118 years of Trust Dream Analysis THE TRIBUNE
saturday plus
Saturday, October 10, 1998




I am a 27-year-old married woman. I dreamt that the door-well rang, and I opened the door to find a telegram outside. At that moment I woke up. I am worried that I might hear some bad news.

Malti Thakur, Udhampur

Why do you have to be so pessimistic? Your dream potrays a tense mind. You must be waiting for some letters or phone calls. Do not unnecessarily worry.

I dreamt that I had left my body. I could see it lying before me. My soul tried to speak to my family members but they could not listen to me. I tried to write on a paper but couldn’t. I then left the place and flew over sea.

Neha Sharma, Chandigarh

To see your soul leave your body reveals that you may spend your time on useless matters and may become mercenary. The family members not being able to hear you potrays their lack of support to your endeavour. Flying over the sea depicts that you will give in to your desire, a wrong choice in the present circumstances.

I am 21 years old. Recently, I dreamt of sawing wood.

Bikram Singh, Mohali.

It is a favourable dream as it indicates a busy time ahead. A cheerful and happy time at the home-front too.

I am a 31-year-old married woman. I am disturbed by a dream I have seen several times after my marriage. I see my parents fixing my marriage with somebody else. I beg them not to but they do not heed me. I love my husband very much.

XYZ, Panchkula

You seem to be apprehensive about chances of your marriage lasting. Perhaps, you feel insecure either about your husband, or about yourself. Maybe, he does not get along with your parents. Consult a marriage counsellor.

I am 32 years old. I dreamt of offering something to a person. I, however, couldn’t see the person’s face.

M.K. Sharma, Sonepat

Offerings are only made to gods, not to human beings. It seems you have been trying to please somebody a lot to get your way, and are not quite succeeding in your overtures.

— Vinaya Katoch


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