Friday, April 28, 2000,
Chandigarh, India
C H A N D I G A R H   S T O R I E S


City’s reservations on Anandgarh conveyed to Central Ministry
By Prabhjot Singh
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, April 27 — Strong reservations of people in general and some eminent personalities of the Union Territory of Chandigarh in particular about the proposed new city of Anandgarh have been conveyed to the Union Urban Development Ministry.

The reservations were reportedly conveyed personally by the Adviser to the Administrator, Mrs Vineeta Rai, when she visited the Union Capital a few days ago. She, however, was not available to confirm whether the reservations about the new town were conveyed officially or just on behalf of citizens concerned.

Sources revealed that the reservations conveyed to the Union Ministry of Urban Development also include newspaper reports carrying comments of various experts, including architects, town planners, engineers and others.

Some years ago when the Beant Singh Government proposed to raise New Chandigarh in the periphery of the city, the Chandigarh Administration had raised strong objections to the proposal.

Though the Administration has been tightlipped on the proposed new town, it has been feeling concerned over the multiplicity of problems it may face on account of disturbing of ecological balance besides setback to environment the new town may pose to the City Beautiful.

Against the requirement of a 16 km green buffer zone ring around the city as envisaged in the Periphery Act, the new town will have constructions coming up right on its boundary touching the Union Territory. The Administration had always strongly advocated the need for regional development or development of Chandigarh Inter-State Metropolitan Region for which it engaged a top consultant, Mr EFN Ribeiro.

Mr Ribeiro had in February this year submitted his three integrated plans, including one concept plan for the proposed Chandigarh Inter-State Metropolitan Region covering 4158.17 km area. He also submitted a structure plan for the proposed Chandigarh Metropolitan Complex (CMC) within the CISMER covering 435 sq km area besides submitting a broad land use plan for the Union Territory of Chandigarh outside its identified Master Plan Area within the CMC covering about 44 sq km area.

Interestingly, when Mr Ribeiro submitted his findings, the concept of Anandgarh was not known. He feels that the new town should be planned about 20 km away from the city, for a population of about two lakhs and on the wasteland along the Baddi-Kurali state highway with a road link to the Union Territory - 10 to 15 km to its south- east. The sizeable agriculture in between, he recommends, should be strictly controlled.

Besides Mr Ribeiro and his report, there are several others who are strongly opposed to the new city coming up in the immediate periphery of the city on the plea that it would congest the city, turn it into an urban jungle of concrete, bricks, and steel leading to deterioration of its neat, clean and healthy environment.Back


Cops involved in blatant violation of rickshaw byelaws
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, April 27 — Safety on the city roads is fast becoming a thing of the past with an ever-increasing number of rickshaws hitting the roads. The problem is graver when seen in context of the fact that every 20 minutes a new vehicle is added to the existing traffic, thus making life on the road dangerous.

Enquiries reveal that about 80 per cent of the rickshaw-pullers in the city are migrant labourers who are absolutely ignorant about the traffic rules and regulations, thus adding to the incidence of accidents. According to another major observation, rickshaws are the prime cause in about half of the accidents that take place.

Although the Chandigarh Cycle Rickshaws (Regulation and Control) Byelaws, 1960, amended later in 1997 have already been notified by the authorities, their effective implementation is still awaited. While the byelaws clearly state that no person shall keep a rickshaw either for plying on hire or private use and shall not ply the same without a proper licence being issued by the Estate Office, flagrant violation of the byelaws continues.

According to data available, only about 1500 rickshaw-pullers have been issued a licence as against the strength of about 25,000 pullers in town. It’s also learnt that a proposal of limiting the number of rickshaws in the city to 5,000 is pending with the Administration.

Important rules:
  • No one to ply without licence and medical fitness certificate
  • Every rickshaw to have lamp and reflector
  • The puller to be between 18 and 50 years of age
  • Rate list to be displayed on the rickshaw
  • Only 2 persons per rickshaw; 2 children to be treated as one person
  • Only 20 kg load with two persons; children below 3 years not to be considered
  • Pullers to wear badges
  • No parking at V2, V3, V4 roads

In case of violation, an ASI will be authorised to challan a rickshaw puller.

According to ASP, Traffic, Mr Alok Kumar, training programme for the rickshaw-pullers is being regularly conducted in the Traffic Park. He, however, added, that it takes a lot of time to make the pullers aware of the regulations as they are not always interested.

Another alarming problem is that of unauthorised encroachments by rickshaw-pullers. There are a number of pockets in Sectors 22, 18, 19 and 27 where the rickshaw-pullers have encroached upon public land. Yet another practice coming up is that of leaving the rickshaws chained in a particular place while the pullers go off to their villages during the harvesting season. According to a rough estimate, there are at least 20 unauthorised rickshaw stands in almost all sectors of the city.

Informed Mr Ram Bhan, a shop owner in Sector 22: “There are policemen and private people who own about 100 to 200 rickshaws. They give these rickshaws on rent to migrants on daily basis and lock them with chains during the night. There is an unholy nexus which legalises these encroachments.”

Meanwhile, MC officials maintain that they have been coming down heavily upon such encroachments. Results in this respect are, however, still to be seen.

While encroachments and violation of byelaws continues, another lurking danger in this regard comes from a hinted direct involvement of migrant labour in about 17 murders which have taken place in the city since 1996. Police sources confirm that there are at least 100 hardcore criminals living in slums of the city and all of them hail from neighbouring states. In this context, the verification of antecedents of migrants who enter the city and start plying a rickshaw becomes an absolute necessity in case life in the city has to be secured.

The local police, however, maintains that verification of migrants is not a very easy task. Said an official: “Most often when we send the details of a particular migrant for verification to his village, we do not get a reply.”Back


Path-breaking invention for power production
By Sanjeev Singh Bariana
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, April 27 — In what may probably be among the greatest inventions ever, a local researcher claims to have developed a model capable of electricity production.

The model does not employ natural forces like water flow at dams or heavy energy release at the cost of massive wastage of natural minerals like coal. The present model is a pre-proposal on power generation from vacuum-water energy and transpiration energy.

What is more interesting is that a major US company has invited him for further work on the model. "I preferred that an invention should first be made available in the Indian context. The basics have been done. I am looking forward to a government funding agency which can take up the project, where I am given an opportunity to work," he said.

Mr Vikrant Suri, the developer of the scheme, said, "A suitable liquid picked for the use was diethyl ether, which has a very low boiling point of 34°C. The basic principle is that every liquid has a natural vapour pressure on the surface exposed to the atmosphere and this vapour pressure is dependent on various factors, the dominant ones being pressure and temperature," he said.

"One aspect is clear that gravity of earth is easily defeated by vacuum. It is also very clear that the empty space at top of the pipe should not be considered as an empty space but as a very powerful force in comparison to the earth," he said.

A display at Tender Heart School today showed that the apparatus had points where release of energy could be felt. Mr Suri said every invention or discovery came from a realistic imagination applied to some prior idea. This model also has impressions of an existing model.

Mr Suri is a pass-out from Doon School. "Existing provisions then did not allow me to join an engineering course. I took up commerce. However, the laboratory work continued on a personal basis. After seeing a small model which gave the idea of power potential, work on the project carried on for more than two years," he said.

The underlying feature is liquid mobility. Power is extracted along the axle on which the model is fixed. The power which can be used depends on the boiling and freezing point of the liquid used internally in the model, the temperature difference attained with evaporation of water, height of the liquid lifted and the vapour pressure. Vacuum is a key-player in the apparatus.

People in partnership for the project include Mr Suri, Mr Simmerpal Sompal and a team of

practical workers. The project was start in 1997. Superior research facility is required to take the proposed technology to a pre-commercial stage, it was pointed out.The main project is located at Ferozepur Bunga village near Mullanpur Garibdass. Mr Suri is one of the founder members of the Atma Vishvas Instructional Society, which is carrying out many other projects. Also associated with the project is the Centre for Rural Information and Technology.

"I make no claims to a path-breaking invention. The tried and tested research has been channelised into a process which has immense capacity for power production. The laboratory work needs financial support and a look into by government agencies," he added. Back


New counters, latest equipment for registration cards, driving licences
By Ajay Banerjee
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, April 27 — Brand new counters with the latest equipment are being readied for quick and efficient preparation and delivery of registration cards and driving licences, including the futuristic smart cards planned by the Chandigarh Administration in collaboration with TATA Infotech. Several changes in the functioning and location of various public dealing offices are also on the cards.

The entire vehicle registration branch will be shifted from the DC Office to the new estate office building adjacent to the Municipal Corporation building on Jan Marg dividing Sectors 16 and 17. The building is being air-cooled after the Administration discovered that air-conditioning of the hall would cost much more and it would be impossible to maintain the temperature, with almost 600 visitors daily. For this a duct has been laid through the hall.

Eight counters will be set up, double than the number of counters presently functional. The counters will not be designated for any particular nature of work and a visitor will be allowed to approach any counter. A visitor wanting a new learner's licence, driving licence renewal, new RC or HPA cancellation or transfer cases can visit any counter.

One counter would be demarcated for senior citizens and ex-servicemen, said the Deputy Commissioner, Mr M. Ramsekhar, under whose supervision the renovation work was going on. Two additional counters will be for photos and two will be for delivery of the required papers. The idea is that it should not take a visitor more than 10 minutes to get the work done and to weed out out touts.

TATA Infotech will provide the software and hardware for the computers, while the counters will be manned by staff of the Administration. The new system of issuing smart cards will also start from the new building. This will ultimately be linked with the computerised data of the police on stolen vehicles for weeding out any registration of stolen vehicles.

Meanwhile, the Food and Supplies Department will be shifted from the MC building to the basement of the registration branch. In the DC Office, the public dealing offices will be shifted to the ground floor, where registration and licensing branches are housed. Visitors will have to deposit their papers and documents on the ground floor instead of rushing to all floors of the building. At the ground floor, the visitor will be given a date to come back to collect the documents. This facility will be for those seeking various permissions like those for loud speakers and temporary stalls.Back


The food they serve in Army messes

The Army maintains a large number of officers’ messes. These are institutions which don’t just provide food and accommodation, but are also homes for bachelors or those temporarily without their spouses. Organising parties is also a function of the mess. Therefore, menu-making is standard practice.Over the years, the art of menu-making has declined in our messes. This, coupled with the lack of culinary expertise in most of our mess cooks, has resulted in predictable fares. The quality of preparations in generally average (rarely higher) and the lack of taste is usually sought to be made up by throwing in dollops of cream and butter in all dishes!

Whether it is lunch or dinner, the perennial favourites are butter chicken (or called by a different name, but with generally the same taste), mater-paneer, the ubiquitous mahn-ki-dal (liberally saturated with butter), and a kofta curry. Sometimes raita is added for good measure. One need never be worried about wrongly guessing the sweet-dish. It is always ice cream! If you are still want to be a good guesser, relate it to who the meal is for; run-of-the-mill guests get vanilla, the next higher category get a strawberry or pista, and those on the higher end of the totempole are invariably saddled with the heaviest ice creams available — cassatta, butterscotch or a new variety which is full of raisins and preserved fruit, and is sweet! All dishes are superbly designed to increase your girth to unsoldierly propositions, even when you are frugal in the size of helpings you choose.

When it comes to offering a western meal, called ’English’, for reasons which are lost in antiquity, our good host has an equally short repertoire. The cutlet is the enduring favourite, with Russian salad coming a close second — that it is neither Russian or a salad, are besides the point! The liberal use of cream is supposed to make up for all deficiencies. Then we have the chicken — the same one we had in the ‘Indian’ menu — wrapped, dipped and smothered, in masala, but served under an ‘English’ name, ‘roast chicken’. For some strange reason, we now find a starchy dish of macaroni adorning the ‘English’ menu. Who thought it up as suitable, for, such a meal will forever be a mystery obviously, the Italian connection is not confined to the political field!

A discussion of menus will be incomplete if we don’t talk about soups. They are a necessary appendage to all meals, notwithstanding the cuisine. Here again, a hierarchical system operates. The choice is confined to three; in ascending order they are tomato, mushroom and almond. While the tomato soup gets its taste (and calories) from a liberal use of cream, which must float and be visible for some reason (the girth again!) the mushroom soup is thick with cornflour and is invariably spiced with Aji-no-Moto (mono sodium glutamate), which our cooks have learnt is a panacea for all badly cooked dishes, despite it being a serious health hazard. The perennial favourite of all messes, the almond soup (which I seem to get in direct proportion to my dislike for it) is a concoction more suited for babies, on account of its milky content. Why it is still called a soup is both baffling and bewildering. One longs for French onion soup, or a lentil (dal) soup or even a simple clear vegetable soup, but they are never on the menu.

We should, of course, not overlook the ‘Chinese’ cuisine, which is also served with much flourish in our messes, although with less regularity then the ‘English’ or the ‘Indian’ varieties. Our menu-making capabilities are once again devoid of imagination and innovativeness. We must, of course, start with soup, and that has inevitably to be a concoction of sweet corn — with or without chicken, depending on whether it is served for vegetarian or those who eat everything. The vegetarians need not be upset; there is no difference in the two, except that after the soup is prepared using a liberal amount of corn-flour and Aji-no-Moto, slivers or boiled and de-boned chicken are added to it. The resultants mess puts you off the chicken dish, which will inevitably follow. The main course is as predicable as the plot of a Bollywood masala film. I have already mentioned the chicken, which is ‘chicken chilly fry’, if you want the full name, although the taste does not differ from the ‘Indian’ or the ‘English’ varieties, which you had the previous day. The second and third dishes are always ‘vegetable fried noodles’ and ‘vegetable fried rice’, and the fourth dish depends on the whims and skills, or the lack of them, of the cook. If it is bright red in colour and reminds you of the ketchup you had with your omelette in the morning, then it is definitely a ‘sweet and sour something’. If it is not a ‘sweet and sour’, then the alternate is always ‘spring rolls’ — the oilier the better, or so the cook thinks. If you are a lucky person, you will probably get both!

— By Vijay OberoiBack


With sloppy guards around, robbers can strike in banks on NH-22...
From Bipin Bhardwaj

DERA BASSI, April 27 — A number of branches of certain nationalised banks on the Chandigarh-Ambala National Highway 22 stretch are easy targets for bank robbers, given inadequate security measures.

The security provided during the period of militancy was gradually withdrawn. Banks have employed guards on their own. Inadequate staff deployed in these banks present an opportunity to robbers to snatch cash and other valuables from costumers.

An industrialist was kidnapped from outside the State Bank of Patiala branch at Dera Bassi on January 31. They snatched Rs 20,000, a Maruti car and a mobile phone at gunpoint from him.

In another case, outside the same bank, two scooterists gunned down a school laboratory assistant and took away Rs 4,39,581 in broad daylight. The money was to be disbursed as salary to teachers.

After these incidents, bankers and residents pushed the panic button as it was felt that financial institutions along the highway were at the mercy of criminals. It was also felt that had there been guards, miscreants would not have been so bold.

Bankers have been complaining that the administration has not provided them with security, though at least two major incidents have happened. There are reports that certain criminal gangs are active in this area.

Being an industrial belt, almost all banks have business worth crores every day. Almost all of these are situated along the highway and make the job of criminals easy. In the past, they have taken advantage of the wooden kiosks around the banks, besides the haphazard parking of vehicles.

Some bankers say to provide security for their customers and staff members, they have employed guards on their own. If some incident happens outside, the onus will rest on the local administration.

Mr P.K. Goel, Branch Manager of State Bank of Patiala at Dera Bassi, said apart from two Punjab Police constables, three SSB guards had also been appointed by the local administration here. To avoid similar incidents in the future, customers have been advised to transfer money into their accounts and withdraw later as per requirements.

Asked about the security measures taken by the local police, the DSP, Mr H.S. Bhullar, said police patrolling had been intensified in all rural and urban areas of the subdivision. Special police parties had been put on duty to keep a close vigil over the banks, he added.Back


...But, in UT, cops will keep thieves at bay in vacation
By Monica Sharma

CHANDIGARH, April 27 — It is that time of the year which everybody eagerly awaits but also dreads since a majority of thefts and burglaries are reported during this period.

Summer vacations are round the corner and the police is gearing up to meet any eventuality. The personnel have been directed to remain more vigilant and keep a lookout for gangs and anti-social elements active. Being a city of government servants, many residents and their children are travelling or visiting their native places, leaving hundreds of houses locked in their wake.

Commenting on the issue, the SSP, Mr Parag Jain said, ''We want to educate and involve the people in taking care of their belongings. It is with their help that we can check the thefts in the city. The antecedents of vegetable sellers, watchmen, domestic servants besides door-to-door salesmen should be verified.''

Thefts increase during the summer vacations since most of the houses remain closed and, so, are easy prey for thieves and burglars. In the city, the neighbours pay little attention to what is happening next door and this is a boon for criminals who carry on their work with increased confidence, he added.

The problem is compounded since people are mostly indoors in the hot months. Moreover, the sound of coolers and air conditioners drowns any sounds of any forced entry. At night, many people prefer to sleep on the terrace, making the job of criminals easier. A pile of newspapers outside the main door and uncollected mail are a dead give-away that the owners are away.

Mr Jain said he held a meeting of the beat staff of the city and issued directions that an inventory of the locked houses should be made and patrolling in the areas where many houses are locked should be increased. The beat staff would also make a round of these places during the afternoon.

He said this time, the help and cooperation of neighbours and residents' welfare associations was being sought. The chiefs of such organisations would be asked to urge their members to report their travel schedule to the beat staff so that adequate steps could be taken to ensure the safety of the house, he added.Back

Preventive steps

  • Inform the beat staff and neighbours about your holiday.
  • Request neighbours to ensure that that one light is on at night.
  • Arrange for newspapers and mail to be picked up every day
  • Inform the residents' welfare association.
  • Call up neighbours regularly to check on the house.Back


Villagers resent building of public toilet
From Our Correspondent

LALRU, April 27 — Resentment prevails among residents here over the construction of a public toilet by the panchayat in the village.

The residents complain that the sarpanch of the village has started laying the foundation of the toilet adjacent to an inhabited area without their consent. Moreover, it is being constructed on the land which had been allotted to a weaker section of society in the village under a rehabilitation scheme over 13 years ago.

Ms Chinto Devi alleged that the sarpanch had forced them to vacate the piece of land and assured an equal piece of land in exchange. Instead of fulfilling the promise, he threatened them by saying that he would call the police to teach them a lesson. ‘‘We are Dalits and he is victimising us on the directions of some influential landlords,” she lamented.

According to Mr Neemboo, a resident, the sarpanch started the construction of the toilet adjacent to his house, leaving hardly a 8 ft distance. ‘‘I requested him to change the toilet site. Instead of keeping my family’s convenience into consideration, he threatened me with dire consequences. Moreover, he asked me to vacate the house,’’ he alleged.

The residents say the panchayat has 13 viswas of land adjacent to the site where the toilet is being constructed. Earlier, the panchayat had a proposal to construct the toilet on that land but later the proposal was changed and the construction work started. They say that even 12 eucalyptus trees were chopped off without taking them into confidence.

Ms Balwinder Kaur, another resident of the village, favoured the construction but said ‘‘It should not be at the cost of someone’s property and convenience. The toilet should be at some distance from the basti’’.

Sarpanch Balwant Singh, however, said that the toilet’s site will not be changed at all. ‘‘The land where the toilet is to be constructed is a village dumping site and these people have encroached upon the land by selling their own land. The panchayat members had passed a resolution after starting the construction,’’ he said.

The village has three more public toilets with all basic facilities and the new one will also be provided the same, he added. Back


Jhuggis demolished, stray cattle rounded up
Tribune News Service

PANCHKULA, April 27 — The Estate Office, Haryana Urban Development Authority, continuing with its weekly drive of removal of jhuggis, removed nearly 150 jhuggis from the developed sectors of the township during the past week.

While 36 jhuggis were removed from Sector 9, another 30 were removed from the same sector some days back. Other sectors cleared of jhuggis include parts of Sectors 12A, 16, 17 and 21. Also, jhuggi-dwellers were removed by the enforcement wing from the area behind the petrol pump last evening. This is one area which is in constant need of attention since jhuggi-dwellers rebuild their “residence’’ within a couple of days.

Besides, the drive to remove hedges is also on simultaneously. While Sector 2 has already been cleared of these, the job has been taken up in Sector 6.

The rounding up of stray cattle was taken up this morning. Stick-wielding members of the enforcement wing were seen running helter-skelter as the cattle turned on them while they attempted to drive them to the cattle pound in Sector 1. Besides posing a threat to motorists, the cattle was seemingly uncontrollable. The staff laments that there is a special wing of trained employees for rounding up cattle and that in its absence, the work is being carried out by them.Back


Showers cool evening
Tribune News Service

Chandigarh, April 27 — A brief spell of sharp showers accompanied by winds in the evening here today, provided the much-needed respite from the summer. Thick clouds had covered the city in the evening and the rain came at 9 pm. The meteorological office has said that there are chances of rain tomorrow as well.Back


Years-old problems of Govind Vihar persist
From Our Correspondent

ZIRAKPUR, April 27 — The absence of water supply, no electricity meters and unscheduled power cuts, low voltage, choked sewers, repeated failure of telephone equipment and various other problems are being faced by residents of Govind Vihar colony near here for the past many years.

The residents complain that they were pumping out drinking water from the tubewells dug by them in their courtyards or backyards to meet the water shortage. As the mercury rises, the water table declines, resulting in various inconveniences.

"Though we got the no objection certificate for the Zirakpur Nagar Panchayat about four months ago, the Punjab State Electricity Board’s local authorities have yet to release their electricity meter connections," laments Mr Mr Rajeev Sharma.

Unscheduled power cuts and low power load have become a cause of concern for them. Flies and mosquitoes abound in such a situation. "Whenever there is any power cut, the children particularly go through a tough time," says Ms Roshani Devi. Power failure further affects the drawing of water from the tubewells. They have to got to other colonies for water.

Because of the absence of a government dispensary in the colony, they have to go to Zirakpur in case of any casualty.

The colony has a sewerage with less than necessary discharge capacity. It often remains blocked and choked. At various places, it has become a health hazard for the residents, comments Mr Amit Kumar.

Mr Rumil Kumar complained that the telephones in the colony often remain unoperational and they feel cut off from the rest of the world. "Despite repeated complaints to the local telecommunication officials, there is no improvement in this essential service," he said.

"Heaps of garbage have come up at various places in the colony and have become not only eyesore but also health hazards. The poor sanitation condition of the colony is waiting for the outbreak of water-borne diseases," complains Mr Jaswant Singh.

"Thought the Nagar Panchayat has installed streetlight poles in the village, the roads seem to be neglected. Deep potholes have become death-traps for the roads users. The dust-bin placed by the civic body in the colony can be seen over-flowing for days," says Raj Kumar Singh.Back


Tough days ahead for corrupt cops
By Amarjit Thind
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, , April 27 — Cracking the whip on errant cops, the Internal Vigilance Cell of the Chandigarh Police has been revamped to deter such elements in the force, with no leniency at any level being the new mantra.

Signalling that tough days are ahead for corrupt policemen, the cell will be totally reorganised and made into an effective deterrent. This is the latest attempt by the authorities to clamp down on the rising number of complaints against personnel, besides ensuring greater transparency in the functioning of the department. This wing functions under the direct supervision of Mr S.K. Singh, IGP.

In this context, Mr S.S. Randhawa, DSP, Police Lines, has been given additional charge of the cell and has been directed to streamline its functioning. The cell has been functioning without much of a deterrent over the years. Presently, the 15-strong staff in the cell is headed by Inspector Inderjeet Singh.

Elaborating on the need for strengthening the set-up, the IGP said the department was rising to the occasion since they could not afford to live in isolation and were constantly striving for a more people-friendly image. This was another step in this direction.

"I want to dispel the impression that the department is not taking stringent action against its men who have committed various irregularities, taken bribes or have misbehaved with the public. Departing from past procedures, the staff will carry out surprise checks and conduct raids at various places in the city where personnel are posted," he said.

It has been brought to his notice and that of senior officers that vehicles coming from outside and passing through the city are the prime targets of personnel manning various nakas at entry points to the city. Those in the vehicles bearing outside registration numbers were harassed on one pretext or the other and often money changed hands, he added.

There were also complaints from the public that policemen refused to register cases or were helping the accused party for extraneous considerations. This would not be tolerated henceforth. These checks would not be confined to the traffic wing but the entire police set-up. The raiding teams would also visit police stations and other public dealing cells in mufti or through decoys to nail defaulters, he revealed.

Stressing the need for adopting a pro-active approach, he said strict action would be taken against defaulters. Any policeman caught committing an irregularity during a raid would either be transferred to the police lines or placed under immediate suspension pending a departmental inquiry. No exceptions would be made at any level, he asserted.

He observed that the local police had the distinction of enjoying best facilities, besides working in such a beautiful city. They were the best looked after force in the country and as such should also be a role model for other police organisations nationwide, he added.Back


Landlord, 2 tenants held
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, April 27 — The police has arrested a landlord and his two tenants for not informing the police about their stay.

According to police sources, Sagar of Sector 29 and his tenants — Mansoor and Chur Singh — were arrested for not giving information to the police, which is mandatory. A case under Section 188 of the IPC has been registered.

Attacked with axe: Mr Rajinder Kumar of Sector 30 reported that Harinder Yadav of the same sector had attacked him with an axe. He was admitted to the PGI. The accused has been arrested. A case under Sections 324, 307 and 506 of the IPC has been registered.

Gamblers caught: The Crime Branch arrested Suresh Kumar, Krishan Lal, Milkh Raj and Sita Ram from near Dadu Majra Colony for gambling at a public place. A case under Sections 13, 3 and 67 of the IPC has been registered.

Nabbed for drinking: The police arrested Kamal Chawla of Sector 22 for consuming liquor at a public place. A case under Sections 61, 1 and 14 of the excise act has been registered.

Cyclist injured: A cyclist, Girdhar Prasad of Ram Darbar, was injured when he was hit by a scooter (CH-OIC-6580) in Industrial Area. The scooterist fled from the spot after the incident. A case under Sections 279 and 337 of the IPC has been registered.Back


F&CC for eating joint at Shanti Kunj
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, April 27 — In a bid to promote tourism, the Finance and Contract Committee (F&CC) of the Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh yesterday recommended the setting up of an eating joint at Shanti Kunj in Sector 16 here at a cost of Rs 7 lakh.

A a meeting here, the committee also gave its nod to a Rs 30 lakh project for the installation of a tubewell and a booster in Pockets 2 and 3 of Mani Majra. Following the development of Pockets 2 and 3, the area will be used for the construction of multi-speciality hospitals, hotels, booths, educational institutions and bus stands.

The committee also gave its approval to the estimated cost of Rs 17.44 lakh for providing a storm water drainage system. Through another important decision, the panel allowed the installation of diesel-driven generator set at a cost of Rs 9.71 lakh at the Sector 26 Water Works.

Similarly, the panel also accorded its approval for the maintenance of essential civic amenities in third phase of Chandigarh on the condition that the UT Administration would provide agreed to maintenance charges to the civic body for the initial period of five years, along with a guarantee of one year. In case of occurrence of any defect in the original layout and design in one year, the cost of repair would be borne by the Administration, the panel noted.

An amount of Rs 71,500 was also approved for the construction of a parking lot at the Sector 23 Janj Ghar. These decisions of the committee would come up at the meeting of the corporation for its final decision.Back


The ‘King of all fruits’ arrives
Tribune News Service

CHANDIGARH, April 27 — Mangoes of various shapes and sizes are here. Though only limited varieties of this "King of all fruit" are available in the market, more varieties are expected to arrive in the city in next two to three weeks.

A quick survey of the market reveals that sandoori (Rs 40 to Rs 60 a kg), alphanso (Rs 30 a kg), chotta pari (Rs 20 a kg), and safeda (Rs 20 to Rs 30 a kg) are readily available in the city markets.

The elite Turkban is available, but at a price which the common man cannot afford — at Rs 400 to Rs 500 for 12 pieces.

Other common varieties like dusheri, chosa, langra, totta and others are expected to arrive early next month. Even the mangoes used for pickle will be available soon.

In fact, it is the time for fruit to make its appearance, Water melons, papayas, grapes, are all there in plenty in the fruit markets here.Back


Council to celebrate Labour Day
From Our Correspondent

SAS NAGAR, April 27 — The local unit of the trade union council will celebrate Labour Day in phase XI here on May 1.

Mr Harbans Singh Bagri, President of the unit, said a drama group — Sarak Natak Toli — from Amritsar would stage two plays on the occasion. The plays were Ankhi Yodha, written by Satwinder Soni, and Inqalab Zindabad, written by Gursharan Singh.Back

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