118 years of Trust Dream Analysis THE TRIBUNE
saturday plus
Saturday, December 5, 1998




I am 44 years old. Recently I saw a jewelled crown in my dream.

Arun Shourie, Nanded

A crown is a lucky as well as an unlucky omen. It signifies changes in lifestyle. Whether they will be good or bad, only time will tell.

I am a 23-year-old graduate. During the last one month, I have been constantly dreaming of snakes of various shapes and colours. They are all around me, but do not harm me in any way.

Ashok Kumar, Chandigarh.

The dreams reflect your perception of people around you. You perceive people as being dangerous and harmful. But your perception seems to be faulty as none of the snakes actually harm you. It depicts wrong judgement of character.

I am 24 years old. I had a dream wherein I was taking part in a masquerade party and was having a lot of fun.

Neeta Garg, Nabha.

You are out to deceive people, but beware for you shall end up being the loser. Take care as dishonourable intentions on your part will land you in trouble.

I am a 39-year-old married woman. I saw my mother-in-law in my dream. It has happened once or twice earlier too.

Mrs Shukla, Noida

You have not given the context of your dream. Neither have you given any reference to your reaction to the dreams, whether they were positive or negative. A mother-in-law is akin to one’s mother and so can never stand for any ill-luck. Seeing her in your dream stands for pleasant reconciliations in the near future, after disagreements with somebody.

I am 19 years old. I dreamt that mother and I were travelling in a train. We were about to pass through a graveyard. A lot of ghosts surrounded us. My mother told me that if we remove the masks that the ghosts were wearing, they would vanish. I kept removing their masks. Soon I got tired and started reciting ‘Om’ and all the ghosts vanished.

Praveen, Panchkula

Seeing the ghosts don masks denotes temporary troubles due to misinterpretation of your conduct towards others. The disappearance of ghosts foretells that you shall profit by the temporary estrangements in the long run.

— Vinaya Katoch


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