Jobs  & Careers

Stocks & Shares
Give your career abullrun
Usha Albuquerque

Activities in the stock market today are wide and varied. On any given day, share prices climb up and down dramatically — sometimes several times a day — and this is what stock brokers handle, and monitor. Until a couple of decades ago, Mumbai was India’s only stock exchange and only a few industries were listed in the share market. Today, there is a stock exchange in every metropolitan city, where business worth crores of rupees takes place every day. 

Radio Imaging Technology
Rising job prospects
A Diploma in Radio Imaging Technology is the best way to secure one’s future in the health sector 

Radiography or Medical Imaging Technology has seen unparalleled growth in the past three decades due to the introduction of cross-sectional imaging. With the rapid developments in diagnostic science and flourishing of health sector, need for radio imaging experts has increased manifold in the past few years. Radio imaging is not just restricted to X-ray, in the recent era radio imagining technicians also operate CT scans and MRI machines and they help in the treatment and care of patients suffering from chronic diseases like cancer and tumour with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, besides diagnosing  the diseases.

Roadmap for success
Aspirations that have ruled the choice of college and courses made by the youngsters reveal not only a paradigm shift, but also a sure-footedness and planned approach towards life and career
Gauri Chhabra

With the new batch of freshers entering colleges, the air in these institutions is rife not with just the youthful energy, but it is also suffused with career consciousness and aspirations and dreams that are on a sound foundation of a planned approach. The selection of a course made after Class XII has a far-reaching impact on one’s future in terms of lifestyle, status, income, security and job satisfaction.

courses in tool and die tech
Right tools
Balwinder Singh

Tool and die technology is a specialised branch of mechanical engineering and deals with design of dies, tools, jigs and fixtures. Engineering industries cannot function without proper press tools, moulds, fixtures, casting dies, gauges etc. Training is provided to the students in the production of such tools of industrial use.

study abroad: canada
Policy changes open new vistas for students
Neelu Kang Dhaliwal

For years Canada has been among the strongest leading Western contenders in the calculations of many prospective Indian student applicants wishing to pursue a more secure working life through credentials upgrades, skills training as well as resulting career opportunities. 

Course cruising

  • Drama course
  • Law courses
  • MBA in International Business
  • NLU courses

Career Hotline
Pervin Malhotra email your queries to

Scholarship roundup

  • HRD Fellowships
  • Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowships

smart strategy: be on top of your career
Take charge to stay in lead
The onus of career mastery is completely on you — the world does not owe you better opportunities
Jappreet Sethi

You have worked hard at mastering yourself — your habits, your outlook on life, your relationships and your finances. Now is the time to master the course of your career, as well. You achieve career mastery when you can integrate your personal development and growth into your professional growth and development.

How freedom works for bosses
Freedom is a word that has different meanings for different people. Freedom gives free mind space to people to do things without any interference from others; be it personal life or at workplace. Freedom enables people to think, create and innovate in a better way. It allows us to do the things that we want to do, go the places we want to go, believe in what we want to believe, and make our own choices.

cubicle trends
Stress at work may up your risk of diabetes
Employees who are under a high level of pressure at work face about 45 per cent higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who are subjected to less stress at their workplace, scientists warn.
Scientists from the Institute of Epidemiology II (EPI II) at the Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen (HMGU) in Germany collaborated with the University Hospital of Giessen and Marburg for the study.


Happiness @ work
Gems of ancient wisdom

Need for speed

In a world where the early bird gets the worm, speed is a much-needed asset to remain ahead of the competition.
In the 15th century, Qutb-ud-din, Sultan of Gujarat, was making plans to capture Kumbhalgarh from Rana Kumbha

Fortnightly quiz 470



Stocks & Shares
Give your career abullrun
Usha Albuquerque

Activities in the stock market today are wide and varied. On any given day, share prices climb up and down dramatically — sometimes several times a day — and this is what stock brokers handle, and monitor. Until a couple of decades ago, Mumbai was India’s only stock exchange and only a few industries were listed in the share market. Today, there is a stock exchange in every metropolitan city, where business worth crores of rupees takes place every day. Moreover, the National Stock Exchange (NSE) today provides nation-wide trading facilities with access to investors all over the country.

Stock brokers and capital market specialists are qualified industry specialists who buy and sell stocks, bonds, and other sorts of investments on behalf of their clients. With the upturn in the economy the focus of professional interest in this area of work has widened to include capital markets and investment and financial planning. Therefore, the industry provides work not only to stock traders but also to economists, accountants, financial analysts, industry specialists, capital market specialists, investment and financial planners, financial specialists and other such professionals. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the authorised body that regulates the operations of stock exchanges, banks and other financial institutions.

Getting In

In order to enter this field it is important to understand the working of the stock exchange and money markets thoroughly. Although a bachelor’s degree in commerce or economics might just do the trick at the entry level, it is always advisable to get training in specific financial interest areas. Most firms also prefer to take on MBAs with a specialisation in Finance, or postgraduates with specialised training in capital markets, financial planning, treasury management, stocks and securities or other courses in financial management.

Postgraduate programmes in Capital Market Studies, and in Stocks and Securities are available in select universities and institutes in the country.

* The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE) has evolved a testing and certification mechanism known as the National Stock Exchange’s Certification in Financial Markets (NCFM) which is online and fully automated. It offers all certifications mandated by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), IRDA, National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL), AMFI, Fixed Income Money Markets and Derivatives Association (FIMMDA) and the NSE itself. Practical knowledge and skills are tested in nine securities market related modules. These tests ensure that a person dealing with financial products has a minimum knowledge of them, the markets and regulations.

* The Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) has started the AMFI Mutual Fund Certification ( / testingprogram.html).

The AMFI Mutual Fund (Basic) Module is a general test and the second module is the AMFI Mutual Fund (Advisors) Module which all fund distributors or intermediaries and Mutual Fund employees engaged in selling and marketing of mutual fund schemes will be required to take.

* BSE Training Institute (BTI), The Stock Exchange, Mumbai offers certification tests and training programmes.

Skill set

Apart from all the academic and financial requirements, to be in the capital markets business, you must have a feel for the market, knowledge, interest, a knack for learning about stocks and shares, and an analytical, logical mind. Every investment involves risk, and stockbrokers must often act quickly, since day-to-day and even hour-to-hour stock market fluctuations could mean the gain or loss of substantial amounts of money. You must be good with figures and good at keeping a cool head when working with enormous sums of money.

Researchers and analysts should have a good memory coupled with strong quantitative skills. Fixed income trading positions and derivatives traders require strong analytical skills.

You must also have the power of good judgment; bewell-informed about various investment products, tact in dealing with clients and plenty of business acumen.

Job prospects

If you are good at your work, there are plenty of jobs waiting for you. You may choose to work in the Stock exchanges; or at the SEBI; with financial institutions; with investment banks; or you can also open your own financial consulting agency.

You can also become a stock broker yourself. To do this you need to have a minimum of two years’ work experience at a stock brokering firm or in a field related to securities or financial services. You must register as a stock broker with SEBI, who will evaluate your application to see if you are eligible to become a stock broker before issuing you a registration certificate.

Besides registering with the SEBI, stock brokers must become members of one or more stock exchanges such as the NSE and the BSE. Most major exchanges require stock brokers to pay a security deposit and a membership fee, which usually involve a considerable expense.

Until a few years back, the number of people who opted for a career in the stock market was very limited. But now, as the volume of business transactions handled by the stock exchanges throughout the country has increased, there is a huge demand for more professionals.

Salary structure

Starting salaries are also good for those employed in the stock market. Some companies also offer profit sharing or stock options.

Stock broking is truly a profession of the new millennium. With more and more money being traded by the second, there is now a great demand for trained professionals. Also, with financial planners, investment specialists and even banks setting up their own full-service brokerage departments, job opportunities have only multiplied.

So, if you enjoy working with money (who doesn’t?) but can also “smell a good investment”, as it is said, then this is the career for you.

Major work areas to explore


A stock broker is a registered professional who buys and sells stocks or shares in the secondary market on behalf of his clients or investors. A stock broker is the only authorised professional to perform these transactions. Brokers should have excellent judgment and foresight to offer right advice to clients based on their financial needs and their ability to bear risk. In return for their services, brokers are paid a commission called brokerage that is based on each transaction or the total trade value.

Capital market specialists.....

The stock exchange, stock market and mutual funds comprise Capital Markets, and specialists are employed by mutual funds and financial investment companies to keep track of the emerging trends in the markets and work on capital decisions in the light of these trends.

Securities Analysts.....

They are employed by investment advisers, brokerage firms, banks, insurance companies and other large financial institutions to give correct information on industries and markets. A Securities Analyst is usually an economics/commerce graduate.

Equity Research.....

This is a very specialised finance field, requiring either an MBA in finance or a Chartered Accountancy qualification. To become a researcher, it is necessary to have a sound knowledge of finance and to be informed on every industry and keep abreast with the ups and downs of the market.

Investment Management.....

This involves dealing with analysis of the growth of an industry, the economic policies related to industrial financing, monitoring and review for sound financial management of resources.

Other avenues.....

In a mutual fund company, the functional areas include sales and marketing, fund accounting, investment and research, operations and administration. You can be an advisor or a financial planner. A fund manager must possess knowledge of various asset classes to take decisions on buying and selling with strong portfolio management skills. Graduates with AMFI Certification (an exam conducted by the Association of Mutual Funds in India) can work as business development managers, relationship managers and advisors for the marketing and distribution of mutual fund schemes.

* Due to advances in telecommunications and computer technology, the securities and commodities industry has become highly automated. Consequently, computer scientists, computer engineers and systems analysts also find employment in the industry today.

* The compliance areas in mutual funds and brokering firms also recruit candidates possessing law degree or a company secretarial degree. The job is also open to NCFM-certificated candidates, the examination of which is conducted by National Stock Exchange (NSE).

* Various stock exchanges such as Bombay Stock Exchange, National Commodities and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX), NSE, other commodity exchanges and market entities such as NSDL, SEBI and power trading exchanges also have job openings at various levels.

* There are also jobs for marketing and sales representatives of security and investment firms specialising in specific areas such as handling institutional accounts or even in bond issues or mutual funds. 

Institute watch

* The Mumbai Stock Exchange Trading Institute, Bombay Stock Exchange, Mumbai offers over 40 courses with about 200 programmes

* NSE, in collaboration with reputed colleges and institutes in India, offers a short-term course called NSE Certified Capital Market Professional (NCCMP) in the campuses of the respective colleges/ institutes.

* Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai (

* ICFAI University, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad (

* The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, offers a PG Membership Course in Capital Market & Financial Services.

* Pune University, Pune (PG Diploma in Capital Market Studies)

* Indian Institute of Capital markets ( formerly UTI Institute of capital Market) 

— The writer is Director Careers Smart Pvt Ltd., New Delhi



Radio Imaging Technology
Rising job prospects
A Diploma in Radio Imaging Technology is the best way to secure 
one’s future in the health sector 

Radiography or Medical Imaging Technology has seen unparalleled growth in the past three decades due to the introduction of cross-sectional imaging. With the rapid developments in diagnostic science and flourishing of health sector, need for radio imaging experts has increased manifold in the past few years. Radio imaging is not just restricted to X-ray, in the recent era radio imagining technicians also operate CT scans and MRI machines and they help in the treatment and care of patients suffering from chronic diseases like cancer and tumour with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, besides diagnosing the diseases.


A diploma holder in Radio Imaging Technology can find a host of job opportunities in the domestic as well as international health market. It is a vast field where one can work as a radiographer, radiology technologist, scientific lab assistant, clinic assistant, X-ray technician, ultrasound expert or even as a successful entrepreneur.

In comparison to various undergraduate courses like BA, BSc or BCom, a diploma in radio imagining technology is more job oriented and there’s a huge shortage of professionals in medical imaging technology. Doctors are totally dependent on imaging specialists as without the right diagnosis they cannot start treatment. From fluoroscopy to angiography and MRI to PET technologies these professionals help the doctors in all types of diagnostic testing.

Getting in

Usually, institutes offer one-year diploma in Radio Imagining Technology which consists two semester. Those looking for admission to this course must have cleared Plus II in any stream from a recognised board. However, students who have biology in PlusII have an edge and have more chances of selection to this course. The one year diploma is suitable for boys as well as girls.

These diploma courses are practical in nature with a balanced proportion of theory and practical. A diploma in radio imaging technology is widely accepted in hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centre. The curriculum of one-year diploma course in radio-imaging technology inform and update the students in subjects like anatomy, physiology, radiation physics, imaging physics and radiographic positioning.

Career course

A diploma holdercan start a career with a bang. They can earn decent remuneration in government-owned hospitals and their demand is awesome in private hospitals where they can make good money.

Apart from a diploma in radio imaging technology from a reputed institute, there are certain skills which are helpful to students in getting a job in their specialised filed. The key attributes that will enhance your job prospects are — computer skills, positive attitude, dedication, self-initiation, good communication skills, empathetic attitude and team spirit.

Work scape

Young radio imaging technicians usually work in shifts where they can keep a balance between their professional and personal life. The decent and cool ergonomics in labs, hospitals and diagnostic centres motivates the employee to contribute their best and earn rewards for their work.

Not only in India, these paramedics can also explore foreign destinations to make big bucks. From Asia to America and Europe to Africa, these diploma holders are always in great demand.

— Inputs by Aruna Singh, Principal of Delhi Paramedical & Management Institute



Roadmap for success
Aspirations that have ruled the choice of college and courses made by the youngsters reveal not only a paradigm shift, but also a sure-footedness and planned approach towards life and career
Gauri Chhabra

With the new batch of freshers entering colleges, the air in these institutions is rife not with just the youthful energy, but it is also suffused with career consciousness and aspirations and dreams that are on a sound foundation of a planned approach. The selection of a course made after Class XII has a far-reaching impact on one’s future in terms of lifestyle, status, income, security and job satisfaction. Although personal philosophy, achievement, and self-image are important factors in this decision, the external environment is very influential in characterising careers and shaping aspirations.

Over the past few years, external, sociological and public policy factors, in terms of gender equality, equal opportunity and the business market have changed significantly. As a result the canvas of education has become more inclusive and dynamic with more females and minorities in the workplace, and their increasing access to top management and professional positions. The entire landscape has been swept over by a fresh wave of challenges and opportunities and they have collectively coloured and changed the mindset of the youth as far as career choices, decisions and aspirations are concerned.

A peep into the minds of the young brigade entering colleges reveals that a diverse magnitude of factors determines the career aspirations and choices of the youngsters now. A few of these are:

Breaking the glass ceiling and treading the off beat path

Well, this applies most of the students nowadays. They wish to break the stereotype, and step into uncharted territories. They wish to follow their heart's calling and go in for career options like fashion, photography and technology which were earlier not their domain. The change in mindset stems from the intrinsic benefit of following your dreams and the satisfaction that comes from a job well done. There is a need to be the "groundbreaker," where you will help overcome gender stereotypes and open the door to others. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing you have made a long-lasting impact on society in addition to doing what you enjoy.

A wholesome blend of knowledge, skills and expertise

Today, the purpose of education is to bring about a wholesome blend of knowledge, skills and expertise. Students look for career options and instructional environments that are competency-based and are enhanced by transparent data and abundant content resources flowing from redesigned instructional models. They also look to hands-on training for honing skills so that there is no gap between the academia and the industry once they step out in the job market.

Vaibhav Dhingra, a student of mechanical engineering at PEC says, “My career aspiration is to reach the supreme level of expertise in the field of automobile technology and management and earn a prominent position in an automobile company. I expect my college to focus on practical and skill-oriented knowledge of machines and field work and simultaneously cultivate attributes of overall personality”.

Go for deeper learning

Today, career aspirations have undergone a paradigm shift from being focused on rote learning to a learning that goes deeper and is transferable. The focus has shifted tectonically from memory to application, evaluation and problem solving. The students and the educational backdrop go in for deeper learning that extends beyond text books. It stimulates a process through which an individual becomes capable of taking what was learnt in one situation and applying it to new situations through deeper learning stimulating shared learning and interactions with others.

Aashima Verma, a student of BCom (H) MCM DAV, Chandigarh, who has set his eyes on IAS, says, “I want to learn beyond the books at my college and engage myself in something innovative and challenging. 

I would like to go in for transferable knowledge, including content knowledge in a domain and knowledge of how, why, and when to apply this knowledge to answer questions and solve problems.”


Bhavika Gaba, a student of BBA at SD College, Chandigarh, is also on a similar track. According to her, “My career path is all business. If you trust yourself and have faith in your dreams then your will to do it will remain unshaken. My aspirations from my life and college are to push me forward at every step. In all, business education and hard work will provide me with a sense of accomplishment.” 

Giving back to society

The youth of today base their career choices not only for money but also on the need to pay back to society — to fight for the cause of all those who lie on the fringes, those who do not have the means or the money to speak up for themselves. More and more students are opting for careers like law firms, NGOs and politics for the purpose. The need is to make a difference to the lives of all those who’ve had a hyphenated existence so far.

Nishtha Das, a student of BBA LLB, says, “As a law student I aspire to work for a renowned law firm that would cater to my needs of learning the work culture and gaining experience. Various activities like workshops on communication skills, moot courts and guest lectures by experts in the field provided by my college motivate and inspire me. I want to represent the underpriveleged and underdogs who need support.”

Move with the state of economy

Today, youngsters carve their careers keeping in view the trends of economy. Information technology and IT enabled services have ruled the roost over the past decade and also project a major chunk of our country’s GDP in particular and the world economy as a whole. This has created a plethora of job opportunities in the IT sector.

It was this positive job scene that made many like Mayank Chhabra, a student of IP University Delhi, who is pursuing BTech Computer Science, choose a course that will be their ticket to the fast growing sector. He says, “I wanted to ride on the crest of the economy and wanted to be associated with a career that is dynamic, fluid and cuts across all sectors. My career aspiration is not to sit in a cubicle all day long and do hands-on coding with a heads down approach but to manage large teams both within the country and across the globe. I wish to couple my IT skills with a management degree so that I can climb the C suite in the due course of time.”

Thus, it is time for educationists, parents and corporate houses to absorb these tectonic shifts in the mindset of the students who look at the career as a means to an end, and each end leading to a new successive beginning, opening newer horizons and newer vistas of knowledge.



courses in tool and die tech
Right tools
Balwinder Singh

Tool and die technology is a specialised branch of mechanical engineering and deals with design of dies, tools, jigs and fixtures. Engineering industries cannot function without proper press tools, moulds, fixtures, casting dies, gauges etc. Training is provided to the students in the production of such tools of industrial use.

Tool Room engineers are among the highest paid engineers in the industry. With this tool and die expertise, the demand is maximum. One can get job in any heavy/light industry as tool room supervisors.

The course content includes Tool Design, Design of jigs and fixtures, Press Tools, Plastic Moulds, Die Casting Dies, Heat Treatment, Material technology, CAD/CAM, Fundamentals of CAD, CNC Programming & Machining (Lathe, Mill, EDM & WEDM), Master CAM, unigraphics, CATIA, Pro-E, ANSYS, Reverse Engineering, Rapid protyping, etc

Some of the institutes and courses in Tool & Die technology available in the region are as under. The institutes are under the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME).

MSME tool room, Ludhiana (Central Tool Room)

* It offers a two-year certificate course in the trade of Heat Treatment with specialisation in Tool & Die and cutting tools. This course is intended to train students to acquire skill/knowledge backed by theory in the field of heat treatment.

Eligibility: The eligibility for joining the course is Class X pass from a recognised board with English, maths and science. Selection is made on the basis of marks obtained in matriculation and interview.

Scope: All pass out trainees are well placed and few start their own heat treatment shop.

* The four-year Mechanical Engineering (Tool & Die) course.

Eligibility: The eligibility for the course is Class X pass with maths, science (physics, chemistry & biology) and English. The admission is done on the basis of Joint Entrance Test (JET) and Aptitude Test conducted by Punjab State Board of Technical Education & Industrial Training, Chandigarh.

MSME Tool Room, Central Institute of Hand Tools, Jalandhar offers a four-year diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Tool & Die).

Eligibility: The eligibility for the course is matriculation pass with maths, science (physics, chemistry & biology) and English. Admission is done on the basis of Joint Entrance Test (JET) and Aptitude Test conducted by Punjab State Board of Technical Education & Industrial Training, Chandigarh.

CIHT, Jalandhar also offers a three-year diploma in Computer Science & Engineering

It also offers short-term training courses for developing and upgrading the skills of human resources:

* CAD/CAM (6 months), CNC Programming & Machining (6 months), Advance Diploma in CAD/CAM (2 modules-1year), Computer Hardware & Networking (2 modules- 3 months), Managerial Skills Development (3 months), Auto CAD/ Cadian, Catia V.5R17,Chemical Analysis of Iron & Steel,CAD with pro E Engineers, CAD/CAM (Auto CAD),DTPElecrtical Gadget Repair, MS Office & Internet, C,C++, 00p

Eligibility: A degree/diploma in engineering/ITI. It also offers Industrial training/project work on embedded systems and its applications; programming on PLC, SCADA and its applications; CNC-programming and Machining; CAD/CAM

Indo-Swiss Training Centre, Central Scientific Instruments Organisation, Chandigarh

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi, Sector 30, Chandigarh offers the following three courses:

* Three-year Diploma in Instrument Technology

* Four-year Advanced Diploma in Die and Mould Making

* Four-year Advanced Diploma in Mechatronics and Industrial Automation

Selection for the courses 2 and 3 is decided after two years of common training in Instrument Technology. All these courses are approved by AICTE. The pass -outs are normally absorbed by industry.

Eligibility: Class X pass or equivalent 10 years of recognised study (or any other recognised higher examination) with maths and science as compulsory subjects and minimum 55 per cent marks in aggregate.

Age should not be more than 19 years.

Admission is based on entrance test held by the institute.

Delhi Institute of Tool Engineering, Delhi offers the following course:

* BTech in Tool Engineering of four-year duration approved by AICTE and affiliated to GGSIPU.

Eligibility: Class XII pass with a minimum aggregate of 55 per cent marks in physics, chemistry and mathematics provided the candidate has passed in each subject separately. Admission is based on merit in entrance test conducted by GGSIPU.

* Post Graduate Course in Tool Design & Manufacture of two-year duration recognised by MHRD equivalent to MTech. (Production).

Eligibility: Bachelor's degree in Mechanical or Production Engg. Or equivalent with 60 per cent marks in aggregate.

Age should not be more than 27 years.

Selection is based on entrance test.

The writer is Lecturer in Physics, Govt. Polytechnic College, Guru Teg Bahadurgarh, Distt. Moga 



study abroad: canada
Policy changes open new vistas for students
Neelu Kang Dhaliwal

For years Canada has been among the strongest leading Western contenders in the calculations of many prospective Indian student applicants wishing to pursue a more secure working life through credentials upgrades, skills training as well as resulting career opportunities. The situation today has additional appeal because of new, systemic changes which favour international students being more easily able to earn money to support their educational expenses while they study. The new immigration reforms affecting international students are expected to help increase the intake numbers netted by Canada well past the 3,00,000 annually recently (11 per cent of whom were from India), and to boost the economic throughputs much higher than the almost 85,000 jobs and $8 billion from tuition and living expenses recorded in 2012. The stature and programmes of its highly-rated universities and colleges, as well as the underlying appeal of its diverse and tolerant culture, have been attracting the enrolment of increasing numbers from India.

The changes in Canada’s immigration policy pertaining to international student visa status are of no small consequence to many Indian nationals, and therefore a special note should be taken of these.

One particularly attractive feature now permits anyone entering Canada as a student to work for a maximum 20 hours per week immediately upon arrival in the country. This contrasts sharply with the more stringent scholastic and residency requirements, which previously had to be met before students were entitled to find employment. Thus, foreign students not only can earn income immediately. But now they also are able to gain valuable job experience virtually from the day they arrive to commence their advanced education in Canada.

Canada’s door truly has been opened much wider to the acceptance of applicants for international student visas, prerequisite to their admission to higher education programmes (including baccalaureate degrees, post-degrees, diplomas and certificates across a wide variety of disciplines and vocations ) available at both public and private institutions on a list of hundreds of designated, approved schools.

Those immigration rules changes imposed by the Government of Canada — effective from June 1, 2014 — are especially welcome to many Indian parents because Canadian post-secondary institutions open up long-term career development prospects that can improve the future of their offspring.

— The writer is Founder of Vancouver-based TransNational Canada Counsel Inc.



Course cruising

Drama course

The Department of English and Drama at UK’s Loughborough University offers a BA (Hons) programme in Drama and is inviting applications for the same.

The course: The course allows the students to tailor their studies as per their interests. The modules are taught in a vast range of subject areas, including technical theatre, performance work, directing and stage management, scriptwriting, drama theory, and much more. The BA (Hons) Drama degree course is a three year full time programme but the students may extend it to four years by either taking up the option of an industrial training placement or foreign university placement.

Eligibility: Candidates who wish to apply for the course should have 75-80 per cent in their Year 12 qualification (CBSE/ICSE) with 75-80 per cent in English or 34 points from the International Baccalaureate with 5 in HL English.

The IELTS requirement is 6.5.

Fee: £13,750 per year.

Timeline: The programme commences in September 2014.

Deadline: August 31, 2014 through UCAS

Check out:

Law courses

APG Shimla University, Shimla, an integrated campus approved by AICTE, invites applications for admission to law courses (three-year LLB and two-year LLM) for the current academic session

Eligibility: Candidates should have cleared Class XII in any stream with a minimum 50 per cent overall aggregate. Those applying for LLM course should have a bachelor's degree with at least 50 per cent marks.

How to apply: Admission can be obtained by filing application form of APG Shimla University by paying a nominal fee of Rs 1100 can be submitted in cash or DD in favour of " APG Shimla university", payable at Himachal Pradesh. The application form can also be downloaded from

Deadline: August 30, 2014.

Check out:

MBA in International Business

The Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi, is inviting applications for admission to MBA (International Business) for the Academic Year 2015-17.

Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognised university. Candidates appearing in the final year examination of Graduation can also apply subject to submission of proof of requisite qualification by October 7, 2015.

No age limit.

Selection criteria: Selection will be on the basis of Written Test, Group Discussion, Essay Writing and Interview. Written Test will be held on November 23, 2014 at various centers across country. Based on the marks of the written test, a limited number of candidates will be invited for second phase of selection process comprising GD, Essay Writing and Interview to be held at Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow and Mumbai.

How to apply: The Prospectus and Application Form may be obtained on all working days (Monday to Friday) between 10 a.m - 4.30 p.m. on payment of ~1200 in cash personally from Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, B-21,Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi- 110016.

For online applications visit

A valid Credit/Debit card for those wanting to pay online.

Demand Draft of requisite amount if you are paying by Demand Draft.

Deadline: September 3, 2014.

Check out:

NLU courses

National Law University, Delhi has invited applications for admission to the following Certificate/Diploma Programmes (distance and online) for the Academic Session 2014-15:

* P.G. Diploma in Environmental Law and Policy (PGDELP) [Offered in collaboration with WWF India]

* P.G. Diploma in Urban Environmental Management and Law (PGDUEML) (Offered in collaboration with WWF India)

* P.G. Diploma in Tourism and Environmental Law (PGDTEL) (Offered in collaboration with WWF India)

Eligibility: Graduate in any discipline from a recognised university.

How to apply: Candidates can apply online or download application form from websites visit &

Deadline: August 25, 2014.

Check out:



Career Hotline
Pervin Malhotra email your queries to

I want to join Golden Gate Engineering Inc.

Q.I am a student of engineering and my branch is electrical engineering. After completing my course I want to join Golden Gate Engineering Inc. San Francisco Bay Area for job. Please help me to be there with your advice and suggestions.

— Pranav Chaudhry

A. Golden Gate Engineering, Inc. is a California based company in the San Francisco Bay Area that provides professional and high quality design services in Electrical and Fire Protection engineering to industrial and commercial companies, architects, and federal, state and local government agencies.

There are currently no job openings at Golden Gate Engineering, Inc. Any job openings would be posted on the “Careers” page on their website: Please check back in future to learn about career opportunities at Golden Gate 

Also do bear in mind that in order to work at Golden Gate or any other US company for that matter, you need to apply for the H-1B non-immigrant visa which allows American companies to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations.

Incidentally, the H-1B visa fee has soared incrementally. For full details, please check:

What is the eligibility for CA

Q.I am studying in Class XI (commerce). I am interested in doing CA. Please tell me about the institute for CA exam and the eligibility for this course?

— Urmila Tirath

A. It’s mandatory to start with the CPT which is akin to an entrance exam for the CA course. Even Class X students can enrol for CPT but can take the exam only after completing Class XII. You must complete at least 30 days after you’ve registered with the Board of Studies before you can appear for the CPT.

CPT is a single-paper, objective-type multiple-choice test carrying 200 marks. It will test your knowledge of the following four subjects: fundamentals of accounting, mercantile laws, general economics and quantitative aptitude. As there is no individual minimum score for a subject, you should score an overall 50 per cent to clear the CPT.

After qualifying the CPT you can go straight for Articleship for 3½ years in keeping with international norms. After 18 months of practical training you must clear the Professional Competence Exam (that corresponds with the earlier PE II) and clear the Finals in the last six months of your Articleship.

This way, you can complete the entire course in four years, provided you clear all the exams.

The Board of Studies offers a study package, which is free of cost and includes question banks for practice. That’s not all — realising the difficulty encountered by students wishing to clear CA, there are accredited institutions for oral coaching. sics.

For details, log on to:

Scope of BSc statistics course

Q.I have got admission in BSc Statistics. Please tell me that what are the career opportunities in this field? — Divya Rathore

A. Shedding its image as a drab and monotonous subject statistics has grown as a discipline by leaps and bounds. Statisticians use highly sophisticated analysis techniques and apply them to most branches of knowledge. Moreover, statistical analysis which involves collecting and evaluating information and drawing conclusions is increasingly used by decision makers.

The information could be a test group’s preferred amount of sweetness in a chocolate, or the number of male and female teachers in primary schools in a state or the velocity of a burning gas on the sun’s surface.

The marriage of modern computer networks, database acquisition and statistics has truly revolutionised the user friendliness of this discipline.

Statisticians work in a variety of fields, including medicine, government, education, agriculture, business, and law.

They help determine sampling and data collection methods; monitor the study and processing of data, and advice on the strengths and limitations of the results. They must understand the nature of uncertainties and be able to draw conclusions in the context of particular statistical applications.

Surveys: Survey statisticians collect information from a carefully specified sample and extend the results to an entire population.

Government: Government statisticians conduct experiments to aid in the development of public policy and social programmes. Such experiments include:

Consumer prices, Fluctuations in the economy, Employment patterns, Population trends.

Statistical Investigators Grade III are recruited by the Staff Selection Commission ( through a competitive exam. Eligibility: Master’s degree in (statistics/maths/economics).

Scientific Research: Statistical sciences are used to enhance the validity of inferences in: Radiocarbon dating to estimate the risk of earthquakes; Clinical trials to investigate the effectiveness of new treatments; Field experiments to evaluate irrigation methods; Measurements of water quality or Psychological tests to study how we arrive at the everyday decisions in our lives.

Business & Industry: Statisticians quantify unknowns in order to optimise resources. They predict the demand for products and services; check the quality of items manufactured in a facility; manage investment portfolios; and forecast how much risk activities entail, and calculate fair and competitive insurance rates.



Scholarship roundup

HRD Fellowships

Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health Research has launched a scheme to provide advanced training to medical and health research personnel in India and abroad in cutting edge research areas concerning medicine and health to create trained human resource for carrying out research activities with main goal of improving patient management and public health in the country. This scheme has following components:

* Short Term Fellowships for 1-3 months (In India and Abroad, Age: upto 55 years)

* Long Term Fellowships for 6-12 months (In India and Abroad, Age: upto 45 years)

* Scholarships /fellowships to young scientists (medical /non-medical students) in newer areas.

Eligibility: Scientists/ health researches/professionals in regular employment in the universities, medical colleges, postgraduate institutions, recognised research and development laboratories and NGOs who fulfill the eligibility criteria and have a concept research proposals in the identified area to carryout research at present institute/organisation.

How to apply: Applications in prescribed format are available on

Thirty copies of the complete applications, duly approved and forwarded by the competent authority along with a copy in electronic mode are to be submitted to The Programme Officer HRD scheme of DHR, V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Indian Council of Medical Research, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi- 110029 (Ph 011-26589699).

Deadline: August 20, 2014.

Contact Address

ICMR DHR Coordinating Unit

Indian Council of Medical Research,

V Ramalingaswami Bhawan,

Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029

Check out:

Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowships

Applications are invited for Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowships (RGNF) scheme available for SC and ST students. The fellowships are funded by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and Ministry of Tribal Affairs. The scheme is open to candidates who wish to pursue higher studies such as regular and full-time M.Phil. and PhD degrees in science, humanities, social sciences and engineering & technology.

There are 2000 slots for Scheduled Caste and 667 slots for Scheduled Tribe candidates every year for all the subjects. Application deadline is 25th August 2014.

Eligibility: The candidate should belong to SC/ST and should have passed the PG examination. The selection will be made on the basis of merit of the candidates. The candidate must get himself/herself registered for M.Phil./PhD at the first available opportunity but not later than within a period of two years from the receipt of award letter. This period is not extendable.

However, the actual payment of fellowship will be made with effect from the date of approval of fellowship or date of joining whichever is later.

Number of awards: There are 1333 slots for SC and 667 slots for ST candidates for all the subjects.

Duration: The tenure of fellowship is initially for two years . If the research work is found satisfactory, his/her tenure will be extended further for a period of three years under the enhanced emoluments of the Rajiv Gandhi National Senior Research Fellowship (RGNSRF).

Details: The candidates would be eligible for following financial assistance:

* Fellowship in humanities, social sciences, sciences, and Engineering & Technology: Rs 16000 p.m. for initial two years and ~18000 p.m. for remaining tenure.

* Contingency A: @Rs 10000/-p.a. for initial two years and @Rs 20500/-p.a. for remaining tenure

* Contingency B: @Rs 12000 p.a. for initial two years and @Rs 25000/-p.a. for remaining tenure

* Departmental Assistance: @Rs 3000 p.a. per student to the host institution for providing infrastructure

* HRA: As per rules of the University/ Institutions.

* House rent allowance

How to apply: Online.

Deadline: August 25, 2014.

Check out:



smart strategy: be on top of your career
Take charge to stay in lead
The onus of career mastery is completely on you — the world does not owe you better opportunities
Jappreet Sethi

You have worked hard at mastering yourself — your habits, your outlook on life, your relationships and your finances. Now is the time to master the course of your career, as well. You achieve career mastery when you can integrate your personal development and growth into your professional growth and development.

There are different elements for being on top of your career.

Becoming Proactive

The most important aspect of career mastery is going after what you want. This means identifying your goal and taking the necessary action towards it. It will not be easy, which is why you have avoided taking these steps in the past. Getting proactive about your career also means that you will regularly have to overcome barriers and limitations. You do not have to overcome everything at once; all that is required it consistent action


Obviously, you will need to interact with other people and build your treasury of valuable contacts. If you have not been very successful at this so far, you may have overlooked one very important aspect of connecting with others. You need to understand that to effectively connect with other people, you need to connect with yourself first. In other words, you have to gain a thorough understanding of who and what you are. Once you have this understanding, networking with the right people becomes effortless.

Becoming Informed

Have you put all your time and effort into staying informed about issues related to your current profession — to the exclusion of everything else? This is a mistake, because it closes you off from other career options. Career mastery may involve changing the current story line altogether. Inform yourself about other professions that may interest you, as well.

Knowing your true potential

It is important to know your potential and your strengths and weaknesses. This will allow you to focus on what is feasible and workable in your professional life, and save you the wasted time and effort of quixotic endeavors.

These principles hold true whether you are working for an organisation or are self-employed. The idea is to take charge of your career, no matter how and where you are placed right now.

Remember that the onus of career mastery is completely on you — the world does not owe you better opportunities. Other people will not promote you in your professional life — only you can do that. Throughout your professional life, you will have to accept total responsibility for right and wrong career decisions.

Here is a fundamental standard to guide you in whatever you do from now on — you will only succeed at something if you love doing it. Successful people do not create and build their careers or businesses for economic reasons alone. They succeed because they love their company, their jobs or their business. Probably the biggest challenge here lies in knowing what you really love to do. It is difficult to find and attain your true potential when you choose to act solely on the basis of logic and common sense.

Peter Senge, the American scientist and director of the Center for Organisational Learning at the MIT Sloan School of Management, has correctly pointed out that adults have little sense of real vision. Most of us have goals and objectives in our lives, but having a vision and following up on that vision is a very different ballgame.

Career mastery begins with self-mastery. Self-mastery, in turn, begins with uncompromising self-examination, facing up to the immutable truths of one’s abilities and potential, and following through with determined, concerted action.

— The writer is a HR & Strategy consultant and has 



How freedom works for bosses

Freedom is a word that has different meanings for different people. Freedom gives free mind space to people to do things without any interference from others; be it personal life or at workplace. Freedom enables people to think, create and innovate in a better way. It allows us to do the things that we want to do, go the places we want to go, believe in what we want to believe, and make our own choices.

In the work space it is the belief of the manager or the boss in the concept of freedom that can make or mar an organisation. The concept of freedom provides an opportunity to leaders to experiment with their ideas and equips them to take risks. It helps leaders to influence and motivate team members by providing purpose, direction and motivation while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organisation. Freedom is an important element in developing leaders. Success comes more easily when the leaders have the freedom to take decisions and inspires others to go out of the way to perform.

Here’s what freedom means to top honchos from different organisations and how they use it in performing their leadership roles in a highly competitive business environment.

— With inputs of Geetu Vaid and Arupjyoti Gogoi

“The word ‘Freedom’ itself means different things to each one of us. It’s never an easy walk to freedom anywhere. From time immemorial, leaders from all walks of life have struggled to establish freedom in the right sense to their people.

Personal take

I believe that empowering people and helping them actualise freedom in their everyday life and actions is the most crucial element in our democracy. How we advocate it is the big question and the challenge we face today, in the industry as well as in our daily lives.

I think, freedom to see the wonder and awe in everyday experiences, to be curious, freedom to be courageous and be able to stretch out of comfort zones and grow, freedom from fear of success, freedom to try new things and fail and choose are a few important aspects.

In work space

At Virtusa, we do not stress on enforcing perspectives through top-down approach. The bigger potential we see is in creating conversations where our people are given a platform to think on their own, and find their answers. This natural flow of thought is important to a collaborative culture, and is an expression of true freedom in an organisational sense. I believe in having sufficient independence in our minds and hearts to be able to accomplish what we intend to do without being inhibited.

— Samir Dhir, Executive Vice President, Chief Delivery Officer & Head, India Operations, Virtusa

Personal take

I believe that freedom comes from being clear about who you are and what your role is towards the organisation and further to wards society. .

In work space

Freedom at work means establishing personal boundaries. I feel that knowing how far you’re willing to go will take a lot of stress out of each situation. Having clearly established values, ethics and boundaries help one feel more in control of decisions and makes it easier to let go of minor frustrations. It’'s liberating to know who you are and to live by that code.

In the hospitality industry where creativity is the most needed, I feel that freedom at work also means to be able to experiment and explore.

Deepak Manocha, General Manager, JW Marriott, Chandigarh 

Freedom that’s channelised the right way can create significant impact in driving individual and organisational success.

Personal take

Personal freedom is a vital aspect of an individual’s life. To me personal freedom means the state of being at liberty rather than in confinement or under any restraint; exemption from external control and interference, the power to exercise choice and make decisions without constraint from within or without; autonomy; self-determination.

In work space

Nothing makes one happier than the sense of freedom. When this sense pervades a workplace, you have a bunch of happier colleagues around. In workspace it means freedom to flex work hours to accommodate family life while still meeting organisational goals; freedom to air new ideas and differing viewpoints with the management; freedom to do things differently, freedom to have a healthy work-life balance.

— Arvind Bali, CEO and Director, Videocon Tele Communications

Personal take

Everyone defines freedom in a certain way. For me, freedom is the liberty to sow what one wishes to reap and sowing without apprehension of the future. Even after 67 years of independence, not many are entitled to observe freedom in the true sense. Be it the choice of the field education by a student, the choice of career by a woman or the independence of movement by an individual, all are governed by some hegemonic authority.

In work space

I always believe in following the revolutionary path and I maintain that young minds must be given the independence to follow their own innovative and imaginative trail. When I say this, it does not mean that freedom comes unimpeded. It is a feeling of self-ownership that springs only from the independence to self-govern.”

— Umang Bedi, Managing Director, South Asia.ADOBE India



cubicle trends
Stress at work may up your risk of diabetes

Employees who are under a high level of pressure at work face about 45 per cent higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who are subjected to less stress at their workplace, scientists warn.

Scientists from the Institute of Epidemiology II (EPI II) at the Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen (HMGU) in Germany collaborated with the University Hospital of Giessen and Marburg for the study.

The researchers examined data prospectively collected from more than 5,300 employed individuals aged between 29 and 66 who took part in the population-based MONICA/KORA cohort study.

At the beginning of the study, none of the participants had diabetes, while in the post-observation period, which covered an average of 13 years, almost 300 of them were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

The increase in risk in work-related stress was identified independently of classic risk factors such as obesity, age or gender.

“According to our data, roughly one in five people in employment is affected by high levels of mental stress at work,” said researcher Professor Karl-Heinz Ladwig, who led the study.

“By that, scientists do not mean ‘normal job stress’ but rather the situation in which the individuals concerned rate the demands made upon them as very high, and at the same time they have little scope for manoeuvre or for decision making.

“In view of the huge health implications of stress-related disorders, preventive measures to prevent common diseases such as diabetes should therefore also begin at this point,” he added. — PTI 




Student travel card

ICICI Bank, the country’s largest private sector bank, has launched ‘ICICI Bank Student Travel Card’, which will enable students going abroad for higher studies to take care of their expenses. The card offers a convenient, safe and hassle-free way to both students and their parents to manage education-related expenses abroad. While it helps the students to pay for expenses such as application fee, university admission fee, other course related fee, hostel fee and day-to-day living expenses, their parents can reload the card from India. Also, the card allows the students to withdraw money from ATMs across the world in local currency.

Additionally, all the card users get the benefits of free comprehensive travel insurance, lost card liability insurance and a replacement card which can be activated easily by calling the international toll free numbers at 16 major locations in the event of loss/damage of the primary card.

The unique feature of the card is that it is bundled with membership of the International Student Identity Card (ISIC). ISIC is the only internationally accepted proof of full-time student status and offers over 40,000 benefits and discounts at over 120,000 merchant outlets across 130 countries.

ICICI Bank Student Travel Card is available in five currencies: USD, EURO, GBP, AUD and CAD. It has a validity of three years and can be applied from any foreign exchange-enabled ICICI Bank branch. Anyone, including non-customers of the Bank, can apply for this card.

Students can visit for more information.

ACCA signs MoU with Jain varsity

ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), the global body for professional accountants, recently announced its partnership with Bangalore-based Jain University to offer its globally acknowledged accountancy courses. With this tie-up, the students of the institute will get an opportunity to earn a degree and ACCA’s professional accountancy qualification by the time they graduate.

ACCA has signed an MoU with the institute to roll out its courses. Students at Jain University will be able to complete the ACCA Qualification exams, which are based on International Financial Reporting Standards, along with their regular degree course. India’s accounting standards will converge with IFRS in the next two years. The course offered by ACCA for Accountancy exams will be equivalent to a UK’s master’s degree.

Jain University is a leader in learning, research and development. The university currently offers over 180 innovative programmes at the undergraduate, postgraduate and research levels.



Happiness @ work
Gems of ancient wisdom
Need for speed

In a world where the early bird gets the worm, speed is a much-needed asset to remain ahead of the competition.

In the 15th century, Qutb-ud-din, Sultan of Gujarat, was making plans to capture Kumbhalgarh from Rana Kumbha. The Sultan’s Commander-in-Chief Imad-ul-Mulk reported that Kumbha was away — camping at Fort Abu. Telling Imad-ul-Mulk to lay siege to Abu and keep Kumbha busy there, the Sultan with his forces reached the foot of the hill on which Kumbhalgarh stood.

Before he could begin his ascent, Imad-ul-Mulk and his men — battered by Kumbha's forces — joined the Sultan. Thinking that Kumbha would be busy celebrating his win over Imad-ul-Mulk at Abu, the Sultan made his way up the hill. To his disbelief, Rana Kumbha emerged from the fort with his forces and massacred the Sultan’s forces. Kumbha had reached Kumbhalgarh — with lightning speed — by another route.

Qutb-ud-din then joined hands with the Sultan of Mandu Mahmud Khilji. While the Gujarat forces were advancing towards Kumbhalgarh, the Mandu army had Chittor in sight. Kumbha’s men intercepted the Gujarat army at Mandalgarh, but had to suffer heavy losses on Day 1. After a rousing speech from Kumbha that night, the Rana’s forces tasted victory the next day.

At Chittor, before Khilji’s forces could put their siege plans into action, Kumbha arrived to repel the invaders. The surprise attack demoralised Khilji who ordered his forces to retreat.

Three wise men from the east arrived in Jerusalem and went to the court of Herod, the Roman King of Palestine. They told him about the birth of Jesus, the King of Jews. Threatened by the competition and wanting to kill him, Herod told the wise men to locate the boy and then, report to him.

After the trio met little Jesus at Bethlehem, an angel appeared and told them to leave by another route and not to retrace their steps to King Herod. The angel also told Joseph and Mary to flee to Egypt. The time that it took Herod to react gave Joseph and Mary enough time to reach Egypt safely with Jesus.

In the eighth century, Indra, ruler of Ellichpur principality of the Chalukyan Empire, was invited to the ‘swayamvar’ (selection of groom) function of Bhavanaga, Chalukyan King Pulakeshi’s daughter. As the princess was expected to choose a groom from a principality larger than Ellichpur, Indra had to think fast. To increase the political influence of the Rashtrakootas through matrimony, Indra abducted the bride, reached Ellichpur and married her. After the initial bitterness, the ties between the Chalukyas and the Rashtrakootas became friendly by the time Indra and Bhavanaga’s first son Dantidurga was born.

Don’t slacken the pace and lose the race.

— Sai R. Vaidyanathan

The writer can be contacted at



Fortnightly quiz 470

Immortal characters

1. Name the deadly virus whose recent outbreak in West Africa has caused concern among many countries of the world.

2. Name the major opposing alliances in the World War I that took place 100 years ago.

3. Name the creator of famous cartoon characters Chacha Choudhary and Sabu who died recently.

4. Which is the largest dam in Iraq?

5. Where is India’s first concentrated solar power (CSP) plant situated?

6. Which political leader’s autobiography titled, ‘One life is not enough’, was released recently?

7. For what price were the gloves that boxing great Muhammad Ali wore in his legendary 1971 fight against Joe Frazier, known as the ‘Fight of the Century’, sold recently?

8. With which sports discipline is Vikas Gowda associated?

9. Who won the men’s singles badminton gold in the Commonwealth Games recently?

10. How many gold medals were won by India at the Glasgow Commonwealth Games? 
—Tarun Sharma

Winners of quiz 469: The first prize by draw of lots goes to Saurav Garg; Class X Rose; St Xavier High School, Rampura Phul; Pin Code — 151103

Second: Priyanshu Vij; Class XII; Holy Heart Public School, Nahan (Himachal Pradesh); Pin Code — 173001

Third: Himashu Garg; Class X-A; Balaji Public School, Bhattu Mandi; Fatehabad; Pin Code — 125053

Answers to quiz 469: 28; English literature; Haryana Sikh Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committee; Shri Shakti Express; Five (three Rajdhanis and two Shatabdis); Wagah Border; Brain; Costa Concordia; Scotland; 7/74

Cash awards of Rs 400, 300 and 200 are given to the first, second and third prize winners, respectively. These are sent at the school address.

Note: Kindly mention the pincode of your place on the letter/postcard to facilitate the delivery of the prize money.

Answers can also be sent at
