'Art & Soul



New hot males
Men, much on the backburner, are now on an upswing as models in an industry where they face discrimination vis-a-vis their female counterparts
Ashima S. Batish
A few years from now, it might make for a perfect story waiting to be scripted for the silver screen. A small town boy dropped out of school just like his two siblings owing to the financial crunch, moved to Delhi to try his luck in modelling. Blessed with a decent height and a broad frame, it seemed a lucrative option to Suraj Dhalia from Jalandhar. But then there was many a slip between the cup and the lip. "I did many petty jobs to meet my expenses and saved enough to enrol in a modelling agency." It was only after a year of struggle that he got a break on the ramp of India Fashion Week. He credits his success to the fact that today a large number of fashion designers are making clothes for men.

Most male models have a steady job to fall back upon as ramp modelling doesn’t promise a regular income
Most male models have a steady job to fall back upon as ramp modelling doesn’t promise a regular income

Making the twain meet
Paris-based artist Sujata Bajaj remains true to her Indian roots while soaking the best from the world of art
Nonika Singh
N India, her vibrant works sell like hot cakes, the French Ambassador to India speaks highly of her. No wonder, for Paris-based artist Sujata Bajaj, the world is an oyster. Married to a Norwegian, exhibiting all over the world, she is in a way a classic sangam of eastern and western sensibilities and a perfect example of how East meets West in harmony and balance. Like a perfectly attuned instrument, her paintings speak melodiously and with spiritual resonance.

Broad brush

good health
Festive foods made healthy
Enjoy the festival season, eat, drink and be merry. Plan the food that you eat during this time to avoid unhealthy snacking
he festive season has begun and with it are also foods that are rich and heavy, making your cholesterol, weight, and blood sugar rise. Of course, we all want to enjoy the food. But let’s rethink and plan the food that we eat during this time. During these days, various sweets are made and a lot of us fast. Our regular food is completely altered. Unfortunately we have forgotten that fasting is about eating light food which is easy to digest.


Cutting class consciousness
There is much that we, as parents and teachers, can do to help nurture kindness in children
Aditi Garg
veryday sensational headlines make us feel uneasy even as we sit in our air-conditioned offices or homes. But very few of us give it more than a fleeting thought. It is but natural for such indifference to rub off on our children; not just that induced by news items but also the lack of sensitivity for those around us. Are we heading towards a selfish world or are we already there. To make the world a better place, teaching kids empathy is as important as giving them good education and caring for their health, if not more.

soul talk

Exploring Cairo’s many wonders
The timeless towering pyramids and beautiful domes and minarets notwithstanding, the city of Cairo is a labyrinth of alleys and lanes with a wonderful medieval atmosphere
Hugh & Colleen Gantzer
he pyramids make all the difference. Apart from those towering monuments to timelessness, Cairo could have been Delhi-on-the Nile. It has the same teeming, slightly irreverent feel about it; the same heady mix of bustle, bureaucracy and brash business acumen; and the same brilliant, kaleidoscopic, shifting cameos of racial interactions giving birth to new, and creative fusion of customs. But the pyramids, particularly the Great Pyramid of Khufu, rising an awesome 136 metres, was built 1,100 years before Delhi’s Indraprastha. Its looming presence dominates many of the modern streets of Cairo even though it is 18 km away from the heart of this ancient city.


Animal instinct
From snakes to dogs to horses, animals have played a crucial role in many Hindi movies, the latest being Akshay Kumar-starrer Entertainment
Shoma A. Chatterji
hen I was a kid, our father took us to visit one Mr Raj, one of the first animal trainers in Mumbai, who not only trained pets for everyone but also kept a veritable zoo in his home in Santa Cruz in Mumbai. Film people would hire his pets for use in films. He insisted that he would be present during shooting whenever his pets were featured. There was a beautiful white cockatoo with a yellow crown, who talked almost like a human being. Dogs of all breeds came crowding around him, waiting to be petted and fondled. There were some talking parrots, a few pigeons and some cats. One cannot forget that touching scene.

Why James Dean was such an icon
Dean’s depiction of a confused, even rebellious youth, in his films gives a telling account of the youth in those transient times
Ervell E. Menezes
oes the name James Dean ring a bell? No, not to today’s generation. But in the mid-1950s, it rang a gong, loud and clear. Dean’s sudden death in a car crash on the No 1 Coastal Highway between San Francisco and Los Angeles further accentuated the loss. After just three films, he had become a cult figure.


Food talk: Veg extravaganza
by Pushpesh Pant

CONSUMERS BEWARE!In troubled waters
by Pushpa Girimaji

WEBSIDE HUMOUR: Politically correct
by Sunil Sharma

by Karuna Goswamy

weekly horoscope


A leap of faith
Reviewed by D. S. Cheema
Indians at Herod's Gate: A Jerusalem Tale
by Navtej Sarna
Rupa. Pages 182. Rs 500


The strength within us
Reviewed by Jayanti Roy
Gifted: Inspiring Stories of People with Disabilities
by Sudha Menon and VR Ferose.
Random House. Pages 260. Rs 299

Man, an island unto himself
Reviewed by Priyanka Singh
by Keki N Daruwala.
Tranquebar. Pages 208. Rs 325

A gripping tale of fear
Reviewed by Vikrant Parmar
by Girvani Dhyani.
Harper Collins. Pages 181. Rs 250

Knotty issues
Reviewed by Aditi Garg
Matrimonial Mocktales
by Hetal Adesara.
Om. Pages 205. Rs 195