Non-violence: A
global imperative
By Joyce A. Kovelman
MY people, the Jewish people, are
known as the "People of the Book"... Torah. The
foundation of Torah is peace. And, like many of you, we
are an ancient people. Our history spans 6,000 earth
years. As a Jew, there is never any doubt that life, all
life, is sanctified and sacred. Life, a gift from the
Creator, is to be valued, cherished and protected. In the
words of the Sixth Commandment, the imperative is clear:
"Thou shalt not murder". There are no ands,
ifs, buts or exceptions to this principle.
Our tradition also advise
and encourages us to help one who has harmed or wronged
them. Never are we to punish. The Jewish goal is peace
through redemption and transcendence of anger and rage,
not through vengeance. God distinguishes between the deed
and the person and leaves open the possibility of return.
So must we. Judiasm teaches that only by discarding and
transforming hatred, anger, resentment and vengeance can
we break the vicious cycle of reciprocity that prevents
humankind from living in peace with another (e.g. Bosnia,
Cambodia, Mid-East, etc.). Personal transformation,
redemption and reconciliation are authentic Jewish paths
to peace and harmony. Non-violence is a Jewish
Having shared ideas from
the Jewish path of peace, let us listen to the wisdom
from peace-makers of other traditions.
"If you
want see the brave, look at those who can forgive. If you
want to see the heroic, look at those who can love in
return for hatred". (Bhagavadgita)
"The first peace,
which is the most important, is that which comes within
the souls of people when they realise their relationship,
their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and
when they realise at the center of the Universe dwells
the Great Spirit, and that this center is really
everywhere, it is within each of us." (Black Elk,
"Do we want a world
of peace and harmony? Are we willing to make that peace
within ourselves? Will we call it forth? It is your
choice. Your thoughts and action make a difference."
(Dhyani Ywahoo, Cherikee)
"All I claim is that
every experiment of mine has deepened my faith in
non-violence as the greatest force at the disposal of
mankind." (Gandhi)
non-violence, comes from strength, and the strength is
from God, not man. Ahimsa always comes from
within." (Gandhi)
"A mystical awakening
would surely birth that peace on earth for
which creation longs the promise given 2,000 years
ago in Bethlehem. Peace on earth cannot happen without
peace with the earth and peace among all earth
creatures." (Mathew Fox, Creation Spirituality)
"Violence is
mans refusal to respond positively to
his evolutionary destiny..... Humankind is called to
unity and to converge at every level from the personal to
the global" (Teilhard de Chardin, Christianity)
"No peace which is
not peace for all, no rest till all has been
fulfilled."(Dag Hammarskjold, Sweden)
"Non-violence means
avoiding not only external physical violence but also
internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot
a man, but you refuse to hate him" (Martin Luther
King, Jr., Christianity)
" is contrary to
reason to hold that war is now a suitable way to restore
rights that have been violated." (Pope John
XXIII, Catholicism)
Clearly, every tradition,
ancient and new, encourages humankind to travel the paths
of peaceful non-violence and survival. Non-violence is a
global imperative!
What about today? The lust
for power, greed, control and domination still exist, as
evidenced by the almost daily crime, violence, warfare,
and holocausts of our present world. The media glorifies
crime, hate and war, encouraging everyone to find
entertainment in the "violence of the moment!"
People are angry, down-trodden, enraged and jealous of
their neighbours, and pursue materialistic satisfaction,
often at the expense of their fellow-man. We are wantonly
and rapidly destroying our planetary home, cutting down
the rain forests (home to so many plant and animal
species now extinct), spilling toxic waste into our
oceans, and depleting top soil; All are acts of violence
perpetrated upon our planet. We are rapidly approaching a
point of major crisis and must seek better ways of
dealing with individual, cultural, national and global
conflict if we are to secure a lasting peace.
A slowly dying earth cries
out to humanity to change its ways before it is too late.
Anger, hate, helplessness and despair have locked us into
an endless cycle of poverty, crime and violence, which
has failed to solve our problems. The hungry, poor,
homeless and diseased also cry out for help and plead for
Despite our technology and
scientific advancement, the opportunity for war and total
annihilation of humankind has never been greater nor more
deadly. Sadly, humankind has not yet reached the maturity
and wisdom to avoid war and crime in favour of peace and
the prosperity and the creativity it would bring.
Yet, there can be no
victors or winners in the aftermath of nuclear, chemical
or germ warfare. Its consequences will be cosmic as well
as global! Indeed, the time has come for humankind to
outlaw war and to recognise that warfare is never
"fair" to anyone. Rich and poor, black, brown,
red, white and yellow, young and old, male and female
all lose if we continue to kill, to plunder, to
pollute, to steal, to sin. It is not diversity that leads
to war. Rather it is the suppression and fear of our
differences that has created conflict and violence. It is
denial of each individuals full creativity and
expression that has led to endless cycles of poverty,
crime and violence.
The cost of waging a war,
of nuclear arms, missiles, submarines, and military
personnel is enormous. Even more expensive are the human
costs, i.e. those on both sides of the conflict who die
in battle. Those that survive, remain forever
hospitalised, disabled or handicapped. Many remain
emotionally disturbed and are unable to function. And
what about the children who live in the midst of daily
death and destruction? Such children grow up with hatred
and determination of continue the war for another
generation, and another generation. The cost of war is
high indeed. Too high!
"Treat the earth
It was not given to you by
your parents...
It was lent to you by your
children." (A proverb from Kenya)
"This we know. The
earth does not belong to man. Man belongs to the earth.
This we know. All things are connected. Whatever befalls
the earth, befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not
weave the web of life. He is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." (Chief
Seattle, 1854.)
Our children are scared
and frightened. They worry about earths survival as
well as their own. Open your hearts and listen to their
"Dear God, please
save the world. Even if youre not crazy about
it." (Lionel, Age 8)
"How I would save the
world. First, I would take all the generals and put them
in a big boat in the middle of the ocean. Then I would
forget to pick them up. (Robert, Age 9)
To survive, humanity
urgently requires a new vision. We need to turn away from
ways of destruction and war, and instead, explore ways of
peace. We must foster inner and outer processes of
transformation, for both are necessary to resolve the
personal, social, environmental and spiritual problems
presently facing humankind. This is the challenge
awaiting humanity at the threshold of a new millennium.
The paths of peace invite
each individual to engage in a process of personal
transformation and healing to transcend the
ordinary in order to evolve personally and spiritually.
Contemplation, meditation, introspection and
psychospiritual counselling support and guide our
process. Peace requires each of us to suspend judgement
and embrace duality. We begin by taking responsibility
for our feelings of anger, fear, happiness or sadness,
rather than look to others. Conscious awareness of our
thoughts, ideas and feelings decreases our enslavement to
old patterns of behaviours, and enable us to make more
conscious and responsible choices. The freer we are, the
less need we have to blame or to find fault with others
for our own difficulties and disappointments. As we
proceed to work with our self, we become more comfortable
with different belief systems, traditions, nations and
peoples. We learn to negotiate and to resolve both inner
and outer conflicts, so that every voice is heard and
honoured. Peaceful non-violence enables us to move from a
simplistic black and white world-view to a more realistic
understanding of what is real, as well as what is
Humanity must decide not
to wage a war anymore. We must decide never to murder! We
must choose not to pollute! We must, instead, evolve and
develop a passion for harmony and peace far greater than
our present passion for power, control and domination. We
must use our science and technology for good, rather than
for destruction.
Have you ever considered
what a world at peace would be like? Most of us have
little difficulty in contemplating this idea initially.
But once we rid the world of crime, bombs, gangs,
violence, war, etc. we grow perplexed. This is a world so
vastly different from the present world in which we live.
This is a world quite alien to our senses and
understanding. Yes, a peaceful and non-violent world is
very different than our present world.
Let us now close our eyes
and quiet our minds. Let us try to catch a taste and
glimpse of a truly messianic age.
Find a comfortable
position and know that you are safe. You may stop at any
time... there is nothing that you must do.
Begin by taking four deep
breaths, at your own pace. Allow your mind and body to
gradually slow down. Sense relaxation and calm move
through you and beyond you.
I invite you to imagine a
world at peace. You might choose one special area of
interest, such as education, family, career, the
biosphere... or perhaps you will want to look at the big
picture and consider the totality of peaceful world.
We begin by subduing our
anger and quenching our thirst for control and power. Let
go of hate, vengeance and greed. You no longer need their
protection. You no longer need to defend yourself from
Instead, place you faith
in the Almighty. Trust that God will send you guidance
and strength no matter what situation or event occurs.
Realise that you are now a person who courageously
chooses the path of non-violence and peace.
Take a few minutes to
experience the calm and bliss of this state of unity and
harmony. Whenever you are ready, take three deep breaths
and open your eyes. Return your awareness to the world of
space, time and matter.
It is helpful to write
your impressions and feelings in a journal, to draw, to
sing, or whatever the spirit urges you to do, as an
expression of this experience.