in the civic body.

The residents of Nabha Sahib sought merging of the village with the panchayat. Earlier, the village was included in the erstwhile panchayat but the gram panchayat had objected to it. Following this the department had excluded the village from the nagar panchayat.

Today owners of five petrol stations objected to the formation of the panchayat, alleging that after the formation of the civic body, rates of petrol and diesel go up on account of the levy of octroi. This will affect their business as the costumers will prefer Chandigarh for fuel, they added.

The shopkeepers of this area also objected stating that after the imposition of octroi and other taxes on various goods the sale would decline.

A majority of panchayats and residents of seven villages — Zirakpur, Bartana, Himmatgarh, Lohgarh, Dhakoli, Bishangarh and Bishanpura — expressed their desire to be included in the civic body.

Mr N.K. Arora said the decision on the formation of the panchayat will be taken the next week.

CPI seeks relief for flood-hit farmers
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — A team to CPI leaders led by Dr Joginder Dayal, secretary of the Punjab unit of the CPI, after visiting flood-affected areas in Patiala, Sangrur and other districts, here today urged the state government to immediately announce compensation for the affected farmers.

The other members of the team were Mr Hardev Arshi, a party MLA and Mr Surinder Singh.

Dr Dayal said the Badal government was responsible for the floods. It made no arrangement to counter the threat of floods. The Ghaggar had caused a big loss to farmers.

Demanding a special girdawri in the affected areas, Dr Dayal alleged that the Badal government only cared for the Muktsar and Malout belts and ignored the other areas.Back





31 held in special drive
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — As many as 31 persons were arrested in a special drive against anti-social elements yesterday.

According to a press note, 18 persons were held under Section 109 of the CrPC and two were arrested under Sections 107 and 151 of the CrPC. While 10 persons were arrested under Sections 34, 5 and 61 of the Police Act, one was nabbed while driving under the influence of liquor.

Assaulted: Mr Ajit Singh of Sector 41 alleged that he was assaulted and injured by Gurmeet Singh and Surinder Singh in Sector 40. A case has been registered.

Liquor seized: Bhagta Bahadur of Nepal was arrested from near the ISBT in Sector 17 and 24 bottles of whisky seized from his possession. A case has been registered.

House burgled: Ms Santosh Rani of Sector 23 reported that someone entered her house after breaking the lock someday between July 22 and 25. Though details of the stolen items are yet to be ascertained, a case has been registered.

Car stolen: Mr Darshan Singh of SAS Nagar reported that his car (PB-05-D-6464) was stolen from Sector 17. A case has been registered.


Booked: Another case involving embezzlement of Rs 2.2 crore has been registered against the Executive Director and four other officials of the Punjab Wireless Communication Limited (Punwire). The embezzlement relates to issuance of fake receipts against payment of octroi on transportation of company's goods.



Lovers commit suicide
From Our Correspondent

KHARAR, July 26 — Two lovers committed suicide in Jhande Majra village of Kharar tehsil today.

According to information given by Mr Bahadur Singh, Sub Inspector of Kurali Police, dead bodies of Avtar Singh (22) and Karamjit Kaur (16) were recovered from a well in the village. He said the information about these bodies was given to the police at about 4 p.m. today by the gram panchayat and other residents of the village. He added that the police immediately rushed to the spot and recovered the bodies.

The SI said the girl had left behind a suicide note, which mentioned that she did not want to defame her parents. Mr Rupinder Singh, DSP Kharar, said the police had taken into possession the dead bodies and action would be taken only after the postmortem was conducted.


Computer society elections
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, July 26 — Mr S.K. Bijlani, President, Magnus Engineering delivered a lecture on intellectual property rights in information technology at the annual general meeting of Computer Society of India (CSI), Chandigarh.

The following have been elected office-bearers of the Computer Society of India (CSI), Chandigarh chapter: chairman — Mr D. P. Goel; vice-chairman — Mr Jarnail Singh; secretary — Mr G.S. Singh Raghav; treasurer — Mr Sanjeev Gandhi; and members — Mr R.C. Arora, Mr M. C. Puri, Mr C. Ghanshyam, Mr A. K. Paul, Mr V. P. Giridhar, Mr Sushil Kumar, Mr D. S. Chhabra, Mr J. S. Bhatia, Mr J. K. Chhabra, Mr S.K. Angra and Dr Ramagopal V. Sarepaka.

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