119 Years of Trust


Saturday, October 23, 1999

This above all

regional vignettes
For children

Mystery of love
By Amit Singh

LOVE flowers with the wind and spreads its sweet fragrance even where the wind does not go.

Iit gives what is beyond birth and passing away.

Love clears the darkness of doubt, it lifts the mist of mistrust.

Love is not in the heart until anything known survives. The known says: "I exist".

Love mutely answers:"O.K., then measure the universe from one end to the other." Or it quietly speaks:"Tell the distance between the breath of lovers."

The known proudly asserts: "I can cut a thousand trees in a single blow". Love says: "But, can you raise them back to life?"

The known loudly declares."I can cure ten thousand diseases with my medicine." Love says:"Can you bring laughter to life?"

Knowledge does not bring happiness. Happiness depends on the quality of the heart. A heart with the quality of happiness understands all knowledge that the mind is capable of.

Mystery of the heart is the seed of all understanding. Just let the seed grow and fruit in its own manner. That is happiness. That is knowledge. That is love.

Love is the flower, mystery is the seed, heart is the ground. If the ground is burdened by anything known, the seed remains beneath the ground.The seed can be freed from the ground not by plucking it but by giving it the right conditions for growth.

Abroken heart can never hold the seed. It can never become the hearth of wisdom. It can never become the light of love.

The seed will never get the freedom that the flower has, spreading its fragrance and propagation everywhere.

But can there be the flower without the seed and the ground? Can there be love without the heart that gently cradles the mystery inside?

The heart is poor if it closets the seed, saying:"This is my treasure. I’ll keep it closeted, lest the mud sully it. I will close my house lest the wind carry it away, I will shelter it lest the sun burn it and the water damage it."

The sad eyes look for love everywhere. The sad legs run everywhere. The poor hands touch all faces, and nowhere do they find love.

The sad heart, disappointed everywhere, stops seeking and opens its doors to rest inside.

And lo! The eyes open, the body rests, and the being sparkles with love.back

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